Friday, January 31, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Salt

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Eating a low salt diet is widely believed to be a healthy choice. Is this true? It’s time to question this widely-believed dietary dogma.
No matter how much mineral content animals derive from plants in their diet, they still instinctively seek out natural salt licks in order to make their diets complete… or they die.
Dietary intake of salt is so vital that biological life as we know it cannot exist without it.
In this article we’re going to go over the importance of salt, and then make the essential distinction between healthy salt and unhealthy salt. The difference is similar to eating factory farmed beef pumped full of growth hormones vs. eating meat from animals that were fed on green pasture – one will kill you and one will nourish and heal you.

Salt: The Essence of Life

The function of the human body is entirely dependent upon its conductivity and the ability of it to transmit information electrically.
Every one of your 4 trillion cells has an electrical charge. The communication between your body’s cells and systems requires a proper environment for electrical signals and impulses to be exchanged.
No salt = no conductivity = no life!
We’ve all seen the experiment in highschool science class where we try to run electricity through distilled water (devoid of minerals) in attempts to complete a circuit and light up a light bulb. Here it is again in case you skipped that day of class to do mushrooms with your friends:
As you can see from the experiment, whether we drink distilled water, tap water, or river water, we need additional salt in order for the electrical signal to pass through it. Our bodies are at least 70% water, and if we compare the lit bulb to life itself, then it is fair to say that life cannot exist without salt.

Toxic Salt vs Healthy Salt


Toxic Salt: Refined Salt

The reason that salt has been shown in various studies to damage the body is because the salt used in those studies is toxic and is not fit for human consumption. Created from a high-heat refining process that removes virtually all the mineral content, refined table salt becomes a highly processed food that doesn’t even resemble real salt from nature.
Real salt from nature consists of about 84% sodium chloride and 16% other minerals and trace elements in a perfectly balanced matrix, whereas the composition of refined salt is about 97.5% sodium chloride and up to 2.5% chemical additives. The composition of refined salt significantly changes its effect in the body.
Let’s look at what is added to refined salt after it is stripped of it’s life-giving mineral content:
  • Anti-caking agents such as aluminum are then added to the salt to make sure the grains of salt don’t stick together. (Excess aluminum is toxic to the body and brain.)
  • Corn sugar (dextrose) has also been a typical additive to salt to keep it free-flowing.
  • Potassium Iodide is then added because it’s an essential nutrient, but the problem is,
  • Sodium Fluoride is also added, which cancels out the utilization of iodine in the body. (Sodium fluoride is toxic to the body and mind.)
  • The salt is then bleached white for appeal. (Bleach is toxic to the body.)
Many people think that they’ve solved the problem by purchasing “Sea Salt” from their local health food store. This sea salt is refined just like table salt, and generally comes from the exact same refineries as refined table salt. It is no better than table salt, and the term “Sea Salt” is a complete misnomer.

Natural Unrefined Salt

Healthy Salt: Unrefined Salt

Healthy salt comes from the ocean. As Dr. Maynard Murray states in his book Fertility from the Ocean Deep, “The river of blood that sustains human beings is a copy of seawater. 90 trace elements in perfect solution.”
Over 90 minerals and trace elements exist within ocean water, they are in the exact proportions required by all biological life on earth. When ocean water is dried at low temperatures, the resulting salt that is produced has a healing blend of vital minerals. This is the way that salt has been produced for thousands of years.
Celtic Sea Salt has been produced using sustainable salt farming methods by hand off the Brittany Coast of France for centuries. It is dried naturally by the sun in clay ponds and gathered by hand with wooden tools in such a way that the living enzyme content remains fully in tact.

8 Benefits of Unrefined Sea Salt

1. Sinus or Bronchial Congestion – Celtic Salt draws mucous out of the body. Consuming unrefined sea salt will greatly increase the mucous blown out the nose and coughed up.
2. Nourishing the Adrenals – Your adrenal glands run on sodium, but what they need is not the toxic refined sodium chloride table salt, but a whole, unrefined salt.
3. Preventing Illness – More heavily salting food at the first signs of sickness can counteract the illness.
4. Better, Longer Sleep - Because of salt’s ability to calm the nervous system, generally results in longer, uninterrupted, more refreshing sleep.
5. Lower Blood Pressure – Refined, toxic table salt is an irritant to the body that can cause high blood pressure. Many people experience a lowering of blood pressure by using unrefined Salt.
6. Fluid Retention – Eat refined salt will increase fluid retention as the body tries to neutralize this toxin. Eat unrefined salt properly balance the body’s mineral content and release that retained water.
7. Trauma – Extra unrefined salt can be beneficial for shock, severe burns (not externally), hemorrhage, surgery and physical trauma.
8. Other Conditions – Unrefined salt is reported to help correct excess acidity, relieve allergies, relieve skin diseases, and restore better digestion through stimulating hydrochloric acid secretions.

