Thursday, February 28, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Calcium In Vegetables

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Calcium in Vegetables

You may be surprised to learn that there is enough calcium in vegetables to supply all of your daily calcium requirements. The advertising industry has led us all to believe that cow’s milk is the best primary source of this vital element. Not only is this not a fact, but cow’s milk can be linked to a variety of health conditions that include allergies, lactose intolerance, autoimmune disorders, and, ironically, osteoporosis.

Why You Don’t Want Calcium from Cow’s Milk

Most cow’s milk that you buy in the grocery store has been pasteurized. Even some so-called organic milk brands are pasteurized, which in my opinion, defeats the entire purpose of an organic food product. The reason why pasteurization is such an undesirable practice is because it creates calcium carbonate within the milk. Calcium carbonate is basically the same thing as chalk, and without a chelating agent, cannot be absorbed directly by the body. Instead, the body must draw calcium from bones to assist in absorbing the material. When too much calcium is leached out of bones, it can contribute to the rise of osteoporosis.
Another reason why calcium in vegetables is preferable to that of cow’s milk is the presence of methionine in milk. This amino acid, in excessive amounts, will make the body acidic. An acidic body pH can also contribute to the leaching of calcium from bones. This defeats the whole purpose of drinking milk for your daily calcium allowance.

Calcium Daily Allowance

This term refers to the amount of calcium that an individual requires. This amount varies per age, and to a certain extent, per gender. Both women and men ages 19-50 require about 1,000 mg of calcium daily. Women over the age of 50 require 1,200 mg of calcium daily. After the age of 70, both men and women require 1,200 mg of calcium each day

Calcium does 179 things for the human body, so it is something that none of us can do without. Fortunately, there is enough calcium in vegetables to provide any adult, of either gender, or of any age, with her or his daily calcium allowance. The following list shows us how much calcium is present in just one cup of any of the following 10 readily available vegetables that can be purchased from any organic grocery section:
  • Raw Kale – 137 mg
  • Collard Greens – 357 mg
  • Turnip Greens – 105mg
  • Garlic – 246mg
  • Arugula – 32mg
  • Rapini, (Broccoli Rabe) – 516mg (a cup of milk has 300 mg by comparison)
  • Mustard Greens – 152mg
  • Sun Dried Tomatoes – 59mg
  • Raw Spinach – 30 mg
  • Okra – 177mg
There is also calcium present in vegetables raw broccoli, sweet potatoes, lettuce, and cabbage—just to name a few. There are several fruits that also contain calcium, chief of which is the apple, which offers a number of other health benefits to the body and is quite possibly one of the best fruits you can eat.


It is also important for us to note that agribusiness has depleted the soil on our world. As a result, the amount of calcium in vegetables and many fruits has diminished over the past 5 decades. While organic growing processes has helped to offset this decrease to some degree, we recommend that people enhance their diet with an all-natural, calcium orotate supplement to make certain that they get all the calcium they require.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Apples

To view this article at its original source, The BeWell Buzz, you may do so here.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

By Miriam Levin. Contributing writer for BeWellBuzz
The apple belongs to the Rosaceae family like its cousins the plum, nectarine and peach. The apple is a sweet crunchy fruit with an edible skin and a creamy or white flesh that has been touted the world over for its health promoting and disease prevention benefits. The reality is that the medicinal properties of apples are well documented. As the old adage says “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Here are just a few reasons why:
Apples Are Low in Calories A medium sized apple contains about 80-100 calories.
Apples Contain Vitamin C and Beta Carotene
The apple contains both Vitamin C and Beta Carotene antioxidants that help the body develop resistance against infections as well as aiding in the removal of harmful, free radicals that cause inflammation inside the body.
Apples Are A Good source of B Vitamins
Apples are a great source of B complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). These vitamins are considered “helper molecules” that assist in biochemical transformations inside the body.
Apples Boost Your Immune System
Apples contain several antioxidants which help the body protect itself from the effects of free radicals.Antioxidants are compounds that help fight disease and scientists believe that they also help prevent and repair oxidation damage that happens inside of our bodies due to normal daily cell activity. Apples are rich in antioxidant phyto-nutrients flavonoids and polyphenolics. Some of the important flavonoids in apples are quercetin, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2 which help boost and fortify the immune system.
Apples Are High in soluble fiber
The apple is rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent absorption of bad cholesterol in the gut.
Apples Help Regulate Cholesterol
The soluble fiber found in apples binds with fats in the intestines and brings your overall cholesterol to lower levels.
Apples Help Detoxify Your Liver & Colon
Your liver is responsible for clearing the toxins out of your body which can easily get inside by consuming them in the form of food or drinks. If the liver fails to function properly, many health problems will begin to occur. Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruit like apples is the simplest thing you can do to help detoxify your liver. The fiber is also beneficial because it saves the colon mucous membrane from exposure to these toxic substances by binding to cancer-causing chemicals inside the colon.
Apples Help Decrease The Risk of Diabetes
Apples are loaded with soluble fiber which dulls blood sugar swings. Also, research shows that certain flavonoids present in apples could be the reason they have a beneficial effect. One study noted in the Feb 2012 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition noted that people who ate 5 or more apples a week had a lower risk of developing diabetes than those who did not.
Apples Help Prevent Colon Cancer
The high amounts of fiber and pectin in the apple helps eliminate toxins and protects the lining of the colon so that cancer cells are unable to form.
Apples Aid In Healthier hearts
When plaque builds inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart which can lead to coronary artery disease. High soluble fiber intake slows the buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. The cholesterol that gets into your system is prevented from solidifying on your artery walls by the phenolic compound found in apple skins.
Apples Help Prevent Alzheimers
Eating just a few apples a day will prevent the destruction of brain cells which leads to Alzheimers. Noticeable improvements in the memory of Alzheimers patients were made after consuming apples and/or apple juice for a few weeks. Consuming apples may reduce your chances of developing Alzheimers by 75% as noted in a study done by Dr Shea, a neurobiologist at the University of Massachusetts.
Apples Help Prevent Gallstones
The gallbladder is a storage place for bile which is a liquid produced in the liver. The normal function of bile is to help your body digest fats. Gallstones form when liquid bile hardens and becomes hard pieces of stone type material that can block the common bile duct causing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, or a gallbladder attack. Gallstones have also been known to form when there is too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid causing it to solidify. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fiber to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels.
Apples Help Remove Stains From teeth
Miraculously, the enzymes present in apples react to the stains on the surface of the teeth. Eating the skin as well as the flesh causes a rubbing effect which removes the stains from the teeth. This natural teeth whitening solution will not strip the enamel of the teeth, keeping them healthy and white!
How to add apples to your diet
There are many creative ways to easily add apples to your diet. Some common methods include eating them whole at breakfast or as a snack in between meals. Apples also make a great addition to any smoothie providing much of the bulk/fiber needed to hold it together. You can also chop apples and top a fresh salad, or cook them in pies, muffins, breads and cakes. Another tasty treat is to slice the apple and dip the slices in peanut butter. Personally, I find apples and peanut butter to be a perfectly nutritious treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Kiwi

