Friday, February 28, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Detoxify Your Body

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5 Ways To Detoxify Your Body

In 2000, more than four billion pounds of chemicals were released into the ground and almost two billion pounds of chemical emissions were pumped into the atmosphere! Our bodies have developed sophisticated detoxification mechanisms over many thousands of years to eliminate most of the naturally produced toxins they encounter on a regular basis. 

What is detoxification and why MUST you do it!
Detoxification is a normal process within the body as it neutralizes and eliminates toxins through the major organs such as our colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin. Our bodies do it naturally every day, in fact it is one of our most basic automatic functions. But sometimes our bodies get overloaded with toxins and it needs help in its detoxification job. Our livers work extremely hard everyday to protect us from adverse effects from toxins and often it is easy for our livers to become overworked compromising our health significantly.
“But I eat only organic and I’m a vegetarian!”
This is one reply I hear from people.
Even if your diet is pure, what about the environmental toxins we are bombarded with daily? Chlorine and fluoride are in tap and shower water. Flame-retardant chemicals are in the mattress you sleep on and in the carpet you walk upon. Toxins found in plastics and plastic wraps (that cover our produce) frequently find their way into our foods. The chemicals in plastic may be carcinogenic, hormone-altering, and, at the very least, a cause of allergic reactions ranging from skin irritations to breathing problems.
The Industrial Revolution and its resulting synthetic chemicals found in places such as food, water, soil, air, household and workplace materials, and medicine have created a new dilemma for the human body. It’s too much right now. Our bodies simply cannot handle the onslaught of synthetic chemicals we throw at them. We may be able to handle some of these toxins but over time, the large amount consumed, drunk, inhaled, or absorbed by the average person greatly exceeds his or her body’s capacity to detoxify them.
Many of these toxins are held onto by the body in its fat cells. The fat cells act as a buffer, protecting your body from the harmful effects of the toxic chemicals.
So, what can you do?!

1. A Liver Flush
Supporting your body by following an internal cleansing program to cleanse the liver is a fantastic way to eliminate all the man-made toxins that your body is holding onto. The liver has quite an important job. Help it along by doing a liver flush! The next one starts on September 8th. 

2. Juicing
Juicing is a fantastic way to help the body release held-onto toxins. Drinking freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juice floods the body with healthy vitamins and minerals. As a result, the body feels ‘safe’ to let go of held onto toxins that it has been storing. This can also lead to weight-loss, more energy and a better overall mentality.
During my 40 day juice cleanse, my body went through two major detoxifications. I was literally in bed feeling horrible for a 24 hour period each time. My body was letting go of long-stored toxins that for a short period of time made me feel lousy. However, this short-term discomfort was definitely preferred over some type of debilitating illness in the future such as cancer. Any ‘sickness’ in the body is actually a detoxification process. The body is a smart machine and knows what it is doing. Being ‘sick’ is actually a blessing as the body simply performs a routine cleansing. Juicing supports your body in this process by easing the digestive load while at the same time putting in easily absorbable nutrients.
My delicious e-book 40 Days of Juicing is always available for $3.99! I also have a hardcopy and paperback version if you prefer the book placed right next to your juicer for easy access! Start to feel better than ever before by using juices to help your body detoxify! And stay tuned for my upcoming SUPERhero Juice Cleanse! A 7 day program including all that you need to safely and easily cleanse over a 7 day period! 

3. Yoga
There are many ways in which yoga can help support your body’s detoxification efforts. 
First of all, yoga stimulates the GI (gastrointestinal) tract’s vital force. A GI tract that is weak leads to poor digestion, weight gain and toxicity in the body. A sluggish liver will be an obstacle for your metabolism. On the other hand, a strong liver helps you to digest foods better, leading to less wait time in the GI tract and less overall toxicity in the body. All types of back-bending postures in yoga exercise the entire abdominal area in addition to flexing the spinal cord to create more overall flexibility and proper alignment. Also, twisting postures help to remove unwanted toxins from the body. Just like wringing out a washcloth removes the dirty water, twisting the body helps to release and remove toxins from the body. 

4. Clean Up Your Home and Personal Care Products
It’s has been proven that the air quality in our homes is more polluted than the air outside of our homes! This is true even in big cities. Scary, huh? Protect yourself and loved ones by: eating organic foods, using organic care products, and making your own environmentally friendly cleaning products. These simply changes will reduce your toxic load by quite a bit!

