Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fight Inflammation and Pain Naturally!

Both over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers and anti-inflammatories are among the top selling drugs in this country, but as with all meds, they are not without their side effects.  And it is also the case, as with all medications, that there are natural and safe alternatives that can do the same job, even better, safely and side-effect free.  Following is an excellent article taken from the website that lists and details 10 FOODS that fight pain and inflammation NATURALLY.  The original source for this article can be found here. Read on!... And don't forget, that to PREVENT pain and inflammation from occurring in the first place, we need to be getting our 90 essential nutrients each and every day.  If even one mineral, vitamin, amino acid, or EFA is lacking, any number of chronic conditions can develop.  To get all 90 of the essential nutrients in an easy-to-take, natural, absorbable form that your body can recognize and utilize, go to my website  Join for free and get them at wholesale price!  Remember, freedom is not free, and neither is health.  You can either pay FOR your health now or pay WITH your health later.  It's up to you... Now for today's article:

Aug 27, 2012 by EDITOR
Natural Healing Remedies: 10 Foods That Fight Inflammation And Pain

Some of the best healing remedies to overcome inflammation also taste fabulous which can't really be stated about prescription medications. Moreover, foods won’t cause the nasty side effects common to most pain medications. Here are ten amazing foods that fight inflammation and pain.

1. Blueberries: Blueberries are
excellent anti-inflammatory foods. They increase the amounts of compounds called heat-shock proteins that decrease as people age. When heat-shock proteins are in short supply inflammation, pain and tissue damage is the result.

2. Cayenne Pepper: Ironically, cayenne pepper turns DOWN the heat on inflammation due to its powerful anti-inflammatory compound capsaicin.

3. Celery and Celery Seeds: James Duke, Ph.D., author of The Green Pharmacy, found more than 20 anti-inflammatory compounds in celery and celery seeds in his research, including a substance called apigenin, which is powerful in its anti-inflammatory action. Add celery seeds to soups, stews or as a salt substitute in many recipes.

4. Cherries: While many people opt for aspirin as their first course of action when they feel pain, Muraleedharan Nair, PhD, professor of natural products and chemistry at Michigan State University, found that tart cherry extract is ten times more effective than aspirin at relieving inflammation. Tart cherries have powerful anti-inflammatory benefits with the "highest anti-inflammatory content of any food".

5. Dark Green Veggies: Veggies like kale and spinach contain high amounts of alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium. Both minerals help balance body chemistry to alleviate inflammation.

6. Flax seeds and Flax Oil: Flax seeds are high in natural oils that convert into hormone-like substances in the body to reduce inflammatory substances. Add ground flax seeds to smoothies, atop pancakes or French toast, and many other foods.
Flax fiber suppresses appetite and helps support weight loss. Do not heat.

7. Ginger: Dr. Krishna C. Srivastava at Odense University in Denmark found that ginger was superior to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Tylenol or Advil at alleviating inflammation. Ginger tea may alsol help prevent the development of cancer.

8. Raspberries, Blackberries, and Strawberries: In Dr. Muraleedharan Nair’s later research she discovered that these berries have similar anti-inflammatory effects as cherries.

9. Turmeric: Research shows that the Indian spice frequently used in curries suppresses pain and inflammation through a similar mechanism as drugs like COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors (without the harmful side effects). Turmeric is one of the most powerful ancient herbs with an abundance of health benefits including supporting healthy joint function, promoting radiant skin, improving digestion, and promoting your immune system among many more.

10. Walnuts: Like flax seeds, raw, unsalted walnuts contain plentiful amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids that decrease pain and inflammation. Walnuts are top of the tree when it comes to heart-healthy superfoods, research has shown.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Is 'Whole Wheat' Harming Your Body?

Is Whole Wheat Harming Your Body?

More and more, people are becoming aware of the harmful effects the protein in wheat (gluten) has on the human body, regardless of whether one is deemed 'gluten sensitive' or not.  The following is an excerpt taken from an excellent article written by Mike Geary of the website, the source for which can be found here. Most of us already know that gluten is bad news, but most are unaware of just HOW bad and harmful it can be for the ENTIRE body.  Read on...

Is "Whole Wheat" Harming Your Body?

Can eating too much wheat be a factor in causing visceral abdominal fat, IBS and acid reflux, cravings, addictive behaviors, increased overall calorie consumption, diabetes, heart disease, accelerated aging, and autoimmune diseases?  Let's have a look...

Why in the world does Dr. William Davis conclude in his book that "whole wheat" is terrible for your health?  Well, let's start with a few of the topics Dr. Davis talks about in his book, Wheat Belly:1.  The wheat we eat today is very different biochemically than the wheat even just 50 years ago

First and foremost, Dr. Davis goes through the history of wheat in the human diet, which goes back to only about 10,000 years ago.  He talks about how the type of wheat that was eaten 1000's of years ago is biochemically not the same wheat we are eating today.  And in fact, even the wheat our grandparents ate just 50 years ago is a far cry biochemically from the wheat that is used today.  This is because wheat has been hybridized heavily over the years to increase crop yield and to increase certain baking characteristics or taste. 