Dietary Upgrade #3: Unrefined Ocean Salt

MarkSalt has been treasured since the beginning of time for its life-giving properties. From the moment of conception, humans are never without a need for salt. Understand that we don’t need toxic, refined salt but living, unrefined salt.
I use a generous amount of unrefined ocean salt everyday on every meal I eat. The beautiful truth about salt is that when it is unrefined and in balance with other minerals it is not toxic. In fact, with unrefined salt you never have to worry about eating too much of it because the flavor governs itself. When you add salt to your food and the taste improves, that is a healthy amount of salt. When you’ve added too much salt to your food you won’t want to eat it.
I highly recommend you Upgrade Your Life and begin experiencing the benefits of unrefined salt!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Melatonin Rich Foods

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8 Foods to Naturally Increase Melatonin for Better Sleep

If you suffer from occasional insomnia or if it’s a nightly battle for you, you’ve likely looked at all of the natural solutions currently out there. You may have even tried some melatonin supplements, and if you’re like many individuals, had some disappointing results. While research has shown the body’s naturally-produced melatonin helps regulate sleep, synthetic melatonin has proven less than impressive. One thing that has been virtually ignored, however, are the foods that are able to increase the body’s natural melatonin production.
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. Not only does it control your circadian (sleeping and waking) cycles, but it is responsible for regulating other hormones as well. It plays a role in regulating female reproductive hormones including menstruation and menopause.
While young people have the highest melatonin levels, production of this hormone wanes as we age. Some scientists believe this is why older adults struggle more with sleeping for the recommended amount of hours or even why they may go to bed earlier and wake up before the sun.

Boosting Melatonin Production Naturally

Several factors can throw off the body’s natural melatonin production. These include a time change, jet lag, shift work, and even poor vision. And, as stated, it generally decreases in production as we age.
Melatonin supplements are made with synthetic ingredients in a lab or with cow urine. And though the supplements may have slight benefits, especially for people suffering with occasional insomnia, they don’t always offer long-lasting or significant results for those who struggle with sleep on a nightly basis.
There are several foods, however, that can naturally increase melatonin production, eliminating the need for a supplement. According to GreenMedInfo, researchers with Thailand’s Khon Kaen University found that some tropical fruits have significant effects on melatonin production. The scientists gave study subjects a variety of fruits and then measured the amount of melatonin circulating throughout the body by looking at 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s).
The researchers found pineapples, bananas, and oranges were able to increase melatonin presence significantly. Pineapples increased the presence of aMT6s over 266% while bananas increased levels by 180%. Oranges were able to increase melatonin by approximately 47%.
While supplements are often thought of as the natural alternative to prescription drugs, they are made to mimic those things we find naturally in foods. In other words, they too are a poor substitute for good nutrition and some supplement manufacturers (though not all) are in the business to make money, not with noble intentions of increasing the collective health.

Overview of Some Melatonin-Boosting Foods:

  • Pineapples
  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Oats
  • Sweet corn
  • Rice
  • Tomatoes
  • Barley

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Organic Clothing

This article excerpt is courtesy of


An estimated 8000 chemicals are used to transform raw materials into fabric. “Often, the clippings from fabric mills are so loaded with dangerous chemicals they are handled like toxic waste,” states German Chemist Michael Braungart, “while the products made from these materials are considered safe for use in the home.” Do we really want to be wrapped in sheets saturated with dangerous chemicals for 8 hours every night when we go to sleep?
Cotton is the most pesticide dependent crop grown anywhere in the world, and even more toxic chemicals are added to it at each stage of its production. Many of these toxins have been linked to a range of health problems including allergies, asthma, insomnia, immune disorders, Cancer, and neurological disorders.
Let’s look at some of the other harsh chemicals added to fabric, in addition to the pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Chemicals Added to Produce Conventional Cotton Fabric

