Friday, May 31, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Preserving Brain Health

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4 Solutions for Preserving Brain Health and Preventing Alzheimer’s

Young people may not be so worried about where their minds will be 40 or 50 years from now, but it’s extremely important to preserve brain health through diet and exercise to really enjoy life at all stages. According to current 2013 statistics, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, with 1 in 3 seniors dying with Alzheimer’s or dementia. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Simple dietary changes along with some physical activity may be more than enough to prevent and even reverse these cognitive issues in many cases.
Here are 4 solutions for Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Coconut Oil

The connection between coconut oil and Alzheimer’s may be one of the most well known dietary connections publicized today, as coconut oil is among the most promising solutions for those suffering from Alzheimer’s. One story in particular reveals just how powerful coconut oil can be for repairing and restoring the brain. In the story, a man named Steve Newport tried numerous pharmaceutical solutions, all of which failed miserably.

2. Marijuana

While this treatment may seem far-fetched, marijuana has actually been found to outperform drugs for Alzheimer’s disease. One study from Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology that was published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology, found that the  psychoactive component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), both “competitively inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as well as prevents AChE-induced amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation”. In plain English, cannabinoid molecules found in cannabis could halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and prevent plaque buildup in the brain.
“Compared to currently approved drugs prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, THC is a considerably superior inhibitor of Aβ aggregation, and this study provides a previously unrecognized molecular mechanism through which cannabinoid molecules may directly impact the progression of this debilitating disease,” says study author Lisa M. Eubanks”.

3. Coffee

A paper published earlier this year in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease demonstrated that higher plasma caffeine levels were associated with a reduced or delayed onset of dementia in 124 individuals, aged 65-88 years. This is presumed to be indicative of coffee intake. The study abstract concludes with:
“This case-control study provides the first direct evidence that caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed onset, particularly for those who already have MCI.”

4. Cinnamon

In one study from Tel Aviv University, cinnamon bark was shown to inhibit the compounds found in the plaque formations of Alzheimer’s patient’s’ brains. These filaments are actually “disassembled and eliminated” when cinnamon is taken with food or as a supplement.
For the study, scientists extracted a compound in cinnamon called CEppt and mixed it into the drinking water for mice and flies. Both the mice and flies were genetically forced to experience Alzheimer’s symptoms. After four months, the scientists found that the disease slowed in progression and the animals experienced almost normal longevity and activity.
And this isn’t the first study to look at cinnamon’s effects on the brain. Two studies from Wheeling Jesuit University found that the scent and flavor of cinnamon affected attention, memory, and other intellectual qualities nearly instantly.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Superfoods

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10 amazing 'superfoods' that can help fight asthma naturally

 (NaturalNews) An inflammatory condition of the lungs that afflicts roughly 25 million Americans; asthma is one of the most common allergy-triggered immune diseases of modern times. But a life marked by frequent and unexpected asthma attacks does not have to be the norm, especially if asthma sufferers make a conscious effort to incorporate anti-asthma "superfoods" into their normal diet. Here are 10 amazing superfoods that can help fight asthma naturally:

1) Avocado. The fruit with the highest known concentration of L-glutathione; avocado is an excellent anti-asthma food that helps protect cells against free radical damage and detoxify the body of pollutants and other harmful substances. Widely recognized as the "master" antioxidant, enabling all other antioxidants to function, the L-glutathione in avocados helps quells inflammation systemically and repair damaged gut health, a process that in turn helps prevent triggers of asthma from engaging.

2) Kale. An excellent source of all-natural vitamin C; kale possesses a unique ability to block the free radicals responsible for causing contractions of smooth muscles in airway passages. Kale is also a great source of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant phytochemical capable of both alleviating existing asthma symptoms and preventing future ones from forming.

3) Spinach. A study involving 68,535 female participants found that high intake of spinach is directly correlated with a lowered risk of asthma. This may be due to the fact that spinach is high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is prevalent among people with asthma, and emergency intravenous (IV) treatments with magnesium have been shown to help halt an asthma attack. Spinach is also high in potassium, a deficiency of which is also said to exacerbate asthma symptoms.

4) Banana. A banana a day could keep asthma away, according to a 2011 study out of the U.K. Researchers from Imperial College London found that children who eat just one banana a day reduce their risk of developing asthmatic symptoms such as wheezing by about 34 percent. Bananas are also naturally high in fiber, which can help prevent respiratory conditions like asthma from developing.