5. Enemas and/or Colonics
“Imagine that you have a garbage can in your kitchen and it doesn’t have a plastic bag in it, it’s just a can. Every day you throw your garbage into the can and then you take it out to the dumpster and dump its’ contents. Even though you are dumping the contents, imagine all the residue that builds up along its walls. What would that garbage can look like after a month, 1 year, 10 years, 50 years?”
It’s a disturbing thought when you actually think about it.
Enemas are a fantastic way to help you remove toxins naturally from your body, especially as part of a detox program. They also help you lose weight, improve the immune system, enhance digestion, and prevent illness. Puma St. Angel shows how to give yourself an enema in the video below. She uses the ‘typical’ pink enema bag. However, over time (and many enemas) I find the bucket to be easier. I have a clear see-through bucket which is really nice for showing you how much you have left to go. A bit of a motivating factor in my opinion.
We live in a dirty world. Make sure that detoxification is part of your routine. I like to do 4 big cleanses on a yearly basis. I highly suggest you adapt the same! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Avoid Heavy Metals

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Heavy Metals and their effect on our health

Heavy Metals and their effect on our health

Common heavy metals and their typical sources.

Today mankind is exposed to the highest levels in recorded history of lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, copper, nickel, tin and vanadium. Levels are up to several thousand times higher than in primitive man. In my clinical experience, everyone has excessive amounts of some or all of the toxic metals.
Toxic metals replace nutrient minerals in enzyme binding sites.  When this occurs, the metals inhibit, overstimulate or otherwise alter thousands of enzymes. An affected enzyme may operate at 5% of normal activity. This may contribute to many health conditions. Toxic metals may also replace other substances in other tissue structures. These tissues, such as the arteries, joints, bones and muscles, are weakened by the replacement process.
Toxic metals may also simply deposit in many sites, causing local irritation and other toxic effects.  They may also support development of fungal, bacterial and viral infections that are difficult or impossible to eradicate until this cause is removed.


Lead has been called the horror mineral because it is associated with violence, lowered IQ, ADD, ADHD anApplyd many neurological problems.  Another widely distributed toxic metal due to its many uses in industry.
Pesticides used on fruits, vegetables and many other foods may contain arsenic, lead, copper, mercury and other toxic metals.  Lead was added to gasoline until the 1970s when lead-free gas replaced it.  The new gasoline has manganese in it instead of lead.  Old house paint, current paint used on ships of all sizes, lubricants, medications, cosmetics such as lipstick and others, inks, and perhaps other products may contain lead.  Entire books have been written about lead toxicity, which causes hundreds of symptoms from anemia to death.
Typical sources: Auto exhaust; Industrial smelters and paint factories; Lead water pipes; Industrial pollution in the water; Pesticide runoff; Acid rain be it industrial or volcanic; Roof paint through the catchment system; Lead paint on children's cribs which they eat because it tastes sweet; Cigarettes due to lead arsenate as an insecticide; Insecticides/fungicides; Burning newspapers due to the lead in the ink; Soldered items; Gardens near a main road; Children playing near main roads; Jogging on main roads; Commercial baby milk; Industrial materials such as nails, solder, plaster, putty; Shellfish; Gasoline; Bullets; Organ meats; Dog food; Cosmetics, Dolomite; Paper clips; Cooking utensils; Hair colorings; Wines; Leaded toothpaste tubes.
Typical symptomes: Constipation; Vomiting; Learning difficulties; Mental retardation; Hyperactivity; Vertigo; Gout, arthritis; kidney damage; Birth defects; Coordination inabilities; Muscle weakness; Anorexia; Seizures; Cirrhosis of the liver; Metallic taste sensations; Thyroid dysfunction; Nausea; Diarrhea; Difficulty in concentration; Confusion; Restlessness; Insomnia; Muscle aches; Fatigue; Pituitary damage; Impotence/sterility; Tremors; Degeneration of motor neurons; Schizophrenic-like behavior; Growth problems in long bones; Cataracts; Headaches; Anemia; Lead-lined gums.


Cadmium has been called the pseudo-macho or the violent element.  Like lead, it is an older male mineral that is associated with macho behavior, violence and horror.  Male and female sexual fluids are rich in zinc, and when one loses too much of these, cadmium from the environment seems to replace the zinc in the body. Thus, people who have orgasms more than once a week tend to accumulate cadmium, probably because it replaces zinc in the male testicles and even in women’s ovaries.
Cadmium is widespread in the air, as it is used in brake linings of cars.  It is also used in metal plating as it is a very hard substance.  Cigarette smoke and marijuana smoking can contribute to cadmium toxicity.  Cadmium toughens the tissues and hardens the arteries.  Cadmium helps some people to act more tough and manly.   Unfortunately, it is also a deadly toxic metal associated with heart disease, cancers of all kind, kidney disease, diabetes and other health problems.
Typical symptomes: Emphysema; Hypertension; Kidney damage; Arteriosclerosis; Abdominal cramps; Colic; Diarrhea; Slow healing acne; Nausea/vomiting; Liver disease; Anemia.