Dr. Davis states:  "Small changes in wheat protein structure can spell the difference between a devastating immune response to wheat protein versus no immune response at all."

The take-home message... today's wheat is quite different than even just 50 years ago, as today's wheat has different levels of anti-nutrients and gluten with overall biochemical differences.

Essentially, big agra has hybridized wheat heavily over the last 5 decades to improve things such as crop yield and baking characteristics, but never once thought about the impacts on human health of changing the biochemical structure of wheat.  Although the biochemical differences may seem small, it can have a major impact on how the human digestive system processes the food.

Because of all of this, Celiac disease, an autoimmune disease with complete gluten intolerance, has increased fourfold in the last 50 years.  Dr Davis also believes that gluten sensitivity has increased in similar levels in the last 50 years.

The message is that even if you haven't been diagnosed with Celiac or Gluten Sensitivity, it doesn't mean that constant daily gluten intake isn't causing chronic gut inflammation and some sort of possible long term digestive system damage, along with other possible autoimmune diseases.

2.  Wheat has addictive properties similar to opiate drugs

Dr Davis makes a very convincing argument that wheat is addictive.  It contains compounds termed "exorphins" that have an effect in your brain similar to opiate drugs.  This explains why people have such a hard time giving up their beloved breads, cereals, pasta, and muffins because these foods are mildly addictive. 

I know personally from past experience that if I have have a pasta dinner, I'll go back for seconds and thirds as I just can't seem to stop eating the stuff.  And then hours after dinner, I'll get cravings for more carb based foods or sweets.  But if I pass on the pasta and just have meat, veggies, and salad, I find myself totally satisfied after dinner with no cravings later at night.

3.  Wheat makes you consume more calories

Possibly due to the additive nature of wheat products, and the subsequent cravings for more carb based foods, Dr Davis cites studies in his book showing that wheat eaters eat more calories overall than people on a gluten-free diet.  One study he cited showed 14% higher caloric intake in wheat eaters than those on a gluten-free food plan.

Dr Davis also notes: "It might be due to the lack of exorphins, reduction of the insulin-glucose cycle that triggers hunger, or some other factor, but elimination of wheat reduces daily calorie intake by 350 to 400 calories -- with no further restrictions on calories, fats, carbohydrates, or portion sizes. No smaller plates, prolonged chewing, or frequent small meals. Just banishing wheat from your table."

The message... it's a LOT easier to control your total calorie intake by avoiding wheat based foods like cereals, breads, muffins, and pasta (with the exception of 1 cheat day per week).

4.  Wheat raises your blood sugar even more than table sugar

The type of complex carbohydrate that comprises wheat is called amylopectin A, which is a type of carb that is unique in that it is digested so fast that it highly affects blood sugar more than most other carb sources.  Dr Davis cites studies in his book that prove that wheat bread can raise blood sugar HIGHER than table sugar, due to it's amylopectin A content.

Dr. Davis even states:  "Aside from some extra fiber, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is really little different, and often worse, than drinking a can of sugar-sweetened soda or eating a sugary candy bar."

Dr. Davis discusses the fact that the amylopectin A which is uniquely found in wheat and not other sources of carbs raises blood sugar to a much higher degree than most other carbohydrates sources, regardless of whether they are simple or "complex" carbs.  He continues, "In fact, the degree of processing, from a blood sugar standpoint, makes little difference: Wheat is wheat, with various forms of processing or lack of processing, simple or complex, high fiber or low fiber, all generating similarly high blood sugars."

5.  Excessive wheat consumption leads to visceral fat in the abdomen

If you don't know the difference, you can read my article here about the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

There are many causes of visceral fat in the abdomen and Dr Davis isn't trying to fully lay the blame on wheat, but he makes a case that shows that wheat is a heavy contributor to visceral fat.  Through a combination of wheat's trigger on the blood sugar and insulin process in your body, the ability of wheat to automatically increase calorie consumption, as well as the digestive system inflammation characteristics of some of wheat's contituents, including gluten, this all leads to a greater chance of developing visceral fat in your abdomen.

And as you know from my article above, visceral fat is particularly dangerous as once it accumulates in your gut and around your organs, it continuously releases inflammatory molecules into your system.  We've talked before about how high fructose corn syrup and other junk foods can increase visceral fat, but Dr. Davis makes a strong case for how wheat can also contribute to visceral fat accumulation.

The message... Eliminate the wheat (aside from one cheat day per week if you absolutely must), and you'll lose the belly much faster.

6.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Acid Reflux may be linked to wheat consumption

Dr. Davis makes a good argument in his book showing links between gluten consumption and IBS and acid reflux.  He states, "Eliminate wheat, acid reflux improves, symptoms of IBS improve. Unfortunately, this effect has not been quantified, though investigators have speculated on how large a role gluten plays in non-celiac sufferers of IBS and acid reflux."  Dr. Davis also states that hundreds of his own patients have seen complete or partial relief from IBS and acid reflux with gluten removal from their diet.

