Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Today's Health Tip: 5 Foods To Avoid

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The 5 Worst Processed Foods

Due to fast-paced, busy and often stressful lifestyles, many people are relying on convenience foods more than ever. However, even though convenient, you can't overlook the fact that processed foods are detrimental to your health. Let's take a look at some of the worst processed foods around.

1. Frozen Meals

Ready-to-eat frozen dinners have ingredient lists almost longer than the box on which they're printed. Worse yet, most of those ingredients can't even be pronounced, let alone recognized. Convenient microwaveable meals are loaded with fat, sodium, preservatives and artificial ingredients. Additionally, they're often lacking fruits or vegetables--or have such a small amount it doesn't even constitute a serving of either.

2. Refined Grains

Refined grains have many beneficial nutrients removed during processing, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber (found in the original whole grains). Limit or avoid refined grains such as white bread, white rice, plain white pasta, regular flour tortillas and snack foods made from refined grains (cereals, crackers, sugary cakes, donuts, cookies, etc.). Eating more refined grains can elevate triglycerides and increase inflammation in your body.

3. Stick Margarine

People often think those sticks of margarine are a healthy choice when compared to butter. Not so. In fact, while both stick margarine and butter contain heart-clogging saturated fat, stick margarine is more harmful to your health because it also contains trans fat. Trans fat not only raises your bad cholesterol (LDL), it also lowers your good cholesterol (HDL) and has been linked to a greater risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

4. Processed Meats

Research has demonstrated a link between the consumption of processed meats and a higher chance of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer of the colon, rectum and pancreas. Eating processed meats is also linked with a higher chance of premature death. Most processed meats contain sodium nitrites or nitrates, which can turn into cancerous nitrosamines in your body.

But the term "processed meats" gets thrown around quite often, so let's clarify what falls into this category. If a meat has had anything more done to it than being cut or ground up, then it is considered a processed meat. Luncheon or sandwich meats (most of what you buy at the deli or pre-packaged), smoked or cured meats (bacon, we're looking at you) and sausage or meats that are found in casings are processed meats.

Of course, an occasional stadium hot dog, bratwurst or slice of pepperoni pizzaenjoyed at a summer baseball game won't kill you, but it certainly shouldn't be something you eat on a regular basis.

5. Soda

Of course, regular soda has gotten a bad rep (rightfully so) for providing a huge amount of empty calories, but it might do more harm than just causing weight gain. Even downing two regular sodas in one week almost doubles your risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Yikes! Increase that consumption to two-and-a-half sugar-laden sodas per day and you'll significantly up your chances of getting diabetes or dying from heart disease.

How to Avoid Processed Foods

The easiest way to cut back on the amount of processed foods you consume is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store, picking out whole foods and foods with few to no added artificial ingredients. Fill your grocery cart with a lot of whole fruits and vegetables (fresh or frozen, no sauce added); unprocessed cuts of meat, poultry or seafood; nuts; seeds; whole-grains and low-fat dairy. A good rule of thumb: if a product contains an ingredient you can't pronounce or don't recognize--don't eat it.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Today's Health Tip: 7 Seeds For Your Health

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The 7 Most Ultimate Seeds: Superfoods Made Easy

They say good things come in small packages – and seeds are definitely one of them. These superfoods may be tiny, but they’re packed with important nutrients like protein, iron, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. Best of all, they’re super easy to add to anything and everything you eat – cereals, smoothies, salads – the list is endless. They’re so good for your health they should be wearing little tiny capes!
Here’s a superfoods highlight reel of the most important seeds to incorporate into your diet:

1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are loaded with fiber, protein, magnesium and are the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids (cha-ching!). They can also help reduce joint pain, provide an energy boost and protect against health issues like diabetes and heart disease. Bonus: Chia seeds are gluten-free! As far assuperfoods go, they’re hard to beat. Chia seeds and yogurt make the perfect pair.

2. Flaxseeds

Get this: One tablespoon of flaxseeds contain as much fiber as half a cup of cooked oat bran! This is one of those lovely superfoods that keeps your digestive system healthy and can help lower cholesterol. Ground flaxseeds offer more nutritional value than eating the whole seed, so make sure to grind before sprinkling into your foods.

3. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are an amazing source of protein, as well as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Amazingly enough, they contain all 21 amino acids (including nine essential amino acids our bodies can’t produce). Like chia seeds, hemp seeds are also gluten-free and are known to be easy to digest. Stir these into baked goods or toast and sprinkle on your salads.

4. Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are an amazing source of antioxidants, which protect your body from free radicals and prevent blood clots – they have higher antioxidant activity than green tea and red wine. They also contain vitamins C, K, folate and potassium. You can store the seeds for a few days in the fridge, or up to six months in the freezer. Add them to smoothies, ice cream, salads or desserts.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds provides more than 40 percent of your recommended daily intake of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese – all of which are critical for bone and blood health. They also contain large amounts of tryptophan, which might help decrease anxiety, and can’t be beat for zinc, which improves mood and sleep. Plus, they’re delicious – especially when roasted for 15 to 20 minutes. Mmmm…

6. Sesame Seeds

If you’re not a fan of dairy, you can turn to sesame seeds for your calcium needs – a half cup provides more calcium than a half cup of whole milk. They also contain copper, which is known for relieving pain and inflammation, iron, phosphorous and magnesium that can protect the liver. I’m addicted to toasting these in a pan and sprinkling them on fish.

7. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are the most popular seed of all the superfoods, with a quarter cup covering almost your entire recommended daily intake of vitamin E. They also offer magnesium, selenium, and vitamin B6, which are believed to calm your nerves, prevent headaches and lower blood pressure. Toast these in a frying pan and add to almonds and cashews for a delish trail mix.
How do you incorporate these superfoods into your diet?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Natural Flu Prevention

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Avoid vaccines and use these top four natural remedies for flu prevention instead

(NaturalNews) In case you haven't seen or heard about the Cochran study, a comprehensive study conducted by totally independent scientists, here's their essential conclusion: Flu vaccinations don't work.

If you're not aware of it, that's understandable. The Cochran Collaboration studies were published in 2010 without any fanfare from the mainstream media. Only recently did Heidi Stevenson of Gaia Health pick up on it, and Jon Rappoport immediately cited her article in a Natural News article.

The Cochran study shoots down the "herd immunity" fairy tale and reminds readers of how minor influenza usually is without complications from other factors. They did report that over 1.5 per million flu shot recipients came down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS).

GBS cripples for life if you recover from the initial, intense period of seizures after the vaccination.

The Cochran study used VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system), to determine the GBS incident rate. VAERS is so cumbersome and full of road blocks that only an estimated five percent or fewer of all adverse events even get reported.

So the rate of GBS incidence is probably 10 or more times higher. Other than death itself, it ranks highly as a vaccine adverse reaction from hell.

Other adverse reactions considerably under reported include different manifestations of brain damage or simply a reduction in the level of health leading to other autoimmune diseases.

Bottom line: You're paying money and time to gamble with something of no benefit while endangering your health. That's a sucker's gamble. Don't be a sucker. Use natural means to improve your immunity against influenza.

Four easy, natural immune system promoters

Surely you know about vitamin D3. Ignore D2. It's toxic. And don't trust pharmacy store vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is a pre-hormone that kick starts your immune system if you have enough in your blood stream.

If you're not getting a lot of direct sunlight on exposed skin for your body to manufacture it, you need to supplement it liberally enough for your D3 blood count to be high.

Usually 4,000 to 10,000 IU supplement doses will do the trick. But getting a vitamin D3 blood test from a health practitioner who understands vitamin D3's real story.

Astragalus is an ancient herb used in Ayurvedic (India) and Chinese medicine as an adaptogenic tonic. Adaptogenic means that it adjusts your immune system (up or down) according to what's needed.

This adaptogenic activity is similar to vitamin D3, which is considered an immune regulator. It should be started before any flu "season," and it can be taken daily all the time. Astragalus can be purchased as a tincture anywhere or bulk herb powder online.

Golden seal and/or echinacea are two reliable flu and cold prevention herbs, available in tinctures or capsules. You should consult with a knowledgeable herbalist or health food store clerk to determine which is better for you.

Improve lifestyle and diet by avoiding processed foods that contain toxic additives, oils, sweeteners, and GMOs. Include generous amounts of raw garlic with your organic foods. Hydrate often with purified non-fluoridated water. If you can get real spring water, that's perfect.

