Saturday, April 5, 2014

Today's Health Tip: Don't Eat Processed Grains

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(NaturalNews) Despite the clamoring from fanatical advocates of various diet types, one, single diet is not appropriate for everyone.

Ayurvedic practitioners are renowned for determining exactly what constitutes an appropriately healthy diet for anyone after assessing one's physiological and psychological traits.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez uses the metabolic typing system created by the late Dr. William Kelley to individually determine the healthiest diet for each cancer patient (

The bottom line is, one diet that some swear by for their good health will simply cause others to swear from poor health consequences. There is also a metabolic typing group that can be consulted from your computer (

Without the guidance of an Ayurveda practitioner's centuries-old dietary science or any other metabolic typing system, we're left to our own intuition, research, and trial and error.

Just as many decry dairy without looking into how raw dairy products could be beneficial, there are those who insist everyone stay away from grains of all types all the time.

Just as with dairy, the difference between healthy grains and unhealthy grains is ignored. They're all lumped together. One thing is for certain, processed grains that are ubiquitous on most food store shelves and in processed foods or served in most restaurants are unhealthy for everyone.

Processed grains are synthetically bleached to create white flour. This practice forced an early 20th century head of the FDA forerunner Bureau of Chemistry, Dr. Harvey Wiley, MD, to resign in disgust at the government's failure to enforce anti-wheat bleaching legislation he had proposed.

A byproduct of synthetic bleaching, never included as an ingredient, is alloxan, used to induce diabetes in lab rats! The European tradition requires the sun to whiten flour. If you look for it, unbleached white flour is available.

Even before bleaching, Big Ag's harvesting and storing procedures for grains are littered with toxic procedures, detailed with practical solutions included here (

The wheat of decades ago has been hybridized botanically over generations to produce a less nutritious wheat that's more pliable for high volume industrial baking efficiency. This has transformed wheat from five percent gluten at the turn of the 20th Century to over 50% gluten today.

Most Natural News readers are familiar with the gluten sensitivity issues that those who suffer from celiac disease, IBS and other gastrointestinal inflammatory conditions must avoid with almost all grains.

But many gluten free products are fraught with unhealthy additives to make them more palatable, just like fat-free dairy products are loaded with unhealthy carrageenan and aspartame.

Studies have supported the notion that high glycemic diets from processed carbohydrates bring on diabetes type 2 and greatly increase risk factors for dementia, including the dreaded Alzheimer's disease.

A dietary solution for preventing dementia is to decrease carbs, especially processed carbs, and increase healthy fats, such as coconut oil, cold pressed olive oil, organic whole butters, fatty fish and humanely treated, grass-fed, small farm animals.

Decreasing carbohydrates can be healthy for most. But one can have one's cake and eat it too by selectively choosing breads or baked goods made with sprouted grains or fermented as seasoned sourdough (at least 8 hours) and made without bromides, which block iodine from nourishing the thyroid.

Most off-the-shelf whole grain products are not produced that way. Ezekiel breads are an exception. And there are bakeries that deliver as well. Searching for sourdough with unbleached flour and non-bromated, sprouted grain products or wheat grain alternatives takes some due diligence (

Some folks remain lactose sensitive even with raw milk products, while others overcome that sensitivity upon switching to raw milk. The same holds true for organic grain products that are treated properly. Some will have good results and others won't.

A wise tip is to cut out all grains temporarily, restart with the healthier choices and observe your own reactions. But everyone will benefit by avoiding the processed grains that are so prevalent in today's food supply.

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