  • Formaldehyde

  • Heavy Metals

  • Softeners

  • Bleaches

  • Harsh Petroleum Scours

  • Ammonia

  • Chemical Dyes

  • Flame Retardants

Does Washing Eliminate Chemicals from Clothing?

clean-clothesAs author Brian R. Clement, PhD, NMD, LN and his wife Anna Maria Celement, PhD, NMD, LN write in their book Killer Clothes, “As clothes containing these chemicals become worn with repeated washings and wear, the chemicals migrate from the fabric and become particles that can be absorbed or inhaled.”
Take formaldehyde for example. There are two types of formaldehyde in fabrics: Free and bound. The ‘Free’ type of formaldehyde is that which is not bound to fibers, and the ‘Bound’ type is formaldehyde is bound to fibers.
  • In 1999, a team of Japanese scientists measured the quantity of free formaldehyde in twenty-seven noniron shirts, before and after washing and drying, everyday for six months. Before the 6 months of washing, about one-third of these shirts contained between 75ppm and 202ppm of free formaldehyde. After the 6 months of washing, the quantity of free formaldehyde in twelve of the shirts still exceeded 75pm, which means that bound formaldehyde in the fabric had continued to leach out over time. 3
Formaldehyde has been declared a carcinogen by the United States Government and yet it is still added to fabrics that come in contact with our skin everyday. When fabric that is not organic rests against human skin, chemicals within it are absorbed through the pores of the skin, and through the lungs.

Chemicals Absorbed Through Skin and Lungs

Here’s a study showing that our skin readily absorbs the chemicals from the fabric that touches it:
  • Study: Morning Urine Samples were taken from ten children who wore either pajamas newly treated with a flame-retardant chemical brominated Tris, or older pajamas treated with brominated Tris but washed numerous times. Residue of brominated Tris was found in every urine sample tested. In a separate study, researchers were shocked to find that the total brominated Tris in a fabric only decreased from 5.8% to 5.1% of weight after more than fifty washings of the fabric! 1, 2
Thankfully, we have a beautiful solution to eliminate yet another potent source of chemicals from entering into our bodies!

Top 7 Reasons to Upgrade to Organic Clothing

1.  No Chemical Absorbtion – Organic Fabrics are produced without the use of chemicals, so you no longer have to worry about absorbing carcinogenic chemicals into your body.
2. Heals the Environment – Organic Fabric reduces pesticide and other chemical use, and thereby helps to protect the environment.
3. Non-Genetically Modified – Unlike regular cotton, organic cotton is grown from Non-Genetically Modified cotton. This means that every time you buy organic, you’re saying “No to GMO’s!” and contributing to the termination of Monsanto, a company who has created a genetically modified version of cotton that is used in conventional cotton fabric.
4. Protects Farm Workers – Organic Cotton protects farm workers from being exposed to chemicals while farming the cotton crop.
5. Longer Lasting – Because organic fibers are not degraded by chemicals during growing and processing, organic clothing is sturdier and lasts much longer.
6. More Comfortable – Organic cotton fabric feels more comfortable to wear than conventional cotton because it is not treated with harsh chemicals during processing.
7. Sustainable – While non-organic fibers don’t biodegrade and accumulate in landfills, organic fibers are recyclable and completely biodegradable. Buying Organic Bedding supports a more sustainable future.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Detox