Sources: Cigarettes; Fertilizers; Water pipes; Soft drink dispensers; Coal burning; Refined foods.


Mercury and others from the sea. Mercury may be called the mad hatters mineral.  People who made raccoon skin hats in the mid 1800s in America and Europe developed mercury toxicity after a few years from rubbing mercury on felt to soften it.  They became mentally and emotionally deranged in many cases.
Fish, especially those caught near the coast or in contaminated streams or lakes, are universallycontaminated.  Mercury is found today in ALL FISH, bar none.  Even small fish, which used to be safe, are not any more.  This is sad as fish is otherwise an excellent food.
As a result, the only fish I recommend are very small fish, and the best is sardines because of their content of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, along with calcium, selenium, RNA, DNA and many other vital nutrients.  The omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are almost universally deficient in modern diets and are important for everyone.
Sardines in the can are fine.  All other fish should be avoided, except perhaps occasional small fish like sole, smelt, anchovies or herring.
Large fish concentrate mercury a million times or more. The federal government recently issued a warning that pregnant and lactating women should avoid tuna, shark, king mackerel and other large fish.  I recommend everyone avoid these fish!  Shellfish and bottom feeders in particular contain excessive cadmium, mercury and other toxic metals.  Please avoid all shellfish, as their toxic metal levels are incredible at times.  This is why many people are “allergic” to them.
Typical symptomes: Tremors; Birth defects; Kidney damage; Nausea; Loss of hearing or vision; Gingivitis; Vertigo; Nervousness; Fatigue; Chromosome damage; Insanity; Abdominal pain; Vomiting; Mental retardation; Tooth loss; Headaches; Skin eruptions.

Typical sources: Dental fillings; Pesticides/ fungicides; Pollution; Fish; Adhesives; Fabric softeners; Drugs; Coal burning; Cosmetics; Water-based paints; Chemical fertilizers; White powdered laxatives.


Aluminum. Aluminum is called the soft in the head mineral because it is associated with memory loss and dementias.  All types of salt contain some aluminum.  Table salt often has aluminum added as an anti-caking agent and should never be eaten.  Sea salt is better but contains some aluminum as well.
Beverages in aluminum cans or food cooked in aluminum may contain elevated levels of aluminum.  Ceramic plates and cookware from other nations often contain leaded glazes that come off onto the food.  Anti-perspirants all contain aluminum compounds.  Use an old-fashioned deodorant instead, or put some liquid soap like Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap under your arms instead.
Typical symptomes: Digestive disorders; Colic; Gastritis; Dementia; Alzheimer's; Seizures; Motor and behavioral dysfunction; Skin rash; Headache.


Typical symptomes: Mental disorders; Anemia; Arthritis/rheumatoid arthritis; Hypertension; Nausea/vomiting; Hyperactivity; Schizophrenia; Insomnia; Autism; stuttering; Copper deposits in kidney, liver, brain, eyes; Postpartum psychosis; Inflammation and enlargement of liver; Heart problems; Cystic fibrosis.

Typical Sources: Copper water pipes; Copper water heaters; Meats using copper sulfate as a growth enhancer; Frozen greens and canned greens using copper to produce an ultra-green color; Zinc deficiency; Alcoholic beverages from copper brewery equipment; Instant gas hot water heaters; Hormone pills; Pesticides. Insecticides; fungicides; Copper jewelry; Copper cooking pots.


Arsenic is caledl the slow death mineral.  Its symptoms are vague, and it was used to kill people because it is colorless and tasteless so it was added to food and slowly killed people.
Today arsenic is still a common toxin.  It may be added in up to 70% of chickens in their feed as Roxsarone and perhaps in other additives that are still permitted by the FDA and USDA in America.  Europe has banned arsenic in chicken feed.  It gets into commercial eggs, all pig products such as pork, ham, bacon and lard, and into most US drinking water supplies as it leaches into the soil from farming and livestock operations.  Organic chicken and eggs should be better.  Avoid all pig products for other reasons and this one, too.
Arsenic is used in pesticides and, as a result, may be found in commercial wines, beers, fruits, vegetables, rice and other foods.  Once again, organically grown should be better.