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Over 9 Kiwi Fruit Benefits – Boosting the Immune System, 

Vision, and Heart Health

Attention kiwi lovers. As delectable as the kiwi fruit is, did you know that this fruit also offers numerous health benefits? It’s not surprising, as nature offers countless natural foods that have been used as medicine throughout history. Also known as the Chinese gooseberry, and once the “sunny peach”, kiwifruit has been declared by some to be one of the world’s most nutritionally perfect foods. It’s time to experience all of the kiwi fruit benefits that the fruit has to offer.

The Many Kiwi Fruit Benefits – Experience them Today

Weighting in at about 4 ounces and resting at about 3 inches long, the kiwifruit is known for it’s high vitamin C content – containing more of the vitamin than even an orange. Overall, some notable vitamins and nutrients in kiwi are:
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K (helps with absorption of vitamin D)
  • Folate
  • Flavonoids
  • Potassium (as much as a banana)
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta-carotene
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin
  • Fiber
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Phosphorous
Kiwi is also a great ‘prebiotic’ food. Prebiotic nutrients help to feed the probiotic bacteria in your gut (these bacteria are essential for optimal health). This helps keep digestive health in check while also helping to prevent a number of health issues.
Here are some kiwi fruit benefits.

1. The Fruit Lessens Respiratory Problems Like Asthma, Coughing, and Wheezing

One of the most well known health benefits of kiwi fruit revolves around it’s ability to lessen respiratory issues like asthma and wheezing. In fact, kiwi and other vitamin C-rich fruit provide significant protection. The most famous study showing this connection comes out of Italy, and was published in the journal Thorax. The study involved 18,737 children aged 6-7 living in Italy. The researchers found that those consuming the most citrus and kiwi fruit were:
  • 44% less likely than the control group to experience wheezing
  • 28% less likely to experience runny nose
  • 25% less likely to have chronic cough
  • 32% less likely to have shortness of breath
According to the study abstract:
“Intake of citrus fruit or kiwi fruit was a highly significant protective factor for wheeze in the last 12 months … Although the effect of other dietary components cannot be excluded, it is concluded that the consumption of fruit rich in vitamin C, even at a low level of intake, may reduce wheezing symptoms in childhood, especially among already susceptible individuals.”

2. Kiwi Protects Against DNA Damage, Cancer

As mentioned, kiwi fruit is quite rich in vitamin C. Acting as an important water-soluble antioxidant, vitamin C is essential for preventing free radical damage. What’s more, kiwi contains a number of flavonoids and carotenoids responsible for protecting DNA from oxidative stress. The vitamin C content and phytonutrients help to prevent a number of issues related to DNA damage and oxidative stress, including: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and cancer growth.

3. Improve Cardiovascular Health

Kiwis are loaded with vitamin C, polyphenols, and are a good source of potassium – all of which work together to reduce the risk of blood clots, protect the blood vessels and heart, and protect the the body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, which could lead to astherosclerosis (one cause for heart disease). Further, kiwis reduce blood clotting without negative consequence unlike aspirin, which is routinely recommended by doctors to reduce clotting.
According to a study conducted in University of Oslo, Norway, participants consuming 2-3 kiwis each day for just under 30 days “reduced their platelet aggregation response (potential for blood clot formation) by 18% compared to controls eating no kiwi”. What’s more, kiwis helped to lower blood triglycerides by 15 percent.

