Monday, December 31, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Get Rid Of Fluoride

Original article from:

Fluoride Detox: Ousted as Poison, Here’s How to Get it Out of Your System

 Experts have been warning for years against the dangers of sodium fluoride, but recently more awareness has spread than ever before. Following the rampant success of essential news stories centered around fluoride, including a story I authored just three short days ago highlighting the horrendous amount of sodium fluoride in doctor recommended toothpaste (500,000% higher than fluoridated water), it’s now important to discuss how to actually get it out of your system through fluoride detox.

Even if you somehow managed to escape the ingestion of fluoridated water in your younger years, chances are you’ve been exposed to food items that actually can contain about 180 times the sodium fluoride content as fluoridated water according to fluoride expert Jeff Green. This has to do with how what’s known as aluminum fluoride, or Cryolite. Used as a pesticide due to its ability to kill bugs, conventional farmers will oftentimes spray excessive amounts of the sticky substance onto crops. As a result, the aluminum fluoride substance will reside unless thoroughly washed off of the produce.
In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jeff explains the issue:
“Cryolite is actually sodium aluminum fluoride… This sodium aluminum fluoride is especially effective at killing bugs,” Green says. “It’s also very sticky, so when they spray it, it’s more likely to stick on your produce, unless you’re… really working at trying to get it off of it.”
Admittedly it’s not as high as the extra-fluoride toothpaste that is pushed on kids to treat their nonexistent ‘fluoride deficiency’ peddled by some dentists, however it is still a detrimental amount. Plus, it’s more than likely that you’ve been exposed to both fluoridated tap water and conventional fluoride-sprayed. So what can you do about it?

Fluoride Detox Protocol

The realm of fluoride detox, or fluoride detoxification, is often left untouched. After all, this poisonous substance is still considered perfectly safe by many despite even Harvard admitting that it completely wreaks havoc on IQ and brain development. But this article isn’t about the history of fluoride, it’s about getting it out of your system. Thankfully, a number of fluoride detox methods do exist that can help remove sodium fluoride from your body in addition to another of other concerning materials.


Selenium is one nutrient that oftentimes is the first answer given to those seeking to combat the existence of sodium fluoride in their bodies. As FoodConsumer reports, selenium has actually been found to help block the effects of fluoride as well as fluoride elimination. A great natural source of selenium is Brazil nuts, but is important to keep your intake in balance. I don’t recommend you start eating handfuls of Brazil nuts. Many in the field of natural health recommend a dose of 100 to 200 micrograms, though this does fall below the National Institute of Health’s ‘upper limit’ of 400 micrograms.
Brazil nuts vary in selenium content depending on a number of factors, but on average you can expect 70 to 90 micrograms per serving. Selenium is also found in fish, meat, and nuts. Don’t forget also that taking selenium along with high doses of vitamin C and zinc can actually inhibit proper absorption. Here is a useful list of foods that contain selenium that includes microgram count.

Nascent Iodine

Iodine is important in many ways even outside of fluoride detox, but the reality is that fluoride directly attacks the thyroid. The key here is that iodine, preferably nascent iodine which is the best quality, helps to remove sodium fluoride through the urine as calcium fluoride. I recommend and personally take Dr. Edward Group’s Detoxadine (as always, I was not paid to recommend this product — I actually take it and purchase it myself).


Have you ever heard of tamarind? It’s a staple in the ancient Ayurvedic medicine system, which is considered to be the ‘mother’ of natural medicine. In addition to yielding delicious teas when added to your favorite tea beverage, tamarind also helps expel fluoride through the urine.

Dry Sauna

As with many other toxic substances, a powerful dry sauna session can help to excrete sodium fluoride from fatty tissues. Be sure to drink up on purified water to replenish yourself afterwards.
Detoxifying fluoride from your body can be challenging, but it is a process that can help alleviate the massive build up of this toxic chemical sold to the public as ‘safe’ and ‘effective’ by pseudo-scientific fraudsters. While you cannot go back in time and avoid all exposure to fluoride, you can utilize these methods to detoxify it from within your body today.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Probiotics

Original article from:

Today, we're going dive deep into the inner walls of one of the most critically important organs of your body -- your gut.