This is called the depression and suicide mineral, as it is associated with these feelings and symptoms.  It is a particularly deadly toxic metal. It is found in large quantity, sadly, in some older metal or even ceramic dental fixtures such as crowns and some wires used in bridges and braces.  Be very careful about this because nickel can contribute to cancer and other horrible problems. Nickel in much smaller quantity in hydrogenated oils found in commercial peanut butter, margarines including soy margarine and vegetable shortening. Cadmium used as catalysts.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Natural Arthritis Treatments

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6 ways to treat arthritis naturally

(NaturalHealth365) For those of us who suffer from arthritis and general joint pain, life can quickly become a daily struggle of battling with aching and stiffness, and with there being no known cure (conventionally speaking), it can often seem like a hopeless situation to be in.
But, there is hope, in the form of numerous food items and lifestyle changes you can incorporate into your day-to-day life in order to help reduce inflammation in your body and combat many (if not all) of the symptoms of arthritis.
Let’s take a closer look at a handful of proven methods you can use to help eliminate pain and discomfort caused by this terribly common disease.
Remember, you are what you eat and how you digest
1. Healthy herbs – nature offers us an incredible abundance of healing herbs which can be used to gently alleviate symptoms by reducing stress, inflammation, and acidity within the body. Turmeric, stinging nettle, garlic, ginger, and burdock root are all great examples of items you can incorporate into your diet, offering benefits including anti-inflammatory properties, immune support, detoxification, and protection from free radicals.
2. Supplemental support – most of our nutrients should be consumed through a well-balanced diet; however, it may be beneficial to introduce supplementary forms of nutrients such as Vitamins A, D, and E, curcumin (the active compound in turmeric), omega-3 fish oils, and vitamin C in order to strengthen your joints, reduce inflammation, and help fight against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
It should be noted that appropriate doses of these nutrients is highly individual so you should consult a qualified professional to ensure you are taking the correct quantities and make sure you are not using any products which may exacerbate an existing medical condition.
3. Eliminate Inflammatory food – consuming sugar, alcohol, and trans fats can lead to severe levels of inflammation in the body, so as well as introducing foods to heal you, you can also begin to eliminate some of the worst offenders which may be really impinging on your health and worsening your arthritic symptoms.
This also means not consuming an excess of unsaturated fats from refined oils and grain-fed meat, and instead increasing our intake of healthy saturated fats such as virgin coconut oil, eggs, and grass-fed (only) animal products. These high-quality saturated fats help to keep our joints supple and lubricated, thereby reducing irritation and inflammation in the long term.
Highly-effective lifestyle changes to eliminate arthritis
4. Shape Up
According to Roy Altman, MD, a rheumatologist and professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, losing as little as 10-20 pounds can produce a significant reduction of symptoms in sufferers of arthritis, owing largely the a reduced strain being placed on the joints of the lower body such as the hips, knees, and ankles.
5. Exercise
While this goes partly hand-in-hand with losing weight, frequent exercise is a sure fire way of strengthening your joints and the muscles surrounding them, as well as producing an increase in endorphin production which helps to reduce the stress which can exacerbate inflammation and aggravate joint pain.
It should be noted, however, that suffers of extreme joint pain should abstain from heavy impact activities such as running, and would fare better with a combination of cycling, swimming, and even the use of elliptical machines.
6. Reduce the Load
Simply being mindful of the demand your daily activities can place on your joints can be a great way of reducing symptoms. Asking someone to help you carry grocery bags, using electric knives and can openers, and opting for Velcro-strapped shoes and clothing instead of laced items can all go a long way to reducing the load placed on your body.
The bottom line
We are really only scratching the surface of the power of healing foods and lifestyle changes, which can be adopted to improve not just your arthritic symptoms, but also your overall health and wellbeing.
Be sure to try out some of these methods but don’t forget to do a little research and you’re sure to find even more ways of reducing pain and discomfort, and improving your quality of life.
Looking for natural health solutions? Sign up now – for our free, weekly show featuring the greatest minds in natural health and science plus a free gift!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Avoid Poisonous 'Medicine'

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5 Poison ‘Medicines’ Women Should Avoid and Replace with Natural Remedies

While science is always developing, the western world is slow to alter its ways in the face of evidence pointing to the dangers or inefficiency of new medicine and realizations that old treatments could replace current medicines. Further, it is no different than some of the decisions we make with our health. Everyone could make some beneficial changes, and a woman’s well-being is often neglected especially due to hard-sticking health myths. Here are 5 ‘medicines’ that can easily be replaced with more natural alternatives:

1. Uva Ursi Instead of Antibiotoics

Antibiotics are already over-prescribed for many ailments, and they are causing bacteria to become stronger and more resistant to the prescription drugs that are often prescribed. Urinary tract infections are often stubborn and are primarily treated in allopathic medicine with more than one type of antibiotic. This type of infection can happen often in women, and is sometimes referred to as ‘the honeymooner’s disease.’
Uva Ursi, also known as bearberry, has been used for centuries as a natural diuretic and homeopathic treatment for ailments like urinary tract infections, bladder inflammation, and other inflammatory diseases primarily due to two chemical constituents: arbutin and hydroquinone. The herb is also full of antioxidants and has an astringent affect, so it naturally fights unwanted bacteria. Conversely, antibiotics disrupt the natural flora of the gut and wipe out all the good bacteria in the bladder and urethra so that persistent urinary tract infections are more likely to occur.