4. Protection against Macular Degeneration

Further adding to kiwi fruit benefits, your eyes are also boosted by the fruit! Containing famous vision-promoting compounds lutein and zeaxanthin, kiwi seems to be the perfect fruit for maintaining vision and protecting against macular degeneration. Lutein is a phytonutrient known for protecting the eyes from free radical damage by helping filter out damaging blue light and ultraviolet light. Zeaxanthin offers the same and similar benefits; both have been repeatedly shown to protect against vision loss, and slow the progression of dry macular degeneration. The antioxidants could also help improve visual acuity. Kiwi is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Data from one study involving over 110,000 women and men, which was published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, found that age-related macular degeneration can be prevented through fruit consumption. The study indicates that 3 servings of fruit can help stave off this primary cause of vision loss in older adults by 36%. This is compared to those consuming less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily.

5. Kiwi for Pregnancy

We know today more than ever before how important it is to maintain a healthful diet during pregnancy, and one of the well-known important nutrients for mom’s-to-be is folate – also known as folic acid (the syntehtic form). An extremely important B vitamin for producing and maintaining new cells, folate is an essential compound for optimal pregnancy. The vitamin helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida and helps the baby to grow sufficiently. But how does this tie in with the kiwi fruit? Kiwi offers a notable dose of folate!
Additionally, as we know, kiwi is packed with vitamin C – another very important vitamin recommended for pregnant women. Vitamin C is essential for bone growth, maintaining cell strength, and the bone development and tissue repair for the child in the womb.

Other Kiwi Fruit Health Benefits

  • 6. Prevents constipation, keeps digestive tract healthy due to fiber and supplying prebiotics.
  • 7. Immune Booster, Chases the Common Cold Away - The kiwi fruit may be small, but it packs a powerful immune-boosting punch. Packed with vitamin C, D, B6, B12, K, zinc, folate, fiber, and other nutrients, the Golden kiwi fruit is perfect for boosting the immune system and preventing a cold or sickness.
  • 8. Promotes healthy and beautiful skin - Vitamin C helps keep the skin looking young and vibrant. The vitamin aids in the growth and repair of bodily tissues, which affects collagen formation and skin pigmentation, and helps to rejuvenate damaged skin.
  • 9. Facilitates absorption of iron, which helps to prevent anemia.

Kiwi Fruit Benefit Summary – The Kiwi Fruit is Great for:

  • Strengthening the immune system and preventing colds or sickness.
  • Protecting against respiratory problems, including asthma, coughing, and wheezing
  • Promoting healthy skin
  • Supporting the digestive system
  • Promoting a healthy pregnancy
  • Boosting heart and cardiocascular helath
  • Promoting vision and maintaining eye health
  • Preventing anemia
  • Protecting against DNA damage and oxidative stress
Experience the kiwi fruit benefits today!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Supplements

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8 Surprising Supplements That Are Critical for Men’s Health