If you have IBS or acid reflux, you should at least consider removing wheat from your diet for 2-3 weeks and see if the symptoms go away.  It certainly can't hurt anything to eliminate wheat for a couple weeks, and if anything, you'll lose some body fat as well in the process. 

You can also watch this video showing natural cures for acid reflux.

7.  Wheat consumption leads to accelerated aging

Eating too many wheat products such as bread, bagels, muffins, cereal, crackers, etc increases compounds in your body called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  I talked in a previous article here about how sugar can make you age faster and how to prevent this. 

But it's not just sugar and corn syrup that cause this problem... as we've already mentioned in this article, the main starch in wheat products is a very unique and fast digesting starch called Amylopectin A, which raises blood sugar even more significantly than table sugar.  Due to the significant blood sugar effect of wheat products (yes, even "whole wheat"), this means it increases those nasty AGEs in your body which contribute to premature aging and wrinkles.

If you're concerned about aging and want to stay looking youthful, make sure to read this article: 

>> 5 tips for looking 10 years YOUNGER

8.  Too much wheat in the diet can cause ACNE problems

According to Dr. Davis, pimples (aka, acne) affects up to 95% of 16-18 year olds in western cultures, and even affects 50% of adults over age 25 with intermittent bouts.

But Dr. Davis provides evidence that acne is NOT caused by genetics, but rather almost entirely by diet.  He discusses how cultures that rely on a basic hunter-gatherer diet, or some other form of diet that does not include wheat or sugar, have been curiously acne free (until western diet influences came in of course).

Dr. Davis talks about how acne is nearly universal in young Americans, but does not occur at all in other cultures.  He states, "Some cultures display no acne whatsoever. Cultures as wide ranging as the Kitavan Islanders of Papua New Guinea, the Ache hunter-gatherers of Paraguay, natives of the Purus Valley in Brazil, African Bantus and Zulus, Japan's Okinawans, and Canadian Inuit are curiously spared the nuisance and embarrassment of acne."

Dr. Davis then cites research that shows that once Western influence introduced wheat, sugar, and other processed foods into the diets of the Okinawans, the Inuits, and the Zulus, acne soon followed.

9.  Wheat consumption contributes to heart disease risk 

Another interesting chapter in the book Wheat Belly is where Dr. Davis makes a strong case that frequent wheat consumption increases your heart disease risk. 

As you may have heard before, the LDL particles in your blood stream can be characterized as large puffy LDL types (which do not contribute to heart disease) or small dense LDL particles (which do contribute to plaque buildup and heart disease).  Dr. Davis states, "Foods that increase blood glucose the most therefore translate into both greater quantities of small LDL and increased glycation of small LDL.  So heart disease and stroke are not just about high cholesterol. They are caused by oxidation, glycation, inflammation, small LDL particles ... yes, the processes triggered by carbohydrates, especially those made of wheat."

Make sure to read my article on this exact topic here:  How bread and cereal can CAUSE heart disease

10.  Eating wheat adds a large acid burden that your body must deal with

Your body is hard wired to keep a very precise pH level in your body of approximately 7.4.  What foods you consume either contribute acidifying compounds or alkaline compounds.  A natural hunter-gatherer diet is well balanced with the acid compounds of meats being easily counteracted by alkaline producing fruits, nuts, and veggies.  But when you add the acid burden of grains to the equation, the acid-alkaline balance shifts towards acid.

The more acidifying compounds that you eat or drink (soda, grains, sugar are examples), the more your body needs to pull calcium compounds out of your bone to regulate pH in your body.  This can cause weak bones and osteoporosis as you age.

According to Dr. Davis, grains such as wheat account for 38% of the average American's acid load.  Dr Davis states, "Around 10,000 years ago, the formerly alkaline human diet pH balance shiften to the acid side with the introduction of grains, especially the most dominant of grains, wheat.  The modern human diet of plentiful "healthy whole grains" but lacking in vegetables and fruit is highly acid-charged, inducing a condition called acidosis. Over years, acidosis takes it's toll on your bones."

Dr. Davis also cites a University of Toronto study that showed increased gluten intake increased urinary calcium loss by 63%, along with increased markers for bone weakening.  So even if you're not Celiac or gluten sensitive officially, this is yet another reason to consider reducing or eliminating gluten and wheat from your diet.

Summary and Choices -- Do we eliminate or reduce wheat in our diets?

As you can see in the 10 major points we've discussed above, there are a lot of negative consequences to your health of eating too much wheat.  And I'd be hard pressed to find any benefits whatsoever of eating wheat. 

Fiber content may be the only possible benefit of wheat, however you can easily get more than enough fiber in your daily diet from fruits, nuts, and veggies instead, without the harmful health effects of wheat. 

So you have a choice at this point... if you're the type of person who will do anything to improve your health and have a better body, both in looks and internal health, eliminating wheat is your best bet.