2. Chrysin in Passion Flower Extracts Instead of Breast Cancer Drugs

Many of the estrogen-stopping drugs found in aromatase-inhibitors made by the pharmaceutical companies can wreck havoc on a woman’s body. They are often used to treat breast cancer, but with prolonged use they cause liver inflammation and even cancer. Chrysin, a naturally occurring flavanoid in passion flower, has shown to effectively reduce inflammation which leads to this type of cancer through the Cox 2 pathway.

3. Stop Giving Your Baby BPA-Filled Teething Rings and use Baltic Amber Instead

While many baby teething rings are filled with BPA (biosphenal A), an industrial chemical which can adversely affect your baby’s brain and development, Baltic amber teething necklaces and rings made with real amber and not counterfeit are full of succinic acid. Baltic amber specifically has an 8% concentration of this beneficial natural compound. Amber found in the Baltic region has been used throughout Europe for centuries as a natural antibiotic and cure for numerous ailments.

4. Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps Instead of Medications that Harm the Endocrine System

There are two types of menstrual cramps: primary and secondary dysmenorrheal. They are both equally debilitating for millions of women. Instead of popping Midol like candy, try increasing your omega 3 fatty acids, eat more magnesium and try acupressure. These will all save endocrine system from producing more stress hormones, which can happen due to the high levels of caffeine in products like Midol. Overuse of Ibuprofin or aspirin can also adversely affect your gastrointestinal system. Check out our home remedies for menstrual cramps page for more natural alternatives.

5. Breathe, Meditate or Do Yoga Instead of Taking Anti-Depressants

study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association said that many medications like Paxil and Prozac were no more effective than a placebo pill, but they have a whole lot of unsavory side effects. If you are feeling blue, try taking a deep diaphragmatic breath, as suggested by a recent NPR programmeditate (it has been proven to be more effective at reducing pain than morphine) or do some yoga, which naturally relieves deep emotional and psychological tensions from the body.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Vitamin C

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Vitamin C, Shingles, and Vaccination

Opinion by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

(OMNS Aug 27, 2013) The pharmaceutical industry, and many doctors, appear to be making great efforts by to get as many people as possible vaccinated against shingles. Even if such an intervention was highly effective in preventing shingles, which certainly has not been shown to be the case, the information below should make it clear that such vaccinations are unnecessary. The side effects that would be suffered by a significant number of individuals need never occur in the first place. The real problem is that what is discussed below generates relatively little income for anybody in the healthcare industry. Regardless, you need to decide for yourself.
Shingles is an infection resulting from the varicella zoster virus, usually manifesting in areas supplied by spinal nerves, known as dermatomes. More commonly known in medical circles as Herpes zoster, the infection is typically characterized by a blistering skin rash of extraordinary pain for most individuals. The initial infection with the virus is usually remote from the shingles outbreak, typically occurring in childhood when chickenpox is contracted. For years the virus remains latent in nerve cell bodies or autonomic ganglia. It is when the virus, for unclear reasons, breaks out of these storage sites and travels down the nerve axons that shingles occurs.
Left to itself along with mainstream therapies that include analgesics, antiviral agents like acyclovir, and corticosteroids, the rash will generally resolve in two to four weeks. The pain is generally lessened little by analgesics. Some unfortunate individuals can experience postherpetic neuralgia, a syndrome of residual nerve pain that can continue for months or years following a shingles outbreak.

Treatment of Shingles with Vitamin C

The clinical response of shingles to vitamin C therapy is decidedly different from its response to traditional therapies. While there are not many reports in the literature on vitamin C and shingles, the studies that do exist are striking. Frederick Klenner, MD, who pioneered the effective use of vitamin C in a wide variety of infections and toxin exposures, published the results of his vitamin C therapy on eight patients with shingles. He gave 2,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin C by injection every 12 hours, supplemented by 1,000 mg in fruit juice by mouth every two hours. In seven of the eight patients treated in this manner, complete pain relief was reported within two hours of the first vitamin C injection. All patients received a total of five to seven vitamin C injections. Having had shingles myself years before I knew of the efficacy of vitamin C therapy, I can assert that this is nothing short of a stunning result on what is usually a painful and debilitating disease.
Furthermore, the blisters on Dr. Klenner's patients were reported to begin healing rapidly, with complete resolution within the first 72 hours. As with other infectious conditions, Dr. Klenner hastened to add that treatment needed to continue for at least 72 hours, as recurrence could readily occur even when the initial response was positive. Dr. Klenner also found a similar regimen of vitamin C just as readily resolved the blistering lesions of chickenpox, with the recoveries usually complete in three to four days. Similar clinical response by chickenpox and shingles to vitamin C is further evidence, albeit indirect, that the chickenpox virus and the later appearing Herpes zoster virus are the same pathogen (Klenner, 1949 & 1974).
Even before Dr. Klenner's observations were published, another researcher reported results just as astounding when measured against today's mainstream therapies. Dainow (1943) reported success with 14 shingles patients receiving vitamin C injections. In another study, complete resolution of shingles outbreaks was reported in 327 of 327 patients receiving vitamin C injections within the first 72 hours (Zureick, 1950). While all of this data on vitamin C and shingles is quite old, there is an internal consistency among the report in how the patients responded. Until further clinical trials are conducted, these results stand. They clearly show that vitamin C should be an integral part of any therapeutic approach used on a patient presenting with shingles.