Men’s health may not seem as complicated as female health, due to the fact that there are fewer hormones involved. However, men should still support their health with a whole foods diet, herbs and supplements.
One of the most important factors in achieving optimal health and avoiding the health problem that commonly affect men is a primarily whole food diet that includes minimal, if any, processed and refined foods. This means avoiding pre-packaged and frozen meals, sodas and other sugary beverages, as well as large amounts of simple carbohydrates (white flour, white rice and white sugar). Drinking half your weight of water or non-caffeinated herbal teas in ounces is essential to staying hydrated. If you weigh 160 lbs., you should drink approximately 80 ounces of water daily to keep your body’s cells hydrated.
Along with maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly, these eight herbs and supplements are worth taking to support men’s health:
1. Fish oil
Fish oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Presumably, good quality fish oil will contain adequate amounts of the essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory and have body-wide benefits. They may help reduce the inflammation that is a result of prostatitis. Taken regularly, omega-3s may also reduce the risk of benign prostate hyperplasia (). Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, which can be bacterial or non-bacterial in nature.  is the enlargement of the prostate due to a proliferation of prostatic cells in the prostate leading to rapid prostate growth. Both are uncomfortable and can lead to other health problems such as difficulty urinating, urinary frequency, pelvic pain and fatigue.
2. Lycopene
Lycopene is a carotenoid found in foods such as tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit and guava. This antioxidant is naturally found in the liver, prostate, skin, adrenal glands, lungs, colon and blood serum in humans. Epidemiological studies have shown that men who have higher amounts of lycopene in their bodies have a lower rate of getting prostate cancer. BPH is also greatly reduced in men who consume lycopene rich foods four-to-five times a week. If you are obtaining lycopene from tomatoes, the lycopene is more readily absorbable when cooked. Such is the case with spaghetti sauce.
3. Maca
Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is beginning to become well known in the Northern hemisphere. Maca is a root tuber that is not only high in protein, complex carbohydrates and iron, but is also nourishing and building to the body. Not only does it help improve stamina, it may also help to increase libido, sexual function, increase sperm count and potentially reduce the size of an enlarged prostate.
4. Milk thistle
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is essential in supporting healthy liver function, and depending on the health of the liver, can help rebuild parts of it as well. In order for the prostate to remain healthy, your liver should remain in optimal condition in order to continue to effectively remove toxins from the body. Milk thistle not only protects the liver, it acts as a detoxifying agent in the body.
5. Nettle root
Nettle root is also known as Urtica dioica. The root has been used traditionally and in studies either alone or in herbal blends to reduce the onset of prostatitis and BPH. It seems to have an effect on prostatitis due to its anti-inflammatory actions. As for BPH, it is usually triggered by an overproduction of estrogen and dihydrotestosterone, both of which lead to prostate enlargement. Nettle root appears to interfere with the chemical processes that result in the production of the hormones that are involved in BPH.
6. Pycnogenol
Pycnogenol, also known as Pinus pinaster, is best known for its role in supporting cardiovascular health by helping to dilate blood vessels, reduce inflammation and provide antioxidant support. There are studies taking place now showing how pycnogenol helps improve male fertility by specifically improving sperm morphology and function in infertile men. Pycnogenol is also worth considering due to its high antioxidant content, which helps reduce the free radical damage that may inhibit healthy sperm function and motility.
Saw palmetto, or Serenoa repens, is widely known to help support a healthy prostate. It is a plant similar to the palm. Saw palmetto is often used by men over forty, because that is the age at which an enlarged prostate becomes more likely to occur. Saw palmetto inhibits the action of the hormone dihydrostestosteron, which contributes to enlarging the prostate. This herb is also anti-inflammatory and may help increase urine output for men who are having difficulty. As a result, it may enhance male sexual function.
8. Zinc
Zinc is the last — but not least — supplement to add to your medicine cabinet. Not only does this mineral help support your immune system and adrenals, particularly when you’re stressed, but it is especially useful for men. Zinc is necessary for men to maintain healthy testosterone levels and prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Furthermore, due to its ability to regulate male hormones, increasing zinc intake has been shown to increase sperm count and motility.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Retrieved from on 10/15/10
Lycopene Health Benefits. Retrieved from on 10/18/10
Maca Restores Sexual Health without Raising Hormone Levels. Retrieved from on 10/18/10
More support for lycopene’s prostate benefits. Retrieved from on 10/18/10
Nettle. Retrieved from on 10/19/10
Roseff, S.J. (2002). Improvement in sperm quality and function with French maritime pine tree bark extract. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, V47(10)821-824.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Tangerines

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Tangerines Fight Obesity and Protect Against Heart Disease

Like oranges, tangerines are known for their immune-boosting vitamin C, but the benefits of these little citrus fruits go far beyond vitamin C. According to researchers with the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, tangerines can effectively protect against obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Researchers discovered that a pigment in tangerines called Nobiletin can actually protect the heart and much more. For the study, they fed two groups of mice a typical, highly processed western diet. But one group was also given Nobiletin. While the initial nobiletin-free group experienced obesity, elevated cholesterol, increased blood sugar, and a fatty liver—those things that often predict cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes—the group fed the tangerine compound did not.
The mice who receive Nobiletin experienced no raised cholesterol, blood sugar, and the like, and they gained weight normally.
“The Nobiletin-treated mice were basically protected from obesity,” said vascular biologist Murray Huff. “And in longer term studies, Nobiletin also protected these animals from atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.”

In essence, the mice treated with Nobiletin became more sensitive to insulin, meaning their bodies didn’t experience the adverse insulin resistance so common in people who eat a steady Westernized diet. As reported by ScienceDaily, the compound stimulated the expression of genes involved in burning fat and stopped or at least slowed the genes responsible for making fat.
The caveat? Nobiletin comes from the skin of the tangerine. Oh, and the study was partially funded by Pfizer-Canada.
Can you see where this is going?
Big Pharma knows foods are healing, they just can’t make any money off of them. Unfortunately, with most decisions being solely profit-driven, it seems Pfizer-Canada may be looking to make a pharmaceutical drug using the tangerine compound, and a solution for obesity and heart disease are what people need most.
It’s no surprise that tangerines are good for us. They are, after all, a fruit—unprocessed and simple. I once knew a man who ate oranges whole. Perhaps he knew something that we didn’t.
Highly beneficial foods are everywhere; don’t ignore them! Whether you eat tangerines for it’s benefits, or want to experience benefits of camu camu, it’s time to embrace the natural foods nature has to offer.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Don't Eat Wheat

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Wheat As A Common Cause of Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel

Could common complaints of bloating, upper abdominal discomfort and indigestion following a meal, and even the increasingly prevalent complaint lazily labeled 'irritable bowel syndrome' by practitioners of conventional medicine , be worsened -- even caused-- by consuming wheat?
It is already well-established that patients with gluten-sensitive enteropathy, an inflammatory condition of the small intestine caused by the consumption of gluten-containing grains like wheat, also frequently suffer from what is known as dysmotility-like functional dyspepsia symptoms* -- a technical term for upper abdominal discomfort or pain, with symptoms that include: "early feeling of having enough to eat, fullness after a meal, nausea, recurrent retching and/or vomiting, upper abdominal bloating, and upper abdominal discomfort aggravated by food." (Source)  These symptoms occur in the absence of a physical lesion such as an ulcer.
This is why new research performed out of the Hospital San Jorge in the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Huesca, Spain,[i] focused on the question: how many patients diagnosed with dysmotility-like dyspepsia symptoms are experiencing adverse gastrointestinal symptoms as a result of eating wheat (gluten) in their diet?
The researchers looked retrospectively at 142 patients who presented with "dysmotility-like dyspepsia symptoms and normal upper gastrointestinal endoscopy." First, biopsies were taken of their duodenums (the first section of the intestine).  Second, in patients with clinically verified enteropathy they performed typical blood tests for celiac disease (e.g. anti-tissue transglutiminase IgA antibodies), as well as genetic testing for the HLA-DQ2/DQ8 genes almost always found implicated in those diagnosed with celiac disease. In addition, they put the patients on a gluten-free diet if one of these markers were found.

The results were as follows

  1. Fifty-one patients (35.9%) had enteropathy
  2. A positive blood test for celiac was low (6.7%) in mild enteropathy cases
  3. A positive blood test for celiac was much higher (50%) in more extreme enteropathy cases
  4. Most patients with enteropathy (84.1%) had positive HLA DQ2 or -DQ8 (the genetic locus of celiac disease susceptibility) genotyping
In essence, the study revealed that intestinal damage (enteropathy) is relatively high in those diagnosed with dysmotility-like dyspepsia; basically one in three (35.9%) suffered from clinically confirmed damage to the intestine. Moreover, most patients in this study with clinically-confirmed enteropathy (84.1%) had the genetic locus for celiac disease susceptibility (HLA DQ2 or -DQ8), indicating the observed intestinal damage (enteropathy) may have a genetic component and may often be caused by undiagnosed celiac disease.
Even more remarkable was the observation that "Out of the 37 patients who started a gluten-free diet, 34 (91.9%) improved their symptoms, and 28 of 32 (87.5%) had a histopathological or serological response."


This latest study speaks to the possibility that many common gastrointestinal symptoms, including common complaints of indigestion, may be directly linked to the consumption of wheat. Whereas often the knee jerk response to this type of symptomology is the prescription of an acid-blocker, whose clinical efficacy has been shown to be poor to non-existent for this type of condition, the real solution may actually be removing wheat (the cause) from the diet.
Another similar case in point is irritable bowel syndrome.
A 2007 study published in the Clinical Journal of Gastroentology and Hepatology found that over one in three patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) shared the same blood and genetic markers classically associated with celiac disease.[ii] Moreover, after 6 months of gluten-free diet, "stool frequency and gastrointestinal symptom score returned to normal values in 60% of diarrhea predominant IBS patients who were positive and in 12% who were negative for HLA-DQ2 and celiac disease-associated serum IgG."
In other words, gluten may cause or worsen the symptoms commonly associated with 'irritable bowel syndrome,' possibly in as high as one-third of diarrhea-predominant diagnosed cases, and gluten avoidance may cause significantly more than half (60%) of those cases to resolve.

Why Wheat Causes Digestive Problems

Wheat contains gluten, and gluten is literally the Latin word for glue. Do you see how that could present a problem for digestive or bowel health? 
Furthermore, the "gluten" protein in wheat is actually not one, but a complex of proteins consisting of over 23,000 distinct biomolecules.  This means that instead of "one" problematic substance in wheat, folks are dealing with thousands of potential antigens in one grain. Some of these antigens, such as the 33 amino acid long sequence known as 33-mer, have structural similarities to pathogenic proteins. 33-mer, for instance, is almost identical (homologous) with pertactin, the uniquely toxic sequence in the whooping cough pathogen known as pertussis.
Another protein within the alpha-gliadin subcategory of "gluten" proteins up-regulates the proteinzonulin in the digestive tract, which increases intestinal permeability. This can literally open pandora's box of diseases, insofar as a leaky gut can cause stomach contents to enter the blood, wreaking havoc upon the immune system with countless foreign antigens and bacteria. No wonder wheat consumption has been linked to over 300 adverse health effects.
We are fast moving beyond the outdated notion that wheat toxicity is a rare situation that only afflicts those classically defined as having celiac disease; rather, the time has come for us to shift the focus back on the disease trigger itself: wheat, to stop blaming the victim (it's bad genes; you are "sensitive or intolerant" to gluten; it is just an allergy you have) and start focusing on the real problem: wheat represents a human species-specific intolerance, and wheat toxicity is a universal affliction, differing only in the matter of degree to which it affects us, or the degree to which we recognize those effects, especially more difficult to link "out of intestine" effects. 
If you are interested in learning more about this topic, read The Dark Side of Wheat.