This article excerpt is courtesy of

8 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Detoxify

Given what we are now exposed to through our food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove environmental toxins, we are bound to get sick.
So, what are some simple, effective ways we rid our body of its daily toxic burden?
1) Pop a Probiotic: Of course, you don't have to 'pop a pill' to get a probiotic. In fact, it is preferred you ingest either a cultured food (e.g. kombucha, yogurt (preferably non-cow's milk based), cultured veggies, etc.) or eat more raw fruits and vegetables grown in truly healthy soil, as this is actually the root of where 'good bacteria' come from.
How will getting probiotics help? Fascinating research indicates that probiotics actually help us break down foods (e.g. gluten; casein) and chemicals  (pesticides, Bisphenol-A) which can cause great harm to our bodies, and which our own detoxification pathways do not handle effectively. Its kind of a wonder, isn't it, that 'germs' can help save us from ourselves in this way? (Learn more: 8 Ways Microbes Can Save Us From Ourselves).
1) Breaking a Sweat: Sadly, sweating has become synonymous with something gross that should be blocked with antiperspirants/deodorants – which, ironically only further exacerbates the problem of bodily odor, as it keeps one of your primary channels of detoxification from doing its job.
The reality is we were designed to move our bodies, the result of which is the release of profoundly uplifting and regenerative hormonal and neurochemical secretions. And this is just the obvious 'reward' we receive by pushing ourselves through the discomfort of sustained, intense bodily exertion to the point where we are profusely sweating.
Deeper benefits include the activation of the lymphatic system, which while being part of the circulatory system lacks a pump (like the heart) to push the lymphatic fluid through; this requires the activation of our entire skeletal musculature via exercise.
While one does not necessarily need to break a sweat to move the lymph – walking will suffice – you can 'free two birds with one hand,' by eliminating various heavy metals and chemicals via profuse sweating if you bring your physical activity towards that threshold, which incidentally also overlaps with that 'sweet spot' that activates the 'feel good' secretions we talked about.   (Learn More: Research Confirms Sweating Detoxifies Dangerous Metals, Petrochemicals).
3) Don't Break-The-Fast: In wealthier countries, where we suffer from the Orwellian paradox of being incredibly over-nourished and simultaneously dying of nutritional deficiencies, one of the best way to optimize your detoxification systems is to stop eating before sundown (which, I believe, is hard-wired into our bodily design) and skip your break-fast entirely. In other words, don't break-the-fast and continue through your day until you are truly hungry (not morbidly craving nutritionally dead gunk, or confusing the putrefaction-associated acidity of last night's poorly digested, or poorly food-combined dinner with an actual need to eat more), wherein you're eating something wholesome, organic, and preferably living to "get your fill."
If you eliminate and/or minimize the consumption of nutritionally vapid foods such as processed grain products, and beans (soybean, peanut, and other "vegetable oils"  included), and have a salad, eat an apple, or consume some organic nuts, etc., and focus on eating one really good meal later in the day, you will be surprised by how little you will be hungry; much of that craving is a byproduct of chronic, elevated insulin, which is largely caused by over-consumption of processed grain-based foods, and/or simple carbohydrates way beyond what you need to replenish your glycogen stores.
Now consider, this doesn't have to be painful. Literally, if you awake in the morning, have your cup of coffee or tea (if you imbibe), and feel that empty hunger and low energy driving you towards you French toast, or whatever you would normally eat, try taking a couple tablespoons full of coconut oil, which will provide you (and your grumpy 'morning brain') with a near immediate source of fuel (66% of coconut oil is medium chain triglycerides which your body can use for energy very quickly, and which your liver breaks down into ketone bodies for your brain, which is the brain's only other source of energy beyond glucose).[1]  Consider, of course, this is not going to work for everyone, but it certainly may fit better into a busy lifestyle than the 'heroic' fast concept of just not eating anything at all – which has its place, especially for the very sick under professional guidance, or those on a spiritual mission, but not those with kids, several jobs, and just wants a way to jump-start the internal house-cleansing, metabolism-boosting process.
4) Spice Up Your Life! Basic culinary spices can work wonders at stimulating bodily detoxification. A recent study, which we highlighted in the article "Garlic Beats Drug In Safely Detoxifying Lead from the Body," illustrates how you can use your 'food as medicine.' If you LOVE Garlic, great. You are already a step ahead of those who tolerate it. In the former case, you might just want to ratchet up your romance a bit. In the latter case, just don't ignore its potential application in foods you are already enjoying. The point is that we have plenty of help all around us, in our kitchen cupboards, on our spice racks, etc. And do you know what's cool? There is a huge list of spices, foods, and nutrients – over 75 last time we counted -- that we have indexed on that can stimulate detoxification pathways in the body. Here's how you navigate to it: > Menu Item: Research Database  > Pharmacological Action > Detoxifier.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Peppermint