Vitamin C and Viruses

Vitamin C has a general virus-inactivating effect, with herpes viruses being only one of many types of virus that vitamin C has neutralized in the test tube or has eradicated in an infected person (Levy, 2002). As with the inactivation seen with other viruses mixed with vitamin C in the test tube (in vitro), two early studies were consistent with the clinical results later seen with vitamin C in herpes infections. Vitamin C inactivated herpes viruses when mixed with them in the test tube (Holden and Resnick, 1936; Holden and Molloy, 1937).
The most important factor in the treatment of any virus with vitamin C is to give enough, for a long enough period of time. Certain chronic viral syndromes do not promptly resolve with vitamin C administration, but there is yet to be an acute viral syndrome that vitamin C cannot resolve promptly, unless the patient already has extensive tissue/organ damage and is literally only moments away from death.
Vitamin C therapy can never be considered a failure in an acute viral syndrome until multiple forms have been used in large doses together. While a majority of acute viral syndromes will rapidly resolve with properly-dosed vitamin C of any kind, resistant cases need to be subjected to a multi-pronged approach to vitamin C administration. Such a regimen can include, but not necessarily be limited to:
  1. 1,000 to 5,000 milligrams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C orally daily
  2. Bowel tolerance doses of vitamin C as sodium ascorbate orally daily
  3. 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily of fat-soluble ascorbyl palmitate orally daily
  4. Intravenous vitamin C, 25,000 to 150,000 mg per infusion, depending on body size, as frequently as daily, depending on the severity of the infection
Vitamin C accumulating inside viral particles can rapidly destroy viruses by that approach. The spike of the bacteriophage virus is laden with iron, and the focal Fenton reaction is probably how it penetrates its host cell membrane (Bartual et al., 2010; Yamashita et al., 2011; Browning et al., 2012). Viruses accumulate iron and copper, and these metals are also part of the surfaces of viruses (Samuni et al., 1983). As such, wherever the concentrations are the highest, vitamin C will focally upregulate the Fenton reaction, and irreversible viral damage will generally ensue. Fenton activity and its upregulation is the only really well-documented way by which viruses, pathogens, and also cancer cells can be killed by vitamin C, and it is the stimulation of this reaction by vitamin C that makes it therapeutically effective in resolving many infections and cancers (Vilcheze et al., 2013).
Vitamin C helps resolve infections of all varieties, but its effect on acute viral syndromes are especially dramatic and prompt, and it should always be part of any treatment protocol for an infected patient.
(Dr. Thomas Levy is a board-certified cardiologist as well as an attorney. He is the author of several books, including Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins.)


1. Bartual, S., J. Otero, C. Garcia-Doval, et al. (2010) Structure of the bacteriophage T4 long tail fiber receptor-binding tip. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107:20287-20292. PMID: 21041684
2. Browning, C., M. Shneider, V. Bowman, et al., (2012) Phage pierces the host cell membrane with the iron-loaded spike. Structure 20:326-339. PMID: 22325780
3. Dainow, I. (1943) Treatment of herpes zoster with vitamin C. Dermatologia 68:197-201.
4. Holden, M. and E. Molloy (1937) Further experiments on the inactivation of herpes virus by vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid). Journal of Immunology 33:251-257.
5. Holden, M. and R. Resnick (1936) The in vitro action of synthetic crystalline vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on herpes virus. Journal of Immunology 31:455-462.
6. Klenner, F. (1949) The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. Southern Medicine & Surgery 111:209-214. PMID: 18147027
7. Klenner, F. (1974) Significance of high daily intake of ascorbic acid in preventive medicine. Journal of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine 1:45-69.
8. Levy, T. (2002) Curing the Incurable. Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. MedFox Publishing, Henderson, NV.
9. Samuni, A., J. Aronovitch, D. Godinger, et al. (1983) On the cytotoxicity of vitamin C and metal ions. A site-specific Fenton mechanism. European Journal of Biochemistry 137:119-124. PMID: 6317379
10. Vilcheze, C., T. Hartman, B. Weinrick, and W. Jacobs, Jr. (2013) Mycobacterium tuberculosis is extraordinarily sensitive to killing by a vitamin C-induced Fenton reaction. Nature Communications 4:1881. PMID: 23695675
11. Yamashita, E., A. Nakagawa, J. Takahashi, et al. (2011) The host-binding domain of the P2 phage tail spike reveals a trimeric iron-binding structure. Acta Crystallographica. Section F, Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 67:837-841. PMID: 21821878
12. Zureick, M. (1950) Therapy of herpes and herpes zoster with intravenous vitamin C. Journal des Praticiens 64:586. PMID: 14908970