[i] Santos Santolaria, Javier Alcedo, Berta Cuartero, Irene Diez, Manuel Abascal, M Dolores García-Prats, Miguel Marigil, Jesús Vera, Margarita Ferrer, Miguel Montoro. Spectrum of gluten-sensitive enteropathy in patients with dysmotility-like dyspepsia. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012 Oct 23. Epub 2012 Oct 23. PMID: 23103052
[ii] Ulrich Wahnschaffe, Jörg-Dieter Schulzke, Martin Zeitz, Reiner Ullrich. Predictors of clinical response to gluten-free diet in patients diagnosed with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndromeClin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Jul;5(7):844-50; quiz 769. Epub 2007 Jun 5. PMID: 17553753
*Dsymotility-like dyspepsia symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract include distention of the stomach, fluid accumulation in the intestine, bloating, and tenderness or pain upon palpation. The term dyspepsia literally comes from the Greek word pepsis for "digestion" and the prefix dys- meaning "difficult,bad."  Colloquial synonyms include "upset stomach" and "indigestion." Dysmotility-like dyspepsia is also known as non-ulcer dyspepsia, or functional dyspepsia, and is characterized by the fact that evidence of an organic disease is lacking to explain the symptoms.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Vitamin D

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UNCENSORED: What I Couldn’t Tell You About Vitamin D Last Week

Did you know that the “sunshine vitamin,” also known as , is something of a misnomer? Technically, it should be classified as a prohormone (a substance that your body can convert to a hormone), but it was discovered in food before scientists realized that the body’s primary source of vitamin D is exposure to the rays of the .
Many experts consider activated vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) to be the most powerful steroid hormone in the human body with the ability to have unprecedented impacts on the expression of our genetic code. This is probably why over the past 15 years research has linked vitamin D to a wide range of amazing health benefits.
Vitamin D is well known for its role in supporting the health of our bones and skeletal system, but some of the most intriguing studies on vitamin D have shown that optimizing blood levels of vitamin D is a key factor in the prevention of two of the greatest health threats facing Americans today: cancer and heart disease.
Yet for some reason, the mainstream medical community seems to have turned a blind eye to this research, as evidenced by the Institute of Medicine’s stubborn insistence that 600 IU is an adequate Daily Recommended Intake for vitamin D. Many leading experts now agree (and many studies show) that much higher doses — often, upwards of 5,000 IU per day — are needed for disease prevention.
Due to FDA/FTC regulations, I am not allowed to discuss this sort of research in certain contexts, so if you read my article on vitamin D last week and are wondering why I didn’t mention these studies…that’s why. But I think it’s important for you to have this information, so without further ado, here is an overview of some of the most compelling studies on vitamin D and disease prevention.
Vitamin D and Cancer
Vitamin D has shown impressive results when it comes to influencing the risk and outcomes associated with this devastating disease. It may be that vitamin D’s anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing properties factor into its observed anti-cancer effects.
Over 30 years ago, it was hypothesized that vitamin D deficiency was correlated to increased risk of colon cancer.[1] Since then, dozens of studies have supported this theory. A 2006 study reviewed the data of five other studies related to vitamin D and colon cancer with a 25-year follow up and found that increasing blood levels of vitamin D to 35ng/ml reduced colon cancer risk by 50%![2] A more recent review of previous studies also showed an impressive 33% reduced risk ofcolon cancer for those with higher blood levels of vitamin D.[3]
Another very impressive randomized controlled study done in 2008 included 1,179 post-menopausal women who were randomized into three groups. One group was given a supplement; another group was given the same  supplement plus 1,100 IU of vitamin D; and the last group was given a placebo. At the end of four years, the group taking  plus vitamin D had a 77% reduction in all-cancer incidence.[4]
Investigations done by one of the most well respected vitamin D researchers, Dr. Cedric Garland of UC San Diego School of Medicine, has shown that increasing blood levels of vitamin D to somewhere between 40-50ng/ml could reduce breast cancer risk by 50%[5].
Men with prostate cancer with higher levels of serum vitamin D compared to men with lower levels of vitamin D had a 60% and 85% respectively reduced risk of dying from the condition.[6]That is an almost 7x increased risk of dying for the men with lower blood levels of vitamin D!
These results are staggering when it comes to the implications regarding vitamin D and cancer prevention. No other known substance has shown such impressive results.
And if that was not enough, the research is also showing us that adequate vitamin D status at the time of a cancer diagnosis can significantly improve overall outcomes. A very recent 2012 study from Norway examined the vitamin D blood levels within 90 of diagnosis of 658 patients withbreast cancer, lung cancer colon cancer or lymphoma. After following the group for up to nine years, researchers found that patients with the highest blood levels of vitamin D at time of diagnosis were 66% less likely to die of their cancer than those with the lowest levels.[7]
Vitamin D and Heart Disease
Vitamin D levels have been closely correlated to many aspects of cardiovascular disease. Its role in the body seems to influence the control of blood pressure and the prevention of damage to the arteries.[8] One very large study followed nearly 50,000 healthy men for 10 years and found thatthose who were deficient in vitamin D were twice as likely to have a heart attack vs. men who had adequate levels.[9] Other studies have correlated low vitamin D levels to increased risk of heart failure, sudden cardiac death, stroke, overall cardiovascular disease and cardiac death.[1011121314]
Vitamin D and YOUR Health
Now it’s important to remember that no nutrient works in isolation in our bodies, and vitamin D is no exception. The vitamin D we make from the sun and take in supplement form is a prohormone and needs to be converted by enzymes in the body in order to become a potent steroid hormone with powerful regulating effects on our DNA and genetic expression. It is also important to understand that ensuring a proper supply of companion nutrients that support vitamin D activity, such as vitamin K2, magnesium, zinc and boron, can enhance some of the beneficial roles of vitamin D in the body.
Based on the impressive volumes of research backing its importance in prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease, I can honestly say that vitamin D is the single most important vitamin to take as a daily supplement. In general, I recommend taking 1,000 – 5,000 IU of  daily to keep your levels in an optimal range of 45 – 65ng/ml, but depending on your current vitamin D status, a higher dose may be warranted. The best way to determine the ideal dosage for you is to work with your health care provider to have appropriate testing done and to receive individualized recommendations and follow up. The Vitamin D Council offers discounted in-home test kits. I encourage you to visit their website to learn more about vitamin D and your health.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Avoiding Trans Fats