This article excerpt is courtesy of

The Power of Peppermint: 15 Health Benefits Revealed

A favorite herbal medicine of the ancients, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC. Modern scientific investigations have now confirmed that this remarkable plant has over a dozen healing properties.
In our continuing effort to educate folks to the vast array of healing agents found in the natural world around us, we are excited to feature peppermint, a member of the aromatic mint family that you may already have squirreled away somewhere in your kitchen cupboard. While most have experienced peppermint as a flavoring agent, or perhaps as a comforting cup of herbal tea, few are aware of its wide range of experimentally confirmed therapeutic properties. 
The ancients certainly were aware of the mint family's medicinal value, having been used as herbal medicines in ancient Egypt, Greek and Rome thousands of years ago.[i]  Dried peppermint leaves have even been found in several Egyptian pyramids carbon dating back to 1,000 BC.
Today, modern scientific investigations are revealing an abundance of potential health benefits associated with the use of different components of the peppermint plant, including aromatherapeutic, topical and internal applications.
Most of the human research on peppermint performed thus far indicates this plant has great value in treating gastrointestinal disorders, including:
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Since the late 90's it was discovered that enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules are safe and effective in the treatment of this increasingly prevalent disorder.[ii]  This beneficial effect extends to the pediatric community. In one children's trial 75% of those receiving peppermint oil had reduced severity of pain associated with IBS within 2 weeks.[iii] Another 2005 trial in adults concluded that "Taking into account the currently available drug treatments for IBS Peppermint oil (1-2 capsules t.i.d. over 24 weeks) may be the drug of first choice in IBS patients with non-serious constipation or diarrhea to alleviate general symptoms and to improve quality of life."[iv]  In another 2007 trial 75% of patients receiving peppermint oil saw an impressive 50% reduction of "total irritable bowel syndrome score."[v] Most recently, a study published January of this year found that peppermint oil was effective in relieving abdominal pain in diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome.[vi]
  • Colonic spasm – Peppermint oil has been studied as a safe and effective alternative to the drug Buscopan for its ability to reduce spasms during barium enemas.[vii] [viii]
  • Gastric Emptying Disorders – Peppermint has been found to enhance gastric emptying, suggesting its potential use in a clinical setting for patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders.[ix]
  • Functional dyspepsia – A 2000 study published in the journal Ailment Pharmacology and Therapy found that 90 mg of peppermint oil and 50 mg of caraway oil resulted in 67% of patients reporting "much or very much improved" in their symptoms of functional dyspepsia. [x]
  • Infantile Colic: A 2013 study found that peppermint is at least as effective as the chemical simethicone in the treatment of infantile colic.[xi]

Other studied applications include

  • Breastfeeding Associated Nipple Pain and Damage: A 2007 study found that peppermint water prevented nipple cracks and nipple pain in breastfeeding mothers.[xii]
  • Tuberculosis: A 2009 study found that inhaled essential oil of peppermint was able to rapidly regress tuberculous inflammation, leading the authors to conclude: "This procedure may be used to prevent recurrences and exacerbation of pulmonary tuberculosis."[xiii]
  • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever): A 2001 preclinical study found that extracts of the leaves of peppermint  inhibit histamine release indicating it may be clinically effective in alleviating the nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis.[xiv]
  • Shingles Associated Pain (Post-Herpetic Neuralgia): A 2002 case study found that topical peppermint oil treatment resulted in a near immediate improvement of shingles associated neuropathic pain symptoms; the therapeutic effects persisted throughout the entire 2 months of follow-up treatment. [xv]
  • Memory problems: A 2006 study found that the simple aroma of peppermint enhances memory and increases alertness in human subjects.[xvi]
  • Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea: A 2013 study found that peppermint oil was found to be effective in reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea, and at reduced cost versus standard drug-based treatment.[xvii]
  • Prostate Cancer: Preclinical research indicates that peppermint contains a compound known as menthol which inhibits prostate cancer growth.[xviii] [xix]
  • Radiation Damage: Preclinical research indicates peppermint protects against radiation-induced DNA damage and cell death.[xx]  [xxi]
  • Herpes Simplex  Virus Type 1: Peppermint has been found to have inhibitory activity against acyclovir-resistant Herpes Simplex virus type 1.[xxii] [xxiii]
  • Dental Caries/Bad Breath: Peppermint oil extract has been found to be superior to the mouthwash chemical chlorhexidine inhibiting Streptococus mutans driven biofilm formation associated with dental caries.[xxiv] [xxv] This may explain why powdered peppermint leaves were used in the Middle Ages to combat halitosis and whiten teeth.
Peppermint is actually a hybridized cross between Water Mint (Mentha aquatica) and Spearmint (Mentha spicata),[xxvi] the latter of which has also been researched to possess remarkable therapeutic properties, such as the ability to exert significant anti-androgenic effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome[xxvii] and ameliorating the related condition of mild hirsutism, marked by excessive hair growth in females.[xxviii]   
Like all plant medicines, extreme caution must be exercised when using extracts and especially essential oils.  Also, remember that more is not always better. A recent study on the use of rosemary in improving cognitive performance in the elderly found that a lower 'culinary' dose (750 mg) was not only more effective in improving cognition (as measured by memory speed) than a higher dose, but the highest dose (6,000 mg) had a significant memory impairing effect.[xxix] This illustrates quite nicely how less can be more, and why an occasional nightly cup of peppermint tea may be far superior as preventive strategy than taking large 'heroic' doses of an herb only after a serious health problem sets in.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Mineral Rich Foods