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Eat Chocolate

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Chocolate: The "Candy" with Powerful Medicinal Properties

Chocolate is clearly one of the most enjoyed foods on the planet, with millions of pounds produced annually, and has one of the oldest documented histories of use going all the way back to the year 1100 BC in South America. And yet, many people still harbor guilt about consuming it because they associate chocolate with "candy" (which logically follows from the fact that it is in the candy section in stores where you will find it), having never been exposed to the impressive body of pre-clinical and clinical research indicating that it may actually be closer to a "medicine" than a candy.
Indeed, in a previous post, we discussed how chocolate might just give the $29 billion dollar statin drug industry a run for its money, since a 2006 study found that regular chocolate consumption may reduce cardiac mortality by 50%. And this was based on a study where subjects only consumed 2.11 grams a day, or just one half ounce a week!
Now, newer research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has revealed that the consumption of chocolate, or its active constituents (cocoaflavan-3-ols), reduces a broad range of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, some of which include insulin resistance. The researchers looked at 42 acute and long-term studies and found a 33% median reduction in insulin resistancefollowing chocolate consumption.
What is so unique about this new study is that chocolate consumption is generally believed to elevate blood sugar and blood insulin levels by increasing insulin resistance. The new study not only reveals this as being a myth but sheds additional light on why chocolate consumption (especially dark, organic chocolate) may be beneficial in both the prevention and treatment of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The #1 benefit involved is cocoa/chocolate's well-known ability to improve endothelial dysfunction. Elevated blood sugar leads to glycation (basically, oxidation and caramelization of blood sugars), which leads to sticky sugar-protein and sugar-lipid complexes that damage the lining of the blood vessels and other organs leading to their dysfunction. Diabetics may respond quite well to theartery-dilating effects of cocoa, and may see a reduction in morbidity and mortality as a result.

Chocolate Has 40+ Evidence-Based Health Benefits

This comes in the wake of over a decade worth of research revealing that chocolate and/or cocoa has been shown to lower blood pressure, prevents or ameliorates endothelial dysfunction (a primary contributor to atherosclerosis), protects against coronary artery diseasereduces stroke risk,prevents cholesterol oxidation (which converts healthy lipoproteins into artery-damaging ones), to name only 5 of 40+ potential health benefits associated with its regular consumption. To view the entire gamut of potential health benefits associated with consuming chocolate or cocoa-containing foods, visit our page dedicated to the topic which lists over 40 health benefits here: Chocolate Health Benefits.
Any serious discussion on the medicinal properties of chocolate should be qualified by pointing out that chocolate is often unfairly traded, and has even been linked to child enslavement. Non-organic cocoa may also contain residues of the dangerous herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup), among many other biocides used in conventional farming, so the consumer must take special care to avoid these moral and physiological pitfalls. Also, many seemingly independent brands such as Dagoba or Green & Black have been bought up by super-corporations such as Hershey's and Cadbury, respectively. This means that while you think you may be eating the highest quality chocolate, it may actually be connected to less than ideal sourcing and/or trade practices. In other words, do your homework first please.
Also, because chocolate has complex pharmacologically active properties, it must be consumed in moderation, and with attention paid towards the tendency for using it to self-medicate, especially when the cocoa content is lower and the sugar content higher.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Natural Antibiotics