This article is from


Very few in the medical profession truly grasp and understand how hydrogenated fats, toxic oils and fried foods cause disease. In fact, statin drugs are the biggest class of prescription drugs on the market, and while they are given out like candy to address cholesterol, they do absolutely nothing to address or fix the damaging effects of consuming toxic oils. Even those who have a general awareness of trans fats and hydrogenated oils still end up using poor quality oils because this is an area of great deception in both the medical community and the health food industry.
trans fat image
Like the other dominos covered already, the main reason for introducing all these toxic health destroying oils into our food supply has to do with extending shelf life. Pure oils processed properly and used in food will turn rancid in a short period of time. That simply doesn't cut it for large food conglomerates producing packaged foods. They need stable products that can sit on the shelf for at least a year and in a lot of cases upwards of 2-3 years.
There are a number of ways that oil can become toxic to your body. One of the most notable ways is to hydrogenate the oil. Hydrogen added to oil turns liquid oil into a semi-solid product like soft butter that can easily be used for making lots of food products such as chips, cookies, cakes, muffins, candy bars, etc. If you eat hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils long enough, the same solidifying process happens internally with your cells. Every cell in your body has a phospholipid membrane, which is composed of fat. When you consume the wrong fats and oils they will have a negative impact on this phospholipid membrane. When your cells bathe in toxic oils and fried foods it has a negative effect on the three elements needed for a healthy body: Water, Minerals and Oxygen. Bad fats cause cells to become dehydrated, oxygen deprived, and mineral deficient, which ultimately leads to disease.
One of the world's leading experts on fats and oils is Udo Erasmus, author of the book "Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill". We actually conducted an extensive interview with Udo a number of years back. Spacing doesn't allow us to reprint the entire interview here, but we have pulled out some of the highlights that will help you understand this subject in further detail.
Disease Facts
Healing fats are required, together with other nutrients, to prevent and reverse so-called 'incurable' degenerative disease: heart disease, cancer, and Type II diabetes. Healing fats help reverse arthritis, obesity, PMS, allergies, asthma, skin conditions, fatigue, yeast and fungal infections, addictions, certain types of mental illness, and many other conditions. Good fats also enhance athletic performance, skin beauty, longevity, and energy levels. Contrary to popular belief based on advertising hype, the most dangerous fats are typically found in margarine, shortening, and heated oils...
It goes like this: in order to give a long shelf life to an oil that by nature has a short shelf life, the oil industry treats that oil with corrosive base (NaOH), then with window-washing acid (H3PO4), in order to remove substances in the oil that are good for health, but shorten shelf life. The oil is then bleached, which turns it rancid. Then, to blow-off the rancidity, the oil is heated to frying temperature. When that's done, you have a supermarket cooking oil. That's been done to all oils normally used, except for extra virgin olive oil. Research says about 0.5 to 1% of the oil molecules are changed and damaged during this processing. They become cyclized, cross-linked, fragmented, bond-shifted, and polymerized. The problem is that when you change a molecule from natural to unnatural you usually change it from healthy to toxic...
If you give your body the right molecules from nature, it will build healthy cells, tissues, glands, and organs. If you give it unnatural, synthetic, toxic molecules, this same genetic program can build tumors, deposits in arteries, pain in joints with swelling and inflammation, and the other molecular reactions that we call 'disease'. This means that your genetic program is your program not only for health, but also for disease...
The second piece of important information that I found is about essential fatty acids. I knew that the word 'essential', when applied to nutrients, has a very specific meaning. An essential nutrient is one that the body must have for health, cannot itself make, and must therefore obtain from outside sources. Insufficiency (deficiency) of an essential nutrient leads to deterioration of health. Deficiency worsens with time. The symptoms of deficiency are degenerative in nature. Too little, for too long, of an essential nutrient leads to death. If enough of the essential nutrient is re-introduced into the diet, symptoms of the deficiency can be reversed.
That definition fits 20 minerals, 14 vitamins, 8 essential amino acids from proteins, and 2 essential fatty acids from fats.
The two essential fatty acids are called omega-6 (n-6) and omega-3 (n-3). N-6 (linoleic acid; LA) was established as 'essential' in 1930, but n-3 (alpha-linolenic acid; ALA) essentiality for humans was established only in 1981, the year after I was poisoned and began to study fats. The timing was perfect to get in on applying this new information about n-3 being essential, which very few people knew at that time.