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Foods Rich In Minerals And Their Benefits

Diet rich in vitamins and essential minerals can reduce cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, speed up wounds healing and increase fertility in men. Minerals are important components of all cells.
They are necessary for creation of blood, bones and in maintaining the health of the nervous and endocrine system, muscles and blood vessels.
The lack of any essential mineral, for example potassium, could cause heart problems.

Potassium plays an important role in body processes, such as nerve and muscle function, and maintenance of fluid balance.
If you suffer from high blood pressure or if you have heart problems, consuming potassium rich food is very important for you.
There is evidence that potassium lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of arrhythmia. Potassium is also protecting bones from osteoporosis and reduces the risk of kidney stone.
Although potassium is not directly associated with cholesterol, eating food rich in potassium can help reducing cholesterol levels in the body.
Potassium can be found mostly in orange juice, potatoes, bananas, avocados, tomatoesbroccolicantaloupe, apricots, strawberries, spinach and milk.
But, potassiumm can be also found in cabbage, eggplant, figs, plums, mushrooms, almonds, peanuts, cucumber, tuna, sardines, most meat products and fish.
Magnesium is important for healthy nerve and muscle functions (including heart functions). Magnesium has vital importance in proper bone growth. Whole grains, legumes, seeds and vegetables, soy products, nuts and mineral water are good sources of magnesium.
Bones contain even 98 percents of all calcium components in the body. The rest can be found in the blood, participating in metabolic functions. Calcium also plays an important role in controlling nerve potentials and muscle contractions. Dairy products, almonds and fish are the richest sources of calcium.
Zinc helps maintaining a healthy immune system. It is very important for the health of  reproductive organs, especially in men. Zinc can be found in meat, fish, peas, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms.
There is no cell in the body that does not contain sodium, so it can be found in all body fluids including blood, tears and sweat. Together with potassium and chloride, it provides proper liquid control, controlling muscle contraction and nerve cells function. Salt, salty foods and soya sauce are some of the food products containing this nutrient.
Iodine is responsible for proper development and function of thyroid gland, which is one of the central glands in the human body. Lack of iodine can cause an increase of thyroid gland, known in people as goiter. The best source of this mineral is iodized salt and yogurt and sea grass are quite good sources as well.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Bananas

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Bananas – Amazing Fruit And Cure

Bananas are mainly perennials plants, that grow in the tropics. An interesting fact is that bananas are bush/ grassland plants regardless of the fact of their growth which definitely resembles of tree. According to the experts, there are approximately 50 different types of bananas.

Nutritional info of banana

Banana fruit/herb perhaps is the most ideal to improve the diet. Average, one banana contains about 100 calories. It is rich with many nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and here are the most important:
  • Copper
  • Plant oils
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C, B12, B6, D, E
  • Iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese
  • Carbohydrates
  • Folic acid, phosphorus
  • Sugars (fructose, glucose)


-Banana has a great usage in the diet. It’s great to make juices, sweets, desserts, fruit salads and much more. Anyway it is a boon to the whole organism and its physiological functions.