Get your own reverse osmosis filtered water to eliminate 85 percent of fluorides. Add lime or lemon to that water to balance out the resulting acid (pH) forming property or re-mineralize that water with trace mineral drops or real sea salt. (

Get plenty of quality sleep and stress less. Make sure your bedroom doesn't allow any light into it. Keep electronic and EMF devices away from your bed. Meditation, laughter, and mild exercise help handle stress.

Sources for this article include:

Friday, April 25, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Avoid Hormone Disruptors

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BPA isn't the only hormone disruptor: Beware hidden sources like flame retardant chemicals

(NaturalNews) Much of the focus in recent years on hormone disruptors in consumer products and the food supply has been directed at bisphenol-A (BPA), the hidden plastics chemical that was recently found in a peer-reviewed study to be present in the bloodstreams of virtually everyone. But a new study recently published online in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives draws fresh attention to the issue of ubiquitous flame retardant chemicals, which exert similar estrogenic effects in humans exposed to them.

Like BPA, flame retardant chemicals interfere with the body's endocrine system, impairing its ability to balance hormones and dispose of excess estrogen. Perpetual exposure to these toxins, it turns out, can lead not only to long-term health problems like infertility, rapid aging and depletion of energy but also to developmental and growth impairment in young children. And perhaps the most frightening aspect of all this is the fact that flame retardant chemicals are everywhere, despite having never been properly safety tested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Earlier this year, a study published by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), revealed that exposure to one of the most widely used brominated flame retardants (BFRs), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), led to the development of tumors in both rats and mice. For those that do not know, TBBPA is a synthesized derivative of BPA that is commonly used in the circuit boards found in computers, consumer electronics and mobile phones. It is also used by the automotive industry and the military.

Not surprisingly, industry-funded research has long claimed that TBBPA is perfectly safe. But independent research tells a much different story. So to get to the bottom of the issue, Dr. Linda Birnbaum, Ph.D., director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of NIH and the NTP, and her colleagues set out to further study this pervasive and controversial chemical to see whether or not it acts in the same way as BPA.

Using X-ray crystallography technology, Dr. Birnbaum and her team built a three-dimensional model of TBBPA to see how it affects the hormone systems of the body. And sure enough, they learned that TBBPA binds to and inhibits an enzyme that is supposed to metabolize estrogen. When it gets bound with TBBPA, in other words, this enzyme cannot function normally, which can lead to a buildup of estrogen in the body.

"Using the 3-D imaging capabilities, we can see the flame retardants binding, or attaching, to proteins like estrogens do," explains Dr. Birnbaum. "In this case, the ability of flame retardants to bind to and inhibit an enzyme that metabolizes estrogen, called estrogen sulfotransferase, could result in the body having too much estrogen."

Hundreds of flame retardants like TBBPA currently being used in consumer products

Unfortunately, TBBPA is not the only dangerous BFR currently in widespread use -- there are literally hundreds of other BFRs with similar chemical structures being applied to clothing, furniture, building materials, consumer electronics, cars and many other products for the "safety" of the public. This means that the average person faces a constant onslaught of hormone-disrupting toxins virtually everywhere.

"This particular study helps us literally see what brominated flame retardants do when they get in the body -- they interfere with the body's natural hormones," adds Dr. Birnbaum.

To learn more about the dangers of flame retardant chemicals, be sure to check out, a project of Health Care Without Harm:

Sources for this article include:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Eat Leafy Greens

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Bypassing Surgery: Can Leafy Greens Repair Your Arteries?

We all know that leafy green vegetables are good for us, but do you know why they’re so good?  There are plenty of reasons but, when it comes to heart health, the secret is nitrates.
In a paper published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh propose that high levels of dietary nitrate might in part explain the vascular benefits of diets rich in leafy greens. 
Since the 19th century nitrates have been administered to patients with angina to dilate their arteries and increase blood flow.   
Vascular diseases (disorders of the circulatory system) can lead to heart attacks, strokes and even death.  The Pittsburgh researchers pointed out that typical treatments for these disorders, such asbypass surgery and angioplasty, actually induce vascular injury and can lead to an over-proliferation of the cells of the blood vessels in a way that limits blood flow.
According to the researchers, nitric oxide is an important molecule that helps maintain the contractility and health of vascular smooth muscle cells.  Multiple studies have linked vascular disease to a decreased level of nitric oxide and it is believed that therapies increasing the availability of nitric oxide could help protect vascular health.
Usually, nitric oxide in our bodies is synthesized from the amino acid L-arginine by an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase.  In the University of Pittsburgh research, it was found that when rats sustained blood vessel injury that synthesis was disrupted.  However, a secondary process that generates nitric acid from nitrate was activated.
The researchers found that supplementing rats with nitrate before inducing vessel injury significantly limited the extent of the damage, while a diet low in nitrate exacerbated it.