5) Water. For many of the people diagnosed with asthma, dehydration is the true cause of their asthma symptoms. In fact, according to water expert Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, the set of symptoms commonly labeled as asthma is actually just the body crying out for more water. So unless you have aquagenic urticaria, also known as water allergy, it is definitely worth your while to drink more clean, fluoride-free water every day to avoid developing asthma symptoms.

6) Ginger. Loaded with anti-inflammatory nutrients that pervade the entire body; ginger root is another powerful anti-asthma herb that some people say works better than antihistamine drugs like Benadryl at clearing up airways and stopping inflammation. And the best part about ginger root is that it does not cause harmful side effects, which means you can safely add it to everyday foods and beverages for good health.

7) Turmeric. The inflammation responsible for swelling the lungs and constricting breathing passages during an asthma attack is no match for turmeric, the active ingredient of which is proving to be one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients in existence. Because it helps dilate blood vessels and relax muscles, turmeric is a powerful weapon in keeping asthma symptoms at bay.

8) Elderberry. One of the richest plant-based sources of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant compound, elderberry is an incredible immune-boosting fruit that helps fight colds, flu, and respiratory illnesses like asthma. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), quercetin is particularly effective at blocking the release of histamines and other allergic and inflammatory chemicals in the body, including those associated with asthma.

9) Apple. Similarly high in quercetin; apples have been shown to provide powerful protection against asthma. A study out of Europe found that pregnant women who ate at least four apples per week were 53 percent less likely to bear a child with doctor-confirmed asthma. And the same study that linked banana consumption to lowered asthma symptoms also found that children who drink apple juice are about 50 percent less likely to develop asthma symptoms.

10) Chia seed. A powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and quercetin, chia seeds are another excellent addition to your anti-asthma diet. The omega-3s in chia seeds are known to help decrease inflammation in both children and adults, as well as restore natural balance to the lipid walls of cell membranes. A study involving the long-term use of omega-3 supplements in asthmatics has also confirmed that the nutrient can lead to a significant reduction is asthma symptoms, particularly in those suffering from allergy-related asthma.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Don't Eat Gluten

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What is Gluten?
Gluten is the major protein component of wheat, rye & barley.  It comprises of 80% of all wheat proteins present in gluten-containing grains.  The major known form of gluten sensitivity is known as Celiac disease.
Grains are addictive!
Eating grains produces gluteomorphins, which have effects on morphine-like receptors in our
brains.  Gluteomorphins impair memory, alertness, and concentration.
Grains have only been in our diets for 10,000 years, when modern agriculture began.
Grains are dry, hard, and difficult to digest.  There was likely no need for grains as a dietary source since other foods were more accessible.
Humans have declined in health since eating grains:
- Average height has reduced.  Anthropologist Lawrence Angel found that before agriculture Adult males averaged 5’11”, females averaged 5’6” and after agriculture Adult males averaged 5’6”, females 5”.
- Bone and tooth decay have become more prevalent.
- Decrease in human brain size by 11%
- Life span has reduced.
(Evidence obtained from fossils over the last 30,000 years.)
Grains Contain Anti-Nutrients:
- Phytates, which Inhibit nutrient absorbtion by binding with minerals before they can be absorbed.
Who has Gluten Sensitivity?
It is estimated that between 30-50% of people have gluten sensitivity.
- Gluten researcher Dr. Thomas O’Bryan thinks NO humans can properly digest gluten.
*It generally takes 5-10 years to diagnose celiac disease and even longer for gluten intolerance.
- Gluten sensitivity = severely underestimated
How does Gluten damage the body?
- Immune cells make antibodies against gluten.  The attack on gluten pollutes the battleground & intestinal walls become inflamed, impairing digestion, and causing “leaky gut syndrome” where gluten & other food particles can sneak through.  In the bloodstream, gluten stimulates an immune attack that can circulate to the heart, brain, joints & other places.
Gluten Sensitivity can cause B12 & folate deficiencies:
- Glut flora produces these nutrients.
Brain Cells that help with balance are destroyed:
The antibody our immune systems produce to attack the protein Gliadin also attacks Purkinje cells in your cerebellum, which are the main components of the balancing center.  Poor balance and coordination are the result.
Gluten, Stress and Adrenal Exhaustion:
Our Immune System, Reproductive System, Metabolism and survival responses are all housed within the adrenal glands.  Gluten causes chronic stress on the adrenal glands, eventually causing adrenal exhaustion.
“When your body does not tolerate gluten, fatigue hits you from all angles.”
- Dr Richard Petersen, The Gluten Effect
How much Gluten is okay to eat if I’m Gluten Sensitive?
*One study found that one milligram of gluten (1/60th of a teaspoon of wheat flour) was enough to prevent intestinal healing.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Honey