But if you're like most people, the thought of never eating wheat cereals, breads, muffins, pasta, and crackers is just too hard to bear.  If you're this type of person, you can still reap the benefits of greatly reducing wheat in your diet, but minimize your consumption to one weekly cheat day.  It helps to only have this cheat day which might include your favorite wheat products at restaurants, so you keep all wheat foods out of your house and not be tempted by them during the week.

Remember that one very pleasant side effect of eliminating wheat at least 6 days a week is that most people reduce their body fat after making this choice and sticking to it.

And as we've talked about in this article, reducing or eliminating wheat can also prevent acne, reduce heart disease risk, slow down the aging process, reduce symptoms of IBS or acid reflux, help stabilize your blood sugar (assuming you're not still eating loads of sugar and wheat-free junk food), reduce diabetes risk, reduce visceral fat in your abdomen, and more!

Considering the possible benefits to our appearance and health, I'll choose to continue to reduce wheat in my diet!  For me, I've chosen to not completely eliminate wheat, but rather to never have it in my house, and only indulge in wheat products on once-weekly cheat days or while on vacation.

Do you want a healthier and better looking body?  The choice is yours!  Although we still need to consider major health killers such as sugar, HFCS, processed soy foods, processed corn foods, trans fats, and other junk foods, the case has been made that wheat is one of the biggest culprits in our health problems.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dr. Peter Glidden on Gluten, Cholesterol, Diabetes, and Obesity

Dr. Peter Glidden's "Against the Grain"
Why grains are a problem...

Dr. Peter Glidden on
How to CURE (that's right,...CURE)
Your Type II Diabetes

Dr. Peter Glidden on
Why we NEED Cholesterol
Dr. Glidden on Obesity
What causes it, and how to EASILY
reverse it...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

11 Natural Methods to Detoxify the Body

Every day, our body acquires toxins from the toxins in our water (heavy metals, pharmaceuticals...), pesticides and chemicals in our food, chemicals in lotions, shampoos, perfumes, and our clothing (unless we buy organic, which I highly recommend), toxins and pollutants in our air, and on and on.  As reported by Natural News, as reported by the Environmental Working Group in 2004: 

"EWG research found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies born in August and September of 2004 in U.S. hospitals. The umbilical cord blood of these children harboured pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage. Of the 287 chemicals detected in the umbilical cord blood, 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests."

These are toxins that are being found in the CORD BLOOD of newborns!  Imagine the toxic build-up circulating and being stored in our OWN systems!  According to most holistic doctors, the two main causes of 99% of ALL disease (+ or -) are NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY and TOXICITY.  In order to be and remain healthy, it is ESSENTIAL that we nutrify with high-quality supplements DAILY as well as take in foods on a regular basis that will naturally and effectively eliminate toxins from our system. A good way to start is with Youngevity's 5-day cleansing system And from then on out, it's a good idea to integrate a few good cleansing foods and products into your daily routine, so that your body will cleanse itself on an ongoing basis.

Below is another article taken from Dr. Edward Group's site entitled "11 Natural Methods for Detoxing Your Body," which gives a number of excellent and easily implementable tips.  To go to the original source for this article, go to

11 Natural Methods for Detoxing Your Body

Author: Dr. Edward Group 03/14/2012 @ 12:50 pm
Cleansing diets, herbs, and fasting programs may seem like a modern health trend but societies have used natural cleansing methods to detoxify the body for hundreds of years. Many religions actually encourage people to fast as a means of cleansing both the body and the mind for spiritual practices. (1) Toxic and polluted food systems, air and water, and environment make cleansing the colon, liver and other organs more important now than ever. The burden of over-pollution may be responsible for deleterious effects on the immune system, a scenario which makes us highly susceptible to chronic degenerative diseases such as some forms of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and more.

This article will break down several of the current methods and foods that assist the body, naturally, achieve a detoxified state. Make sure to always avoid refined foods, sugars, MSG, yeast, dairy products, caffeine and chocolate, soy, peanuts, alcohol and non-whole-grain starches while doing any type of cleanse or fast. (2)