I also found out that our intake of n-6 has doubled over the past 100 years, albeit in a partially damaged form due to the destructive processing used, and that our intake of n-3 is down to 16% of the amount present in diets 150 years ago. Even in 1850, people were already not getting enough n-3 for best of health. Probably 95-99% of the population gets too little n-3 in their diet.
One of the main reasons for its decrease in the diet is that n-3 is quite sensitive to destruction by light, oxygen and heat. N-3 is five times more sensitive to damage than n-6. If you process n-3 the same way as n-6 cooking oils, you do even more damage to n-3 oils than what has been done to n-6 oils....
Over the past 20 years, a great deal of research has been done on n-3. That research can be summed up in one sentence. Increasing intake of n-3 in the diet improves almost all of the degenerative conditions of our time. This is because they are essential for health. Every cell, tissue, gland, and organ must have them to function normally, and most people don't get enough.
Crusador: Can you explain trans fats and the hydrogenation process so that our readers understand the difference?
The toxicity produced by the processing of cooking oils goes far beyond the problem of hydrogenation. Hydrogenation has been getting quite a bit of attention while the overall toxicity within cooking oils has been almost completely neglected.
Fundamentally, when oil is hydrogenated, hydrogen is bubbled through the oil with the goal of changing liquid oil, which has a relatively short shelf life, into a plastic, spreadable fat that has an increased shelf life. Bubbling hydrogen gas through the oil in the presence of a nickel aluminum catalyst does two things: it destroys double bonds and twists the molecules. You go from an n-3 [Omega-3] to a trans fat to a damaged n-6 [Omega-6] to an n-9 [Omega-9] with one double bond to a saturated fat. If you completely hydrogenate oil, it will become a saturated solid fat – so hard that you'd need a chisel to break out pieces of it. Its melting point is about 70°C (158°F), which is substantially higher than body temperature (97°F).
Crusador: Are hydrogenated fats and trans fats the same thing?
Not exactly! Completely hydrogenated fat contains no trans fats. You can only have trans fats in partially hydrogenated oils, which still contains double bonds in the molecule. It is a twist of the molecule around the double bond that makes a trans fatty acid. Without a double bond, a fat cannot be cis (natural) or trans (twisted) anymore.
Crusador: We hear that hydrogenated fats and trans fats actually solidify the body's cells – that the solidification process that occurs to the oils causes cells to solidify, as well. Is there any truth to that?
That's a simplistic way of explaining it. Trans fats do make membranes harder, which means the body will take cholesterol out of the membranes. Consequently, the body will need more n-3 and n-6 to return the membrane to its proper flexibility. Harvard studies show that trans fats double the risk of heart attack and increase risk of diabetes.
Crusador: What's the difference between saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fat?
Saturated just means not essential (body can make it), no double bonds (a hard fat like butter, beef fat, pork fat). Monounsaturated means not essential, one double bond (olive oil, also in butter, beef and pork fat). Polyunsaturated means two or more double bonds. Usually, polyunsaturated is used to mean essential n-6, and 'super-unsaturated' is sometimes used to mean essential n-3.
Fat molecules are bent by the double bonds they contain. They are made more liquid. The more double bonds a fatty acid has, the more liquid it is and the more chemically active it is.
Saturated fat is about two and a half times more stable than monounsaturated fat, which is two and a half times more stable than polyunsaturated fat, which is five times more stable than the seed n-3 super-unsaturated fats (ALA), which is five times more stable than fish n-3 (EPA and DHA).
The stability/chemical activity of oils determines the shelf life of fats and oils, as well as the energy levels that they can bring about in the body. The less stable the oil, the higher the energy it can produce in the body, and the more care it requires during processing.
Crusador: We're told to limit and avoid saturated fats and that saturated fats are bad for us. Is this true?
That's true if the diet does not contain enough n-3, but false if n-3 intake is optimized. Saturated fats are a part of every cell membrane; they are good fuel, and the body can burn them. Ideally, saturated fats from animal sources (milk, cheese, eggs, chicken, beef etc.) should come from grass-fed, free-range, organic farms. Saturated fats have been given a bad reputation, but in conjunction with healthy n-3 fats, saturated fats from healthy sources can be very healthy.
Here's the story of saturated fats in context: In an n-3 deficient diet, saturated fats will make platelets stickier, and will increase insulin-resistance. That means greater risk of heart attack, stroke, embolism, and diabetes. But n-3 makes platelets less sticky and decreases insulin sensitivity. Saturated fats and n-3 have opposite effects. In our fat consumption, we should first consume an optimal ratio of undamaged n-3 and n-6 essential fats, emphasizing n-3 because n-3 is too low in most people's diets. As long as n-3 wins the competition, saturated fats won't hurt you. And, for carbohydrate addicts, fats are better fuel than carbs because fats won't cause the blood sugar swings that lead to carb addiction.