What kinds of greens are best for your heart?

Leafy greens and root vegetables are good sources for nitrates with beetroot, turnips, celery, spinach, lettuces, carrots and radishes generally having the highest levels.  Fertilizers used in growing vegetables can boost their nitrate content. 
Besides vascular health there are many other good reasons to eat your leafy greens.  Greens have a wide range of nutritional benefits. They contain vitamins A, C, E and K as well as prodigious amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc, not to mention the fiber, folate,chlorophyll, micronutrients and phytochemicals that protect against disease.
Greens are also rich in cancer fighting antioxidants. Generally speaking, the darker the leaves, the more nutrient dense is the vegetable.
While iceberg lettuce, Boston bibb or even romaine all have a place at the table, it is best to make the effort to add in more of the nutrient dense dark greens.  These include serious greens like kale, bok choy, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, broccoli rabe, escarole and dandelion. These greens are powerful allies for your body, assisting in purifying the blood, strengthening the immune system, promoting good intestinal bacteria (probiotics) and improving circulation, liver and kidney function.
Give greens a chance.  Your body will thank you. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Avoid Antibiotics

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Antibiotics shown to cause eczema, IBD and autism

(NaturalHealth365) Antibiotics are used for a wide variety of health issues and have helped many when used for the proper reasons. However today, 40% of children who see a physician leave with a prescription for antibiotics – some for minor illnesses and even for those illnesses known to be viral – just to be safe.
As most of us have heard, the overuse of antibiotics has led to more stubborn infections caused by more resistant organisms, but are you aware that antibiotics have been association with gut infections?
How do antibiotics create pathogenic gut infections?
A September 2013 study out of Stanford University revealed that in the first 24 hours after taking oral antibiotics, a spike in carbohydrate availability takes place. This surplus of carbohydrates combined with the reduction of gut friendly bacteria (due to taking the antibiotics) allows at least two potentially deadly pathogens to blossom.
With the depletion of gut friendly bacteria, other problems arise as well. Researchers noted that friendly bacteria manufacture vitamins and help the immune system function. Antibiotics disturb the balance of good bacteria and can take a month or more to stabilize – however some of the bacterial strains seem to be permanently lost.
This is why supplementing with an effective probiotic is critical.
The connection between antibiotics and eczema
The British Journal of Dermatology reported, in June of 2013, that children who took antibiotics in their first year of life were 40% more likely to develop eczema. Simply put, the more antibiotics given to a child in their first year, the higher the likelihood of developing eczema.
For each additional round of antibiotics given, the risk of eczema rose an additional 7%. Amoxicillin and other broad-spectrum antibiotics were deemed to have the strongest impact on developing eczema.
Can antibiotic use cause irritable bowel disease (IBD)?
Pediatrics looked at data on more than 1 million kids aged 17 and younger. The children were followed for at least two years and 500 health practices across the United Kingdom participated. Researchers found that 64% of the children with IBD had taken an antibiotic at least once.
The risk of developing an IBD was five times greater if antibiotics were taken before the age of one compared to the infants that did not receive antibiotics. Overall there was an 84% increased risk of developing bowel diseases for the children given antibiotics, although researchers believe the real world risk is still very low.
In the United States, pediatric prescription for antibiotics is roughly 49 million. The research authors surmise that would be associated with an additional 1,700 cases of IBD every year. They suggest parents inform their pediatrician if IBDs run in the family so informed decisions regarding the use of antibiotics can be made.
Could autism be linked to antibiotics?
A study published in Medical Hypothesis (2005), in which researchers examined 206 children with autism, all under age three. The lead researcher reported that each child received an average of 12 antibiotics during their lifetimes – mainly for ear infections. The lead researcher believes that the introduction of amoxicillin (used in brand names such as Augmentin) correlates with the skyrocketing rates of autism observed in California and potentially the rest of the U.S.
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About the author: Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul is a clinical and classical homeopath and certified clinical nutritionist who utilizes a unique approach pioneered by Tinus Smits, M.D. called CEASE therapy. The aim of CEASE treatment is systematic detoxification of the causes of illness, leading to step by step improvement and restoration of health in the individual. For additional information, please visit – You can follow Sima on Facebook at ‘Cease Therapy California’ and through her weekly blog
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Don't Eat GMO's