Natural Detox Methods

Liver cleanse- Regimes for cleansing the liver should incorporate more bitter greens and chlorophyll juices such as wheat-grass and dandelion greens. Other liver-happy foods include carrots, celery, limes, lemons and beets. Spices that offer cleansing effects on the liver include turmeric, rosemary, cayenne, cumin and curry. Avoid coffee, milk and sodas, instead opt for purified water and/or apple juice. To help support your cleansing efforts, add Livatrex to a gallon of apple juice or water and follow these liver cleansing instructions.
Oxygen colon cleanse- One of the best natural detox methods is a six or seven day cleanse using distilled water, organic/raw apple cider vinegar, aloe vera juice, Oxy-Powder and a probiotic supplement. This cleanse is a quick and effective way to purify your digestive tract. Here are my recommended instructions for doing a colon cleanse.
Candida cleanse- This is designed to remove candida from the body by removing all foods containing yeast or fermented foods. This diet requires avoiding all forms of sugar (including fruit and fruit juice), all refined flours and wheat products, any foods containing yeast, as well as all natural sweeteners such as agave nectar or raw honey. During a candida cleanse you should also avoid alcoholic drinks, dried fruits, mushrooms, cheese, pickled vegetables and soy sauce. Organic oregano oil and Latero-Flora are also extremely effective against candida.
Harmful organism cleanse- There are many herbs you can take to help kill off unwanted intestinal infestations that may be affecting your health. Wormwood, black walnut hull, clove and American wormseed are four herbs that create a hostile environment inside your intestinal tract for invading organisms, and help kill organisms that may already be there. Taking a probiotic supplement will also help flush out any unwelcome visitors. Here is my recommended cleansing instructions for harmful organisms.
Liquid cleanse- An excellent way to cleanse the body while still maintaining energy levels. A liquid cleanse involves the use of fresh organic fruit and vegetable juices, pureed soups, miso soup, smoothies, oils such as flax, hemp, coconut, sesame or pumpkin seed oil, and fresh, clean water.
Heavy metal cleanse- Most people have high levels of toxic metals such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium and lead in their body. It is recommended that individuals perform two cleanses per year to flush these toxins out of the body to avoid long term accumulation. Learn about an easy at home method of cleansing heavy metals from the body here.
Raw Veggies
Raw/alkaline foods cleanse- This is a temporary cleanse using uncooked fruits and vegetables, combined with smaller amounts of raw nuts, seeds and sprouts. This is an excellent way to detoxify the colon, liver and other bodily systems. It reduces the body’s need to constantly attempt to alkalize the acidic nature of the blood, from eating a modern, non-alkaline diet. Learn more about the benefits of a raw food diet.
Juice fasts- This consists of consuming only freshly juiced fruits and vegetables for one to three days or longer. Helpful, cleansing fruits and veggies include apples, carrots, beets, ginger root, spinach, citrus fruits, pears, celery, kale, cabbage, pineapple, cranberry, and other dark leafy greens. Citrus fruits are usually avoided while fasting. Organic fruits and vegetables are best, as well as freshly juiced fruits and vegetables (not bottled).
Kitcheree cleanse- A kitcheree cleanse is an ancient Ayurvedic method of cleansing the body through what is known as a “mono-diet.” In a kitcheree cleanse, you can eat a super-alkaline diet of mung beans, cooked vegetables, basmati rice and spices. This diet offers a temporary relief to the digestive system, and contributes to overall detoxification, especially when combined with cleansing herbs.
Clove for cleansing
Cleansing spices- Coupling a healthy organic diet with the use of cleansing spices is a mild way of creating change in the body. Cleansing spices to add to your diet include cinnamon, oregano, turmeric, cumin, cilantro, fenugreek, ginger, fennel, cayenne pepper, black pepper, clove, parsley and rosemary.
Master cleanse- This detox method consists of a diet composed only of freshly squeezed lemon juice, organic grade-B maple syrup, cayenne pepper and spring water. While this can be an effective method for both liver and colon cleansing, I would still recommend doing an oxygen colon cleanse and a liver/gallbladder cleanse at the same time.
Which of these have you tried and what were your experiences? Please share your feedback!
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM


  1. Fasting in Different Religions.
  2. The Miracle of Fasting. Paul C. Bragg and Patricia Bragg, ISBN 0-87790-038-8
  3. Wong, Cathy. Juice Fasting.
  4. Detox and Cleansing Diets.
  5. Herbs and Spices Powerful and Effective in Detox.
  6. Anti-cancer Potential of Turmeric.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

9 Organic Spices to Cool You Off In the Summer

Spices are often overlooked for the amazing healing and nutritional properties they possess.  Most people view spices as simply a flavoring or condiment.  Most people do not know, for example, that cinnamon is an incredible anti-microbial and excellent for regulating blood sugar and helping with one's insuline response. Basil, rosemary, thyme, and oregano are also great anti-microbials and very effective at combatting cold and flu viruses.  Clove, in addition to its wonderful scent, is also anti-microbial and very healing for the gums in cases of gingivitis and can act as an analgesic to relieve tooth pain.  I will post more articles on herbs and spices in the days and weeks to come, but for today, I wish to share with you a wonderful article by Dr. Edward Group on 9 organic spices to cool you off in the summer, which perhaps we can all use and benefit from at this time.

The source of this post is the Natural Health and Organic Living newsletter by Dr. Ed Group of the Global Healing Center, which you can subscribe to by going to his site  To go to the original source for this article, go to

It's quite a shame that most people have lost their connection to the natural flow of the seasons, particularly in regard to how we spice our foods. Spices have long been used in Ancient China and India to balance the human body during the extremes of the seasons. According to traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda), it is important to use cooling spices during the summer months, as to avoid excess internal heat in the body.

Organic herbs, spices, teas and oils.
Known as the “pitta,” or fire season, summer can lead to excess inflammation, acne, rash, sweating and even heat stroke. To keep the body cool during the summer months, Ayurveda recommends eating large amounts of cooling foods such as leafy bitter greens, cucumber, watermelon and coconut water. This 5,000 year-old food philosophy also places heavy emphasis on the use of cooling spices in the summer.
Here are ten of my favorite summer spices, that can help you cool off.