This article is courtesy of

Avoid antibiotic resistance by using natural antibiotics

(NaturalHealth365) Most of us are aware that antibiotics are powerful drugs that fight bacteria-related infections with harmful side effects. Unfortunately, in today’s society of pill taking, we use too many antibiotics with an increasing danger of antibiotic resistance. The problem is further compounded with antibiotics found in factory foods like, dairy and meat products.
According to the CDDEP, (The Center of Disease Dynamics, Economics, & Policy) the United States is one of the highest user of antibiotics – ranking fifth in the world.
How the wrong diet makes antibiotics useless
Heavy prescription, abuse and unintentional ingestion of antibiotic-based foods are the primary cause of resistance to antibiotics. This is emerging as one of the most serious public health problems of our time. Although antibiotics can eliminate infectious conditions, their continuous use is shown to build resistance to the antibiotic drug.
The harmful bacteria in the body get accustomed to the therapeutic levels of antibiotic drugs and stop responding to the drug. In other words, an antibiotic drug even at its high potency cannot stop a bacterial growth and becomes incapable of treating an underlying infection.
In fact, researchers suggest that almost every kind of bacterium has adapted itself to show resistance to the antibiotic drug treatment.
What are the potential dangers?
Destroys healthy bacteria – the population of healthy bacteria in the gut is decreased to a smaller number creating an imbalance in the gut eco-system resulting frequent illness, indigestion and poor nutrient absorption.
Infection spreads faster – an antibiotic-resistant bacteria spreads like a wild fire to others in the family or neighborhood threatening an entire community with a new strain of infection.
Complicates treatment – because the strain is more virulent, patient does not respond to heavy doses of drugs. The treatment becomes more difficult and expensive.
Death due to infection – the underlying infection remains untreated posing severe threat to other organs and in some cases leads to death.
What actions can we take to avoid antibiotic resistance?
1. Avoid the spread of infection in the first place by washing your hands thoroughly.
2. Consume organically grown produce, avoid consuming animal and animal-based products that are fed antibiotics.
3. Choose natural antibiotics like garlic, herbs and vitamin C that have bactericidal properties.
What are natural antibiotics?
Nature has an effective yet a safe answer to bacterial infections through a variety of phytochemicals from different plant parts. These have been used for many centuries in traditional medicine system for a treatment of a variety of conditions.
Natural antibiotics act in a unique mechanism – in addition to its bactericidal action. They stimulate the immune system, exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties which inhibit the growth of bacteria as well as scavenge them.
What are some of my options?
Vitamin C: This water-soluble vitamin is a potent antioxidant and anti-infective agent. Abundant in all fresh fruits, especially the citrus variety, vitamin C can be consumed liberally in the diet in its natural state.
If considering a vitamin C supplement the recommended dosage is 1-3 grams per day for healthy individuals. But, if you’re suffering from a bacterial or viral issue – much more vitamin C may be required for a short period of time.
Oregano oil: The oil of oregano leaves is a powerful anti-infective agent and natural antibiotic. It has been shown to be effective against harmful bacteria, yeast and viruses.
Most of the oregano oils in the market are usually a blend of other oils. The common dose recommendation is 2 -3 drops 3 – 4 times daily. If consuming capsules a dose of 100 – 150 mg per capsule per day is recommended.
Olive leaves: Olive leaves are known for its anti-microbial properties and analgesic effects. The active ingredient oleuropein is responsible for its therapeutic effects. Olive leaves are low in toxicity and the recommended safe dosage for an adult is 25 mg per day twice daily for maintaining health.
Ginger: The active components in ginger gingerols, zingerone and shogaol are linked to its anti-bacterial effects. Additionally it is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent and used in Ayurvedic system of medicine as a pain reliever. Ginger is a fantastic therapeutic food that can be included in daily diet as part of a menu. As little as 2 – 3” of ginger added to a dish shredded, crushed or cooked will take care of the daily needs.
Turmeric: This is a culinary staple in Indian cuisine and can be consumed safely at an amount of 1 to 2 teaspoon per day added to a recipe. Turmeric is known for its remarkable bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and anti-carcinogenic effect. If considering a supplement, 500 grams consumed in a fat-soluble base facilitates its absorption.
Garlic: There are plenty of studies that demonstrate the powerful antibacterial effect of garlic. One study showed that natural spices of garlic exhibited potent anti-bacterial effect. According to the researchers of this study garlic showed effect on multi-drug pathogens and can be used for treating drug-resistant microbial diseases.
For effective antibiotic effects, garlic needs to be crushed, exposed to air for few minutes and consumed raw. If using a supplement, consume a garlic extract with at least 1.3% alliin at a dose of 600 – 1200 mg per day.
With antibiotic resistance on the rise at an alarming rate, it seems wise to turn to natural and healthier alternative for fighting bacterial infections. It is also important to remember that we need to consume organic, natural and antibiotic-free products for improving overall health and make a conscious effort to avoid unnecessary ingestion of antibiotics – which can damage our digestive system and immune function.
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2. Horn C. Olive leaf to fight infection. Natural Health 2000;30:40.
3. Karuppiah P, Rajaram S. Antibacterial effect of Allium sativum cloves and Zingiber officinale rhizomes against multiple-drug resistant clinical pathogens. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2012 Aug;2(8):597-601.