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When selecting foods for your stockpile, the most budget-friendly, space-conscious way to do it is by selecting items that multitask.  This criteria places honey high on your “to-buy list”.  Tess Pennington of Ready Nutrition lists honey as one of the top SHTF sweeteners to store.
Honey is indeed nature’s sweetener, but don’t write it off as just a condiment.  The sticky sweet substance is far more than something to stir into your tea or spread on your toast.
Since ancient times, the healing properties of honey have been documented.  Some of this knowledge seems to have been forgotten (and purposely marginalized), and drug companies have replaced honey with chemical ointments, antibiotics and antivirals. (This is, as always, about money – they can’t patent honey, can they?)
  • Honey has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 4000 years.  Honey is an ingredient in 634 remedies in ancient Hindu vedic texts.
  • The Ebers Papyrus of ancient Egypt expounded on the medicinal properties of honey, and it is contained in nearly every ancient Egyptian remedy.
  • In ancient Greece, Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” wrote,  ”Honey and pollen cause warmth, clean sores and ulcers, soften hard ulcers of lips, heal carbuncles and running sores.”

Just Because the Label Says “Honey” …

Now, you can’t go and get the ubiquitous squeezy bear full of honey at the grocery store and expect it to cure all your ills.  In fact, the some of the squeezy bears don’t even contain real honey at all. Our good friends at the FDA have defined  honey as “anything containing pollen.
Even with that broad definition, some of the Chinese companies have “ultrafiltered” the honey that goes into those little bears to the point that there isn’t even any pollen left.
I bet you wonder why – I did.
Ultrafiltering removes the pollen so that the source of the honey cannot be determined.  Providers of cheap honey do this so that consumers cannot  discover the origin.  Often the cheap honey is tainted with pesticides, illegal antibiotics, and heavy metals.  Some of the cheap honey is watered down with High Fructose Corn Syrup.  Much of the questionable honey originates in China.
According to independent testing ordered by Food Safety News and performed by Vaughan Bryant, a professor at Texas A&M University and one of the nation’s premier melissopalynologists, or investigators of pollen in honey.76% of the golden stuff sold in grocery stores as honey doesn’t contain even one little drop of pollen.
  • 76 percent of samples bought at groceries had all the pollen removed, These were stores like TOP Food, Safeway, Giant Eagle, QFC, Kroger, Metro Market, Harris Teeter, A&P, Stop & Shop and King Soopers.
  • 100 percent of the honey sampled from drugstores like Walgreens, Rite-Aid and CVS Pharmacy had no pollen.
  • 77 percent of the honey sampled from big box stores like Costco, Sam’s Club, Walmart, Target and H-E-B had the pollen filtered out.
  • •00 percent of the honey packaged in the small individual service portions from Smucker, McDonald’s and KFC had the pollen removed.
  • Bryant found that every one of the samples Food Safety News bought at farmers markets, co-ops and “natural” stores like PCC and Trader Joe’s had the full, anticipated, amount of pollen.
The  FDA, despite their definition, doesn’t seem to care about the false labeling of these products.  The FDA has ignored requests from Congress, beekeepers and the honey industry to develop a U.S. standard for honey.  Less than 5% of honey on store shelves has been tested by the FDA for purity.

How can you be sure you are actually buying honey?

As with most products, the closer you can get to the actual source, the better off you’ll be.  Short of scooping the sticky stuff directly from the hives, purchase as locally as possible, directly from beekeepers or at your favorite farmer’s market.
There are more than 300 varieties of honey sold in the US.  The difference in these varieties is the source of the pollen.  Buckwheat honey is reputed to have the most healing properties of any type of honey.  As a general rule of thumb,  the darker the honey is, the more benefits it has.