1. Organic Mint

Organic Peppermint
Whether peppermint or spearmint, mint is more than just a bad breath remedy, it’s also an excellent cooling summer spice. Best when picked fresh from your herb garden, mint makes a heat-busting addition to a summer lemonade or fresh fruit salad. Growing peppermint in your backyard is also very easy to do.

2. Organic Fennel Seed

Fennel seeds are highly cooling. They also have the added benefit of stimulating intestinal juices, promoting proper digestion and reducing acid reflux. Try chewing a teaspoon of fennel seeds before and after your next main meal. They also keep the breath fresh and promote good oral hygiene.

3. Organic Fresh Cilantro

Organic Cilantro
Fresh cilantro leaves have been used in Thailand and Mexico for thousands of years. A staple in home-made salsas, cilantro acts to counteract the often-spicy flavors and tastes of many international dishes.
Cilantro is extremely easy to grow at home. It grows in both gardens and pots, prefers direct sunlight, and produces leaves quickly and without much care.

4. Organic Turmeric

One of the most healing spices on the planet, turmeric is cooling during the summer. It also has health-boosting properties for the human body. An anti-inflammatory, liver cleanser, anti-allergen, blood purifier, cholesterol balancer, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, this cooling summer spice should be considered a necessity to keep in the spice cabinet.
Turmeric is one of the best spices for avoiding toxic inflammation in the body, a condition that often peaks in summer time. It also stimulates the digestive process, boosts immunity and is great for cooling off over-heated summer skin.
Organic Basil

5. Organic Fresh Basil

Another easy-to-grow herb, fresh basil is extremely high in antioxidants. Try making a cooling summer pesto using fresh basil leaves, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, lemon juice and salt.

6. Organic Cardamom

Another excellent digestive aid, this spice makes a great addition to a summer morning tea. Try heating some almond milk, adding a dash or two of cardamom and some rooibush tea for a cooling iced herbal tea for summer. Cardamom is also tasty when added to your morning smoothie, granola or yogurt.

7. Organic Dill

Organic Dill
This cooling savory spice can be used both fresh and dried. Try adding some fresh dill to items on the menu during the summer months. Grilled veggies taste great with some cooling fresh dill and a dash of lime.

8. Organic Cumin

In small amounts, cumin seeds and ground powder are cooling. They also act as a powerful anti-carminiative and digestive aid. Cumin is a savory spice that can be used in grain dishes, vegetable stir-fry’s and soups.

9. Organic Fresh Ginger

Ginger Root
While it may seem that this spice increases the heat, fresh ginger actually has a cooling post-digestive effect on the body. Fresh ginger tea is also one of the best spices for keeping our digestion regular. Try drinking some fresh ginger tea throughout the day (between meals). You may notice that your appetite is healthier, and your ability to successfully digest foods increases.
Do you have a favorite summer spice or summer recipe? Feel free to share any recipes you may have. ~Dr. G

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Importance of EFAs and Good Food Sources

The following are the words of Stephen Heuer of Synergistic Nutrition  Call (888) 988-3325 and of, the maker of the THE best whey protein powder EVER, from grass-fed cows, ultra-fine, ultra-pure, unheated, untreated...I can't say enough about it.  At any rate, Stephen Heuer is a man I look up to for his vast knowledge in the field of health, nutrition, and natural healing, and I am reposting this from a newsletter that I recently received, as it contains a wealth of very valuable information from which we can all benefit.  I hope you will check out his site and all of the top-of-the-line health products he provides:

Certain fats are crucial for optimal health and metabolism.
Find out which ones and determine if you may be deficient.

Most people are unaware that saturated fats, including cholesterol, are essential to health and are produced by the body. There are some fats your body cannot make and must get from its food supply. These fats are referred to as 'essential' fatty acids (EFAs). Your body needs these types of fats to survive and function properly.
There are only two Essential Fatty Acids that the body requires from an outside food source: Omega-3 and Omega-6. These two are particularly responsible for controlling many cellular processes and are just as important to our health as vitamins or minerals. However, it is vital to have a balanced ratio of these fatty acids from the right sources.

 Ways Your Body Shows EFA Deficiencies 

EFA deficiencies are common and can often be detected by signs on the body itself.

  • Dry skin (feet/face/general)
  • Scaly or flaky skin (legs)
  • Cracking/peeling fingertips & skin on heels
  • Lackluster skin
  • Small bumps on back of upper arms
  • Patchy dullness &/or color variation of skin
  • Irregular quilted appearance of skin
  • Thick or cracked calluses
  • Dandruff or cradle cap
  • Dry, lackluster, brittle or unruly hair
  • Soft, splitting, dull, slow-growing fingernails
  • Dry eyes
  • Dry mouth/throat
  • Inadequate vaginal lubrication
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Premenstrual breast pain/tenderness
  • Excessive ear wax
  • Excessive thirst
  • Allergies (eczema/asthma/hay fever/hives)
  • Cravings for fats/fatty foods
  • Stiff or painful joints

EFA Deficiencies Create Detrimental Health Problems

The significance of these deficiencies goes far beyond the presence of these obvious deficiency symptoms and relates to a large variety of medical conditions, including:

  • High Cholesterol                          
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes 
  • AD/HD
  • Eczema & Psoriasis
  • Reduced Immune Function
  • Epilepsy
  • Cognitive Decline
  • Asthma
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Glandular Atrophy (Leads to infertility and growth deficiencies)
  • Inflammatory/Auto-immune conditions (i.e. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus)
  • Mental Health conditions (i.e. depression, Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia)
Whether you are trying to overcome a particular health issue or are simply trying to preserve your health, choosing a high-quality supplement with the optimal balance of fatty acids is vital.