Banana’s experts and lovers say that it’s extremely practical, according to some research, one banana gives the required energy for hour and a half active physical work. Especially for the athletes, the banana should be in their daily diet, because there is no fruit which is more powerful then banana. Besides this, banana is recommended for breakfast and dinner, because it’s the fastest and easiest way to get all your required nutrients, but certainly is welcome as a snack.

Our recommendation, always eat banana as dessert, and always try to satisfy your desire for sweet/ sugary foods with banana. It’s the healthiest and tastiest way!

Health benefits of banana

-Banana is a great source of antioxidants, and act against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The scientists say that except the apples, banana is a great solution that will reduce your health problems and will compensate the lost energy.
Banana must be consumed fresh. If you store bananas in the refrigerator they can lose the beneficial ingredients. But we have to mention that many people are allergic to this fruit, so it is recommended to be added in a very small amount in the porridge for your children, in order to check how the organism will reacts to it.
Bananas have many health benefits. They can be used to treat the following medical conditions:
  • Anemia
  • Avitaminosis
  • PMS
  • Acne
  • Problems with blood vessels
  • Problems with depression
  • Stomach problems
  • Constipation
  • Impotence
  • Fever
  • Irritability
  • Diarrhea
  • Regulation of blood sugar
  • Infarct
  • Stroke
  • Stabilization of the intestinal flora
  • Improve memory
  • Acids
  • Concentration

Banana for skin care and swelling

-Maybe it sounds surprising, but the banana has amazing effective benefits for skin care. Banana can reduces skin redness, higher temperature caused of swelling.
Banana is amazing as food and as medicine, and it is a great energy source. It is one of the most useful and powerful tropical fruits.
- See more at:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today's Natural Cure: Cold Showers

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Ten Health Benefits of Cold Showers

How many of us can actually say that we take regular cold showers? If you’re from a colder climate, the number is likely to be even less. However, cold showers and baths have a long history in many cultures, and for good reason. Vincenz Priessnitz, a farmer in the 1920s, developed and marketed a medical treatment he called hydrotherapy. He sold the concept of using cold water to cure a long list of aliments, and achieved almost instant success. As the 20th century moved along however, the popularity of hydrotherapy began to decline and falter when medical professionals began to rely more on drugs to treat illnesses and the luxury of hot showers began to increase. However, the use of hydrotherapy as a viable medical treatment never completely stopped. Here are 10 of the many reasons why:

1. Strengthens Immunity
Cold showers are sometimes touted as a preventative tonic for colds, flu, and infections. An experiment in Prague studied the effect of cold water immersions on athletic young men. They immersed themselves in water at 14°C (57°F), three times a week for six weeks. Among many changes, they saw increased levels of two types of white blood cells: monocytes and lymphocytes. While certain lymphocytes are instrumental in eliminating bacteria, viruses, and toxins; monocytes are indirectly responsible for the engulfing and consuming of pathogens and foreign materials. Researchers believe that the increased metabolic rate, which results from the body’s attempt to warm itself up, activates the immune system and releases more white blood cells in response. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that people who take regular cold showers are less likely to develop colds, flu’s, and even some forms of cancer.
2. Improves Blood Circulation
Good blood circulation is vital for overall cardiovascular health. Alternating between hot and cold water while showering, is an easy way to improve circulation. When exposed to cold water, our arteries and veins constrict or tighten. This process is called “vasoconstriction”. The tightening helps blood to flow at a higher pressure as now there is less space for the blood to flow, meaning circulation will improve. “Vasodilation”, the opposite effect, and is done when we are exposed to heat. The natural tendency of the body when it is exposed to cold is that your blood rapidly circulates to your vital organs to keep them warm, hence increasing your overall blood circulation. Why should you be conscious of having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
3. Regulates Temperature
Cold showers provide a gentle form of stress that leads to thermogenesis (internal generation of body heat), which in turn activates the body’s adaptive repair systems. If you suffer from chronically cold hands and feet, or feel that you sweat an abnormal amount, try a cold shower.
4. Promotes Weight Loss / Increases Metabolism
Brown fat, as opposed to white fat is heavily involved in burning energy. Exposure to cold naturally stimulates the production of these brown fats. These cells burn glucose to try and produce as much heat energy as possible. Having a higher amount of brown fat leads to more energy being burned per second and therefore, more weight is lost. As a result of the increased brown fat levels, and the increased blood pressure and body temperature, chemical reactions in the body will happen faster than they would have without regular cold showers. An increased metabolism is what a lot of people seek for because it means that any process in the body will become more efficient; meaning more weight loss will be seen and more growth/repair of muscles and otherwise will be seen.
5. Alleviates Depression
Depression is yet another thing that cold showers can help and prevent. Research at the Department of Radiation Oncology at Virginia Commonwealth University indicates that cold water has a stimulating effect on the brains “blue spot”, the main source of noradrenaline for our bodies. Noradrenaline is a chemical that might be used to help alleviate depression.
6. Improves Lymphatic Movement
The lymphatic system is a system of tubing separate from our blood vessels that is responsible for carrying away waste from your cells as well as help fight pathogens (disease). Unlike blood vessels, the lymphatic system does not have blood, it has lymph, which carries away waste products and white blood cells which handle infection. Also different from blood vessels is that the heart does not pump lymph around the body like it does the blood. The lymph relies on the contraction of muscles. This contraction squeezes the lymph up to the thoracic duct so that the lymph can mix with the blood and then be dealt with by organs. Cold showers cause whole-body contraction and this works excellently with the lymph system, squeezing the fluid up through the body. If the lymphatic system is compromised and not efficient, then the fluid pools at faraway places (usually the feet). This results in what is known as lymphedema (a type of edema).
7. Deepens Breathing
What you will notice as an effect of cold showers is that you begin inhaling very deeply. This is to try and combat the stress of the shock, the vasoconstriction and the overall need for oxygen to respire and keep oneself warm. This process opens up the lungs much like strenuous physical exercise does and results in a higher average intake of oxygen, which is good for many things like not feeling tired during the day and doing better at sport or other exercises.
8. Keeps Skin and Hair Healthy
It is well known that hot water dries out our skin and hair. On the other hand, cold water can make our hair look shinier and our skin look healthier by tightening cuticles and pores, preventing them from getting clogged, thus reducing blemishes like acne. Cold water also contributes to detoxification which results in the squeezing of toxins and waste products out of the skin. This detoxification has a good effect on the skin which appears more clean and young. Additionally, the cold water closes the cuticle which makes the hair stronger and prevents dirt from easily accumulating within our scalp. Stronger hair, of course, prevents hair from easily falling out and it helps in slowing down overall hair loss.
9. Increases Energy and Wellbeing
There are plenty of mental benefits to ending your shower with cold water. The ancient samurai warriors used to pour buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning in a Shinto practice called Misogi. This was a purification ritual on a spiritual level. They believe that it cleansed their spirit and helped start a fresh new day. A cold shower can definitely leave one feeling invigorated and energized. The heart starts pumping, and the rush of blood through the body helps shake off the lethargy of the previous night’s sleep. Additionally, while there are not many studies to confirm, many people swear that cold showers are a definite stress reducer.
10. Increases Hormone Production
Cold water showers have the ability to increase hormone production and activity by giving the body’s glands a boost. For example, cold showers can be of great benefit to the reproductive system when trying to conceive a child. A man’s testes are not meant to get too hot; that’s why they hang outside of a man’s body. Sperm counts decrease when the temperature of a man’s testes increases. In fact, experiments done in the 1950s showed that hot baths were an effective contraceptive. Men who took a 30 minute hot bath every other day for 3 weeks were infertile for the next six months. More recently, the University of California at San Francisco did a study with men who were exposed to 30 minutes of “wet heat” (hot baths, saunas and such) a week. When the men cut this exposure out, their sperm count went up by 491%, and their sperm’s motility improved as well. While switching from a hot to cold shower may not have as dramatic an effect, if you’re trying to reproduce, it surely won’t hurt. Furthermore, it has been said that cold water therapy helps regulate the endocrine system (including the adrenals and thyroid).
How to Start
Gradually adjusting from hot to cold showers is recommended. For many, a drastic change in temperature would be too much a stress to their body. Push yourself to step outside your comfort zone, while at the same time listen to what your body can handle. A great way to implement cold showers into your daily routine is by turning the water to cold for the last 30 seconds to a minute of your shower. Give it a try and see what benefits you experience. Who knows, maybe the secret to the fountain of youth is hidden within cold showers.
Your question(s): Are you open to the idea of taking a cold shower? What about a polar ice dip? (post your comments below)