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From Sterility to Stomach Holes: 11 Scientific Reasons Why You Must Avoid GMOs 

pig stomach inflammationIt is estimated that over 80% of processed foods now contain genetically modified organisms, also called GMOs (source). The rapidity with which these frankenfoods have invaded and continue to expand within our food supply is nothing short of terrifying. For example, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO sugar beets were first introduced to the market in 2008.  Now, a few short years later, at least 95% of the sugar beets grown in the United States are GMO with over 50% of the white sugar coming from GMO beets – NOT sugar cane which is what the majority of consumers assume!
While most world countries opt for full disclosure on product labels, the US still does not require any information to warn consumers of lurking GMOs. For parents, it is imperative to source and buy foods free of GMOs as much as possible as the long term effects on humans, especially growing children, is completely unknown.
Buying from trusted local producers and seeking products that are organic or have the Non-GMO Project Verified label is the best way to achieve this goal until manufacturers are finally required to disclose the truth on ingredient labels.
If you are still unconvinced that the effort and expense required to avoid GMO foods for your family is worth it, below is a list of 11 scientific reasons why you should reconsider.
Processed food containing GMOs is not really food – it is a chemistry experiment. Be sure your family opts out.  Your children deserve better than to be hapless guinea pigs for the industrial food system.

Scientific Reasons to Avoid GMOs at All Costs

1)  A study reported in the June 2013 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Organic Systems involved research conducted over 22.7 weeks using 168 newly weaned pigs in a commercial U.S. piggery. One group of 84 pigs ate a diet that incorporated genetically modified (GM) soy and corn, and the other group of 84 pigs ate an equivalent non-GM diet.  The pigs that ate the GM diet had a higher rate of severe stomach inflammation – 32 percent of GM-fed pigs compared to 12 percent of non-GM-fed pigs (see photo above). The inflammation was worse in GM-fed males compared to non-GM fed males by a factor of 4.0, and GM-fed females compared to non-GM-fed females by a factor of 2.2. (Source)
2)  In 2012, researchers found that female rats fed Roundup Ready-tolerant GM corn developed large tumors and dysfunction of the pituitary gland; males also developed tumors and exhibited pathologies of the liver and kidney (Séralini, GE and others. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maiz. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2012).
3)  Scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences reported between 2005 and 2006 that female rats fed Roundup Ready-tolerant GM soy produced excessive numbers of severely stunted pups with more than half of the litter dying within three weeks, and the surviving pups completely sterile.  (Source)
4)  In 2005, scientists at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Canberra, Australia reported that a harmless protein in beans (alpha-amylase inhibitor 1) transferred to peas via genetic engineering caused inflammation in the lungs of mice and provoked sensitivities to other proteins in the diet (Ho MW. Transgenic pea that made mice ill. Science in Society 29, 28-29, 2006).
5)  From 2002 to 2005, scientists at the Universities of Urbino, Perugia and Pavia in Italy published reports indicating that GM soy affected cells in the pancreas, liver and testes of young mice (Science in Society 29, 26-27, 2006).
6)  In 2004, Monsanto’s secret research dossier showed that rats fed MON863 GM corn developed serious kidney and blood abnormalities (GMWatch, 23 April 2004.)
7)  In 1998, Dr. Arpad Pusztai and colleagues formerly of the Rowett Institute in Scotland reported damage in every organ system of young rats fed GM potatoes containing snowdrop lectin, including a stomach lining twice as thick as controls (Contaminants and Toxins, (J P F D’Mello ed.), Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, CAB International, 2003).
8)  Also in 1998, scientists in Egypt found similar effects in the guts of mice fed Bt potato (Fares NH and El-Sayed AK. Fine structural changes in the ileum of mice fed on dendotoxin-treated potatotes and transgenic potatoes. Natural Toxins, 1998, 6, 219-33; also “Bt is toxic” by Joe Cummins and Mae-Wan Ho, ISIS News 7/8, February 2001, ISSN: 1474-1547 (print), ISSN: 1474-1814 (online) Agricultural Biotechnology 2006,
9)  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration had data dating back to early 1990s showing that rats fed GM tomatoes with antisense gene to delay ripening had developed small holes in their stomachs (Pusztai A, Bardocz S and Ewen SWB. Genetically modified foods: Potential human health effects. In Food Safety: Contaminants and Toxins, (J P F D’Mello ed.), Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, CAB International, 2003).
10)  In 2002, Aventis company (later Bayer Cropscience) submitted data to UK regulators showing that chickens fed glufosinate-tolerant GM corn Chardon LL were twice as likely to die compared with controls (Food Safety: Contaminants and Toxins (CABI Publishing 2003 also Novotny E. Animals avoid GM food, for good reasons. Science in Society 21, 9-11, 2004).
11)  Testing by Monsanto itself has found that rats eating GM maize (MON863) develop smaller kidneys and show startling changes in blood chemistry.  One blood change included an increase in white blood cell count which demonstrates that the GM food elicited an immune reaction by the body.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist

Monday, April 21, 2014

Today's Health Tip: The Power of Onions

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What Are Onions Good For?

Onions Nutrition Facts

Peeling Down the Onion

Botanical name: Allium cepa
Whether white, yellow, or red, onions are one of the world’s most popular and versatile vegetables, delivering an unmistakable, pungent heat – some more than others. They’re in demand for cold salads and hot soups, sliced in rings or solid disks on burgers, and chopped in relish. The delicious caramelization that takes place when onions are sautéed is due to their high sugar content. (Try them sautéed with bell peppers for a tasty fajita ingredient.) Spanish red onions are generally milder than white or yellow. The Vidalia variety is one of the sweetest.
The sharp fragrance and flavor emitted by onions is due to the sulfur compound allyl propyl disulphide; it’s allyl sulphide that brings you to tears when peeling one, serving the good purpose of washing the thin epithelial layer of the eyes. Holding peeled onions under cold water for several seconds before slicing minimizes this effect.

Health Benefits of Eating Onions

Onions are loaded with numerous health benefits, and scientists are still discovering how beneficial this vegetable really is. They’re a very good source of vitamin C and B6, iron, folate, and potassium. The manganese content in onions provides cold and flu relief with its anti-inflammatory abilities.
Two phytochemical (plant-derived nutrient) compounds in onions – allium and allyl disulphide – convert to allicin when the bulb is cut or crushed due to enzyme activation. Studies show these compounds to have cancer- and diabetes-fighting properties, while decreasing blood vessel stiffness by releasing nitric oxide. This can reduce blood pressure, inhibit platelet clot formation, and help decrease the risk of coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular diseases, and stroke.
Significant amounts of polyphenols (another phytochemical in onions) and an antioxidant flavonoid called quercetin (which has proven anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic functions) account for the reputation onions have for disease prevention. 
Luckily, cooking onions in soup doesn’t diminish their quercetin value – it simply transfers to the broth. The flavonoids in onions are more concentrated in the outer layers, so discard as little as possible.
Onions are one of Dr. Mercola’s most highly recommended vegetables.

Onion Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: One cup of chopped onions (about 160 grams)
Amt. Per Serving
7 g
3 g
2 g
6 mg

Studies Done on Onions

Studies showed strong evidence that eating onions may considerably reduce the risk of stomach cancer1. In another study, beneficial effects of red, yellow, and white onion extracts were noted for their antioxidant and anti-mutagenic (cell mutation prohibitive) activity2 – better than Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), a synthetic chemical added to foods as a preservative, and ascorbic acid. Free-radical scavenging activity increased, depending on the concentration.

Onion Healthy Recipes: Bistro Potato Salad with Caramelized Onions

Onions Healthy Recipes
  • 1 medium red onion, sliced into half moons
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 bunch chard or spinach, chopped finely
  • 1 tablespoon tamari soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  1. Place chopped onion into skillet with olive oil. Cook for about 3 minutes.
  2. Add the chard, cook for another 2 minutes, then add the tamari soy sauce and lemon juice. Cook for another 2 minutes.
  3. Place into a medium-sized bowl and serve. Makes 4 servings.
(From Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type by Dr. Mercola)

Onion Fun Facts

Egyptian mummies have been found with onions tucked into their pelvic regions, flattened against their ears, and attached to their feet and legs. Flowering onions were sometimes placed on their chests. King Ramses IV, who died in 1160 B.C., was found with onions inserted into his eye sockets.