How Essential Fatty Acids Protect Your Body & Well-Being

Improve Brain Function: (Mood, intelligence, behavior and vision) The brain is made up of over 60% fat. EFAs play an important role in the nervous system. Omega 3 from plant seed oils can be converted in the body to DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is supposed to comprise over 50% of the fat content of the brain and is invovled in intelligence, memory and mood. Depression and other brain diseases have been associated with decreased levels of omega-3.
Strengthen Immune System: EFAs make hormone-like eicosanoids that regulate immune and inflammatory responses. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow damage caused by autoimmune disorders. EFAs also have anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, helping to protect against infections.

Lower Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: EFAs lower high blood pressure levels, triglycerides, fibrinogen, clot formation tendency and inflammation.
Prevent Cancer: Dr. Otto Warberg discovered in the 1920s and 1930s that normal cells become tumor cells when oxygen levels are reduced by 35% or more. Warberg proved that all cancer, no matter the label given, is one of the following: an oxygen deficiency at the cellular level; or the cell has lost the ability to absorb oxygen; or the mechanisms within the cell to utilize oxygen have been damaged. So remember this, the primary cause of all cancer is an oxygen deficit.
The secondary causes of cancer can be the cells' inability to absorb oxygen, or that the mechanisms of oxygen utilization are damaged. Guess what determines the cells ability to absorb oxygen? Essential fatty acids. That’s right. If the cell wall does not have plant-derived Omega 3 and Omega 6, then it can no longer absorb oxygen. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are the window through which oxygen can enter the cell. When you eat a diet devoid of, or lacking in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, or if you crowd out the body’s ability to benefit from Omega 3 and 6 because of the consumption of heated or chemically extracted vegetable oils, or consume trans fats, margarine, or hydrogenated oils, then you can crowd out the body’s ability to utilize the small amount of good Omega 3 and 6 and end up with a deficiency at the cellular level.
Johanna Budwig, a famous doctor in Hungary, discovered Omega 3 rich flax oil combined with cottage cheese could give the body the ability to restore the cells' walls ability to absorb oxygen. In the 1950s, Budwig gave nothing but these two foods to people with cancer and had a 90% success rate and remission from cancer. Nowadays, I do not advocate people eat heat-sterilized cottage cheese. Instead, I recommend our One World Whey Protein powder, along with Omega 3 and 6 rich cold-processed vegetable oil to insure that your body can absorb oxygen at the cellular level.
Increase Energy, Performance and Stamina: EFAs help build muscle, prevent muscle break down and speed recovery from exercise.
Regulate Body Weight: EFAs help boost mood and energy levels and suppress appetite, which aids in the loss of excess body fat. Recent studies have shown EFAs have the ability to block the genes that produce fat in the body. They also increase thermogenesis.

Regulate Organs & Glands: EFAs play a huge role in liver and kidney regulation and in the functioning of the adrenal and thyroid glands. The production of male and female hormones also depends on EFAs.
 Support Healthy Child Development: For proper nervous system development, a growing fetus needs optimum levels of EFAs. Children can suffer from serious mental and physical health problems when mothers do not get enough EFAs during pregnancy.
Boost Bone Strength: EFAs aid in the transport of minerals that keep bones and teeth strong, helping to prevent osteoporosis.
Protect DNA & other Cells: EFAs regulate gene expression and omega-3s have been shown to inhibit tumor growth. 
Produce Beautiful Skin, Hair, & Nails: Some of the first signs of EFA deficiency are dry, flaky skin, dull hair, and brittle nails. Omega-3s can help skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.
Green Tea seed oil: Green tea seed oil is similar to olive oil in its nutritional makeup. It’s rich in antioxidants and has remarkable antiseptic, fungicide, bactericide and lipid-lowering effects. Green tea seed oil does not contain caffeine.
Pomegranate seed oil: Pomegranate seed oil is an omega-5 conjugated fatty acid that is rich in punicic acid. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects and contains tocopherols, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol.
Black cumin seed oil: Black cumin seed oil's immune-boosting antioxidant levels are among the very highest of all plant oils.
Black raspberry seed oil:  Another rich source of antioxidants, black raspberry seed oil contains four different types of Vitamin E (alpha and gamma tocopherol, beta and gamma tocotrienol).
Blueberry seed oil: Blueberry seed oil has powerful free-radical-scavenging properties.
Cranberry seed oil: Cranberry seed oil provides excellent skin and cell protection, given its extremely high gamma tocopherol content, which has the highest antioxidant capacity of all of the tocopherols.
Hemp seed oil: This is quite possibly nature's most perfectly balanced oil---Hemp seed oil is rich in Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) in an ideal 1:3 ratio. Hemp seed oil also contains a rare combination of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), oleic acid and stearidonic acids. Additionally, hemp seed oil contains antioxidants like Vitamin E, carotene and alkaline-forming chlorophyll.
Flax seed oil: More than half the fat in flax seeds is alphalinoleni fatty acid (ALA), which is the essential Omega-3 fatty acid. 
Pumpkin seed oil: Pumpkin seed oil provides Omega-6 and Omega-9 EFAs, along with powerful immune-modulating plant sterols. It aids in cholesterol regulation, prostate maintenance, bladder control, hormone balance and reproductive health.
Coconut oil:  Coconut oil is a rich source of healthy medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs. It helps strengthen the immune system, protect against infections and degenerative conditions and provides a quick source of energy.

