Saturday, February 8, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Thyroid Boosters

This article is courtesy of

Natural Ways to Boost Your Thyroid

First of all, let’s look at what the thyroid is and how it functions. The thyroid gland is located in the neck, in the area of the vocal cords. The thyroid gland produces three main hormones: Thyroxine (T-4), Triiodothyronine (T-3) and Calcitonin. These hormones, released into the bloodstream, control the body’s growth and metabolism. For example, the T-3 and T-4 hormones maintain the rate at which the body utilizes carbohydrates and fats. The Calcitonin hormone regulates the production of calcium in the blood essential to bone growth. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, it affects the whole body’s system.
Thyroid disease breaks down into three main medical conditions: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and auto-immune thyroid disease. Goiters, thyroid cancer and thyroiditis are a few other thyroid related illnesses that can often mimic the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism but often have more pain or tenderness involved in the neck area as one of the main symptoms. Thyroid disease can often be hereditary, but there are a number of other causes depending on the type of condition.
Hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid creates a faster metabolism because the thyroid is secreting too much thyroid hormone into the bloodstream due to the thyroid glands over production of the hormone. Some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism may include rapid weight loss, hyperactivity, insomnia, increased heart rate, anxiety, diarrhea, moodiness, menstrual issues, trembling hands, increased appetite and many more. This condition is most often seen in women. Causes of hyperthyroidism range from Grave’s Disease, Nodular Thyroid Disease, excessive iodine intake, intake of thyroid hormones, certain medications, Thyroiditis, follicular thyroid cancer.
Hypothyroidism or under active thyroid is the exact opposite of hyperthyroidism in that it is not creating enough T-4 thyroid hormone for the body’s needs. Some of the common symptoms are fatigue and lethargy, weight gain, dry flaky skin, hoarse voice, amplified sensitivity to cold, frail fingernails, hair thinning, constipation, muscle weakness, menstrual issues, swollen or stiff joints and muscles aches and higher levels of blood cholesterol. If left untreated the body’s metabolism will keep getting slower and the symptoms more obvious to the point of severity such as inflamed thyroid (goiter), slow thought processes and/or depression. Causes of hypothyroidism are thyroiditis, overtreatment for hyperthyroidism, severe iodine deficiency, pituitary gland disorder, lithium and pregnancy. This condition affects men, women and sometimes even children.
Auto-immune thyroid disease is usually seen with Grave’s Disease and Hashimoto’s Disease. With Hashimoto’s disease antibodies are reacting against protein in the thyroid gland which eventually leads to a slow but gradual destruction of the gland itself. The symptoms of Hashimoto’s vary back and forth between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism in that it causes the thyroid gland to at times overproduce hormones and at times not enough. For example, one might see periods of hyper activity and weight loss and other periods of fatigue and weight gain but one common symptom can be the development of a goiter. With Grave’s Disease, the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid causing it to produce too much of the Thyroxine (T-4) hormone making the symptoms almost identical with hyperthyroidism.
With all of that said and done, how can one naturally treat these various thyroid diseases? One supplement, Selenium, a trace mineral found in soil, is very beneficial for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease. Though, in general, American soil is naturally rich in Selenium, some areas of the country are not which leads to a deficiency of it in the body. The body needs about 400 micrograms per day. Too much can be toxic to the system, so make sure to monitor closely how much is being taken. The benefits of Selenium are incredibly good in that it has been shown to raise T-3 levels, therefore, boosting metabolism. Some foods high in selenium are brazil nuts, eggs, chicken, lamb, turkey, crab, scallops and shiitake mushrooms to name a few.
There are a number of herbal blends that are beneficial for hypothyroidism as well. Blends that contain L-Tyrosine, Ashwagandha Root, Gotu Kola, Bacopa, kelp, Bladderwrack and Bioperine such as in the 7 Lights product Thyroid that assists with fatigue, slower metabolism, weight gain and digestive issues associated with hypothyroidism. Innate’s Thyroid Response Complete Care is a blend of herbs, nutrients and trace mineral rich foods. It is also a good supplement for hypothyroidism as it assists with boosting metabolic function, contains selenium as before mentioned, revitalizes metabolic processes slowed by stress and fatigue, rejuvenates the thyroid and enhances bioavailability.
Some alternative treatments available for hyperthyroidism are acupuncture, massage and homeopathy. These alternatives address not only the symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism but get down into the cause or causes and underlying problems of it. Some herbs that are commonly used to calm an overactive thyroid are bugleweed, lemon balm and motherwort. These three herbs, when used in a tincture for example, assist with insomnia, hyper episodes and anxiety.
As with all herbs, care should be taken in accordance with your specific health and situation, but there is no reason one should have to live with the side effects of prescribed medications either for a lifetime duration of thyroid issues. Know your body, do some research or even speak with a holistic specialist to further educate yourself about your body and your needs.

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