This article excerpt is from
Your Hair Can Tell a Lot About Your Health
Conventional medicine treats the body as a bucket of molecules, tissues, organs that all have to be treated separately. As if your liver is a total separate entity that needs some “fixing”. As if your stomach ulcer has nothing to do with your dietary habits, your lifestyle and the rest of your body. The reality is that the magic pill will never “cure” anything, but just cover up symptoms.
Blood and urine analysis are the standard lab testings that most conventional doctors rely on, and their interpretation often provides a type of biochemical “tunnel vision” about a specific level of the body. But guess what? There is a whole BIG world behind this. A world that is able to view the human body and mind as a very complex mechanism where EVERYTHING is related and works in harmony with each other. In this holistic, alternative world we care about health first and learn how to maintain it, we get to the root of the problems and solve those. We can now combine the knowledge of thousands of years old traditional medicine, ancestral wisdom and revolutionary technology and serve the right purpose: true HEALTH.
The complete Metabolic Typing program in addition with the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition protocol offer a comprehensive healing of the body starting with the cellular level and the unique genetically based requirements for nutrition of each individual.
What is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a part of this complexmethod of healing. It is an insightful and accurate lab testing that will reveal important information about your health, about “problematic” areas in your body and first of all about the levels of toxic heavy metals you store, as well as levels of “good minerals” in your body. A HTMA reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests like urine or blood.
HTMA can track the release of toxic heavy metals during the course of following a Metabolic Typing Program and provide insight into imbalances that can occur between the cellular and tissue levels.
Many people in modern societies are continuously exposed to high concentrations of heavy metals. Unfortunately, these toxic contaminants have become an integral part of our industrialized culture. Metals like aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury are commonly found in thousands of different food products, household products, personal products and untold numbers of industrial products and chemicals.
“The question of exposure should not be “if” but “when,” and “how” we deal with it once it happens. Cesium-137 for instance, has a half-life of 30 years (90 years later 12.5% of its radioactivity remains), and due to its similarity to potassium will make its way up the food chain bioaccumulating and distributing broadly in the tissues of both plants and animals as it goes. Eventually all such radioisotopes must meet mankind who is perched precariously on top of an unsustainable, highly toxic food pyramid of his own making, and from which he has an exceedingly difficult time escaping and/or detoxifying.”
Why do we need a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?
I can not stress enough how crucial it is these days to make sure the body doesn’t store heavy metals, through proper lab testing and a powerful, yet gentle detox protocol that fits each metabolism.
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a non-expensive, easy to do test and also very unique because it reveals what the body has mobilized into tissues over a 3-4 month period and more importantly — if the body is not moving metals.
Heavy metals accumulate in vital tissues (brain, bone, liver, etc), disrupt organ function, displace nutritional minerals from sites of biological activity, disrupt enzymatic activity and create biochemical imbalance.
That is why symptoms of iron deficiency can be present long before low iron levels can be detected in the serum. And that is why calcium loss from the body can become so advanced that severe osteoporosis can develop without any appreciable changes noted in the calcium levels in a blood test.
How to interpret a HTMA result?
Interpreting a HTMA has to be done ONLY by skilled, certified, trained practitioners that studied the works of the experts in this field and have accumulated clinical experience themselves.
You can see a sample of such a HTMA lab testing here. The interpretation is based on reading the ratios between minerals, heavy metals and determining where actual deficiencies are present: inside or outside the cell.
For example, in the below sample, the high Calcium level doesn’t mean the person has enough Calcium in her body, on the contrary. In this case (through various correlations that also include knowing the metabolic type of the person) the HTMA result reveals a Qualitative Insufficiency of Calcium. The person has enough Calcium in her body, but it can not enter the cell, due to inefficient utilization of this mineral. (As you can observe, heavy metals that displace good minerals in the body are also a big contributor in this case.) So Calcium is actually high OUTSIDE the cell. This is an information that blood and urine can’t possible determine.
In this case, supplemental Calcium and elimination of heavy metals will restore normal levels in the body. On the other hand, in a different metabolic type, a high Calcium shown by a HTMA can mean a Quantitative Insufficiency, meaning the person has high Calcium levels INSIDE the cells AND outside the cells. For this person, a protocol high on Potassium and low on Calcium would correct the imbalance.