So Many Delicious Ways to Get Your EFAs!

Take one or more tablespoons of Vega Antioxidant EFA Oil Blend daily with meals for optimal benefits. Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, this oil can be added into smoothies or other drinks, drizzled on salad as a nutritious dressing, or taken straight from a spoon – it has a light, nutty delicious flavor. We also recommend using it in dips, soups or adding it to your favorite vegetable, rice or pasta dishes for an easy and delicious way to up your EFA intake.
Vega Antioxidant EFA Oil Blend can be used with all cold, warm and hot foods, but should not be used for baking, frying or other high-temperature cooking.

YOUNGEVITY also sells a variety of good-quality EFA products such as the Ultimate EFA Plus made with organically grown borage and flaxseed oil with added Vitamin E (from a natural source).

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Most disease is NOT genetic!

Most health conditions human beings suffer from are human caused, brought on by poor dietary and healthstyle choices.
According to Dr. Peter Glidden:
Elimination of all FRIED FOODS will add approximately one decade to your lifespan. French fries, fried chicken, fried shrimp, tempura, stir fried veggies, stir fried rice, stir fried ANYTHING, etc. all have to go! Fried foods contain a chemical called "acrylamide" which is cancer causing.
The high rate of heart disease and high blood pressure is NOT GENETIC. This was proven and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, but is overlooked by MD's who are obsessed with the myth of the bad gene.  The states of the Deep South suffer a much higher rate of heart disease, not because they're genetically inferior, but quite plainly, they eat much more fried food than residents of the northern or western states do. This, in addition to chronic undetected nutrient deficiencies, lays the perfect groundwork for heart disease and high blood pressure - both of which can be eliminated with the proper diet and vitamin/mineral program.
Well, what about Type 2 Diabetes?  Surely THAT must be genetic, right?  I mean, if a mother and father and her children all develop Type 2 diabetes, it HAS to be, doesn't it?  Well, other than their genes, what else do these people share?  Answer:  DIET and LIFESTYLE.  Children eat what their parents buy for them and put before them on the table.  If a mother eats packaged, processed foods; white bread, white rice, pasta (all of which turn to sugar when metabolized by the human body), soda pop, potato chips, pizza, pop tarts and pastries...chances are, she is going to develop Type 2 diabetes, in addition to becoming overweight or obese, which tend to go hand in hand.  This is no coincidence.  The children follow suit, and then we have children developing Type 2 diabetes while still in gradeschool!  Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult onset diabetes, but unfortunately, this is no longer the case, not because of 'bad genes' but because of poor dietary and lifestyle choices.  Plain and simple. 
Quoting once again Dr. Glidden from
Type 2 diabetes is a nutrient deficiency disease. When your body runs out of the minerals and vitamins that it needs to open doors on the cell wall that let sugar enter into the cell, the sugar piles up in your blood stream, and you get Type 2 Diabetes. Once the nutrient deficiencies are eliminated with medical nutrition, your body metabolizes its sugar without any problem what-so-ever.  Helping your body to support and promote healthy blood sugar levels is easier than you may think.  And by the way, the average Type 2 Diabetic patient, over the course of 30 years of treatment, will profit the medical industry approximately $350,000. We can support and promote healthy blood sugar metabolism with medical nutrition for less than $2000. Which is better?  
An excellent book on this subject called "Hell's Kitchen" is available for only $19.95 through Dr. Glidden's On-Line Store at
And you can listen to Dr. Glidden's excellent radio show and call in with any of your own health concerns 5 days a week, M-F from 4:00~5:00 p.m. CST on the GCNlive radio network by going to  You can also listen to Dr. Joel Wallach's program entitled Dead Doctors Don't Lie (the only ones who don't) and (former-) pharmacist Ben Fuchs' radio show "The Bright Side" by going to that same site.  All shows are archived for free listening and I think you'll find them both entertaining and highly educational!  You can also listen to the archives of my own once weekly podcast entitled Nothing But Health by going to