Pasteurized vs. Raw

The FDA seems more concerned that honey be pasteurized (i.e.,heat  processed) than that the honey actually be honey.  The problem with pasteurization is that it kills off many of the beneficial components in the honey, most particularly propolis.
…The processing of honey often removes many of the phytonutrients found in raw honey as it exists in the hive. Raw honey, for example, contains small amounts of the same resins found in propolis. Propolis, sometimes called “bee glue,” is actually a complex mixture of resins and other substances that honeybees use to seal the hive and make it safe from bacteria and other micro-organisms. Honeybees make propolis by combining plant resins with their own secretions… Other phytonutrients found both in honey and propolis have been shown to possess cancer-preventing and anti-tumor properties. These substances include caffeic acid methyl caffeatephenylethyl caffeate, and phenylethyl dimethylcaffeate. Researchers have discovered that these substances prevent colon cancer in animals by shutting down activity of two enzymes, phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C and lipoxygenase. When raw honey is extensively processed and heated, the benefits of these phytonutrients are largely eliminated… (source)
Despite the important benefits of raw honey, there are some caveats.
  • Infants under the age of 1 should not be fed raw honey because of the risk of botulism.  Their underdeveloped immune systems cannot prevent the Clostridium botulinum pores from multiplying.  Botulism can cause paralysis and death.
  • People with bee venom allergies sometimes suffer an allergic reaction to honey.  These allergic reactions can easily become life-threatening.
  • There is a higher risk of food poisoning when you consume raw honey vs pasteurized honey.
With the knowledge of the above warnings, I still purchase only raw honey for my household.  The pros outweigh the cons for me.

 The Benefits of Raw Honey

Raw honey is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, making it one of the most healing substances on earth.  It is also highly nutritious.  Honey is a natural multivitamin.  It contains significant amounts of: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, and phosphate.
Honey has been used historically both internally and externally for a variety of concerns:
  • Apply honey liberally on a wound to speed healing.
  • Apply honey to a rash, burn or scrape, and cover loosely.
  • A tsp taken 3 times per day can help prevent seasonal allergies.
  • A tbsp of raw honey sprinkled with cinnamon taken 3 times per day can boost the immune system and fight off a cold or sore throat.
  • A spoonful of honey can soothe a cough caused by a tickle or sore throat.
  • A couple of tablespoons of honey stirred into hot tea can lessen the symptoms of a cold or flu.
  • Honey mixed with equal parts coconut oil makes a wonderful skin conditioner.
  • Some studies say that honey can help control blood sugar fluctuations.
  • Raw honey increases the production of antioxidants in the bloodstream.
  • Recent studies proved that honey reduced overall cholesterol levels when taken daily.
  • Honey applied topically to a wound or incision moistens the skin and helps prevent or reduce scarring.

Recipe: Homemade Cough Syrup

I keep a honey-lemon-ginger remedy in my refrigerator all winter long.  Learn more about honey as a flu symptom remedy HERE.
I always keep a jar of this homemade cough syrup in my refrigerator.  It tastes so good that I don’t have to ask my kids twice to take it.  You can also stir a few tablespoons of the syrup into hot water for a homemade “Neo-Citran”-style hot drink without all the nasty chemicals.
  • 2 lemons, scrubbed and thinly sliced
  • 6 tbsp of grated ginger root
  • Honey as needed
  1. In a glass jar, layer the lemon slices and grated ginger until the jar is full.
  2. Pour honey into the jar, using the blade of a kitchen knife to move the lemon and ginger around and make room for it.
  3. Store it in the fridge for at least 2 weeks before using it.  Then, take 1-2 tsp 3 times per day, as needed, for coughs or sore throats.

Long Term Storage of Honey

The great news about buying honey for your stockpile is that it stores forever.  Literally.  Honey was discovered in the pyramids of Egypt – over 5000 years old – and still edible. Given that, I strongly suspect it will remain viable in your stockpile for as long as you care to store it.  The only thing that will happen is that, in time, it will crystallize.  You can resolve this issue by placing the jar of honey in a bowl of hot water until it returns to liquid form. However, you can also use it in its crystallized form – you can stir it into tea, spread it on hot toast, or take a spoonful of it as one of the remedies mentioned above.
Frequently heating and cooling honey can lessen its nutritional potency, so I recommend putting honey in a small jar for regular use and using the big jars just to restock your little one.
Store your honey in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Avoid BPA

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7 Nasty Effects of BPA – The Plastic Chemical


Bisphenol a (BPA) is the widely used chemical found in many plastics, food can linings, and even on US dollars and receipts. Known as an endocrine-disrupting chemical that mimics the hormone estrogen, BPA has been linked to numerous negative health effects in countless studies. The worst part? While the Food and Drug Administration considered banning the chemical in March of 2012, the ban was denied, and BPA continues to be ubiquitous. So what exactly does mean? It means the entire U.S. is still subjected to the chemical’s negative effects.
Here are 7 nasty effects of BPA.

1. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is slowly becoming one of the many well-known negative outcomes induced by BPA exposure. In fact, over 130 studies have confirmed the link between bisphenol A and to ailments like breast cancer, obesity, and reproductive problems. Ironically, the popular nonprofit Susan G. Komen for the Cure partners with many bottled water companies for their ‘For the Cure’ races across the nation. The problem, obviously, is that most of these plastic bottles contain BPA.

2. Early Puberty

While girls typically enter into puberty (or have in the past, at least) at just over ten years of age, studies show that this age has fallen by more than a year within only one generation. Some girls are even seeing breasts at 7 years old. Although there are other factors to consider, BPA may be to blame as well.
After examining 1,151 girls between the ages of 6 and 8 in the United States over a two year period, researchers found that multiple chemical classes were detected at high levels within the girls’ urine. About one-third of the girls went through puberty prematurely.
“Our research shows a connection between chemicals that girls are exposed to on a daily basis and either delayed or early development. While more research is needed, these data are an important first step in evaluating the impact of these common environmental agents in putting girls at risk,” lead researchers Dr Mary Wolff said.

3. Heart Disease

Some research has linked both BPA and phthalates to a disorder known as atherosclerosis. This disorder, which is the hardening of the arteries through the buildup of plaques, negatively impacts blood flow and ultimately increases your risk of heart disease. Shocking, the research is not the first of its kind. One team also found that individuals with higher levels of bisphenol-a in their urine were more than twice as likely to suffer from coronary heart disease than those with lower levels.

4. and 5. Infertility in Males and Females

Bisphenol a has been found to be adversely affecting male genital development, subsequently leading to compromised fertility health. One study examined the effects of BPA on the distance between the genitalia and the anus in males, known as the Anogenital distance (AGD). AGD is very important biologically for a number of reasons, and plays a prominent role in the health of one’s fertility. Researchers found that parental exposure to BPA during pregnancy was associated with shortened AGD in male offspring. In other words, high level BPA exposure led to offspring with AGD defects.
AGD has been linked to fertility in males, making BPA’s negative impact on the male reproductive system noteworthy. Men with an AGD lower than the median, which sits around 52 mm (2 in), have seven times the chance of being sub-fertile as compared to those with a longer AGD.

But males aren’t the only one’s suffering; BPA has been linked to reproductive issues in women as well. In one study, researchers found that BPA caused reproductive problems that can affect women, including abnormal egg development. The eggs of fetuses exposed to BPA had difficulty forming follicles, which ultimately increases the risk of eggs dying before maturation. Additionally, the researchers observed other abnormalities, showing signs that they would carry too many chromosomes as a result of not dividing during development. This could lead to miscarriages or disorders like Down Syndrome.

6. Sparks Multiple Negative Brain Alterations

Further adding on to BPAs long list of negative effects, some research has also found that the chemical disrupts a gene responsible for proper nerve cell function, ultimately leading to compromised brain development. Researchers of the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, discovered that BPA could damage central nervous system development by disrupting a gene called Kcc2.
“Our study found that BPA may impair the development of the central nervous system, and raises the question as to whether exposure could predispose animals and humans to neurodevelopmental disorders,” study researcher Dr. Wolfgang Liedtke, M.D., Ph.D., said.
Another study found that exposure to bisphenol-A early in life can spark changes in gene expression. The changes occur in a part of the brain called the amygdala, which can lead to increased levels of anxiety.
The study abstract states:
“Early life exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA), a component of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, alters sociosexual behavior in numerous species including humans. The present study focused on the ontogeny of these behavioral effects beginning in adolescence and assessed the underlying molecular changes in the amygdala.”

7. Obesity

Last, but certainly not least, BPA may be one of many factors responsible for the obesity epidemic. One study found that high BPA exposure is associated with obesity in the general adult population in the U.S.
Another study, examining BPA concentrations in the urine of kids aged 6 to 19, found that obese children made up 22% of individuals with the highest BPA levels in their urine. About 10% of kids who had the lowest BPA concentration in their urine were obese.