Since the dawn of time, onions have been used to liven up food recipes and added to ancient concoctions for medicinal purposes. Modern medicine has found onions to be highly beneficial in almost every area of the body, from maintaining cell health to preventing inflammation to purifying the blood. Onions also add a kick in kitchens all over the world, providing a savory goodness that blends well with other foods.
Other sources:

Friday, April 18, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Eat More Berries

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Study: Eating Berries can Slash Heart Attack Risk Significantly

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Things like a healthy diet, increased exercise, and low stress levels can keep our hearts healthy. But did you know there are some very specific foods that can be eaten to prevent a heart attack? One study from Harvard School of Public Health indicates strawberries and blueberries are able to slash the risk of a heart attack in women by a significant amount.
According to the study published in a recent edition of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, women who eat three or more servings of these healthful berries each week are able to reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack by up to one-third.
The researchers looked at the eating habits of almost 100,000 women, tracking their health and diets for 18 years, surveying them at four-year intervals. They found those who ate the most berries were able to reduce their risk of a heart attack by 32% when compared to those who only ate berries once per month or less.
It’s believed these heart healthy benefits come from something called anthocyanins, a subclass of flavonoids found within these berries. Flavanoids are antioxidant compounds found in a variety of foods including berries, wine, chocolate, and tea. Anthocyanins are most commonly found in fruits and vegetables that are dark red, blue, and purple—including berries.
These substances are believed to dilate the arteries, working to counteract plaque build-up that can eventually lead to a heart attack.
Reports that the researchers analyzed strawberry and blueberry consumption specifically because those are two that are easiest to obtain and the most likely to be eaten. They suggest adding three servings each week to reap the cardiovascular benefits and more.
Both blueberries and strawberries have been shown to deliver numerous heart-healthy benefits in studies of years past. From reducing hardening of the arteries to preventing high blood pressure, these little fruit pack a powerful punch.
Because berries are traditionally heavily coated with pesticides during the growing process, seek out organic berries at every opportunity. In season, by them locally and in the colder months find organic frozen berries at your local grocery store.
Additional Sources:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Benefits of Cherries

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Top 5 Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherries are a delicious summer treat, sweet and fun to eat. But in addition to being a great example of a natural, delicious food packed with nutritional benefits. Interestingly, many conventional websites are quick to point out that cherries have a lot of sugar and little nutritional content—but they are missing several worthwhile perks of these little red fruits. Here are 5 health benefits of cherries.

Health Benefits of Cherries

1. Anti-inflammation - Cherries are an important part of an anti-inflammatory diet, making them great allies in the fight against issues like arthritis and even heart disease. Inflammation is believed to be at the center of numerous chronic illnesses and conditions, so cherries can add something sweet and diverse to a diet designed to fight them. (For other tips on handling inflammation, check out this post outlining12 tips reducing inflammation.)
2. Cancer-fighting - Cherries are loaded with a type of antioxidants known as anthocyanins, which can actually stop cancer in its tracks. According to dietician Karen Ansel at“… preliminary studies suggest the anthocyanin cyanidin may prevent genetic mutations that can lead to cancer and keep cancer cells from growing out of control.” Sweet cherries are better over tart for anti-cancer benefits.
3. Gout prevention and treatment - Gout is a painful disorder characterized by an overabundance of uric acid in the body. Cherries lower uric acid and C-reactive protein levels. According to one study, just 45 sweet cherries can provide relief. Cherries may be one of the best home remedies for gout.
4. Improved sleep - Melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep and wake cycles, is difficult to find in natural food sources. But, cherries is one of the few places where it is abundant. Tart cherry juice in particular has been proven to increase melatonin levels that could improve your quality of sleep.
5. Blood pressure management - Adding on to the health benefits of cherries, the tiny red delight may also be among many solutions for high blood pressure, partly due to containing high levels of potassium. They also contain quercetin, important in maintaining vascular health.
Cherries are both tasty and beneficial to your health. To experience the greatest health benefits of cherries, try to purchase them in-season and organic whenever possible.
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