Unfortunately, many people think of their gut solely as the mechanism by which your body digests food, which is at best an extreme oversimplification, and at worst an ideology massively contributing to the health problems, weight loss struggles, and auto-immune disorders of millions world-wide.

In reality, your GI tract is MUCH more than a digestion center; in fact, it is quite literally your second brain as well as being “home” to 80% of your immune system.

You see, within your gut reside roughly 100 TRILLION living bacteria…
That’s more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body – and maintaining the ideal ratio of “good bacteria” (known as probiotics) to “bad bacteria” is now gaining recognition as perhaps the single most important step you can take to protect your health and further along your fat loss goals.

In fact, there are more than 200 studies linking inadequate probiotic levels to more than 170 different diseases and health issues; here are just a few:

• Celiac disease, leaky gut, and irritable bowel syndrome
• Mood, psychological health, and behavioral disorders
• Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes
• The common cold, influenza, and pneumonia
• Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer
• Eczema, atopic dermatitis, and acne
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Food and wheat allergies
• Weight gain and obesity

And many, many more.

To touch briefly on the weight gain and obesity consequences, virtually every study performed on the obese population analyzing gut bacteria found higher instances of “bad” bacteria and lower levels of probiotics (again, the “good” bacteria) within these individuals.

Perhaps you yourself are already experiencing some of the more advanced signs that your intestinal bacterial balance is beginning to spin out of control, such as:

• Gas and bloating
• Constipation and/or diarrhea
• Acid reflux
• Skin problems
• Overall sickness
• Headaches
• Urinary tract infections
• Trouble sleeping
• An inability to lose weight
• Sugar cravings, especially for heavily refined carbs

You see, the ideal healthy ratio of “good” to “bad” bacteria is 85% to 15%, or 9 to 1.

Unfortunately, due to lifestyle and environmental factors, the vast majority of the population is severely lacking when it comes to good probiotic bacteria, throwing their gut flora ratio completely out of whack.

These lifestyle and environmental factors include, but are not limited to, exposure to:

• Sugar
• Artificial sweeteners of any kind (found in "diet" beverages and food items, chewing gum, and even toothpaste)
• Processed foods
• Chlorinated water
• Pollution
• Antacids
• Laxatives
• Alcoholic beverages
• Agricultural chemicals and pesticides, and…
• Antibiotics (from medications and/or antibiotics found in meat and dairy products that we ingest).

As you can see, unless you maintain a 100% organic diet, completely avoid all sugar, and lock yourself in the house in an attempt to only consume the purest of air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is almost certain that your gut flora balance is suffering, and will continue to suffer, unless you do something to proactively correct it on a daily basis.

Can you really afford to neglect your gastrointestinal health much longer?

If you do, the likely result is dramatically increased risk for health problems and disease, failure to experience relief from any ailments you may be currently suffering from, and an inevitable, continual struggle with your weight.

With that said, it’s no wonder that research is now suggesting that supplementing with probiotics every single day is even MORE important to your health than taking a daily multi-vitamin.

Even more, a recent double blind study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that test subjects who received probiotics daily were able to reduce their abdominal fat by nearly 5 percent over a 12 week period, while the “no probiotic” group experienced no positive changes.

But here’s something you may not know…

93% of the probiotics contained in traditional probiotic supplements will be DEAD before they ever reach your gut.

And of course, dead probiotics are completely worthless.

You see, one of the greatest challenges in creating a truly effective probiotic formula is being able to actually deliver delicate probiotic cells to the gastrointestinal tract, fully intact and alive. Because probiotics are living bacteria, they are also extremely sensitive to even the slightest change in environmental conditions. In fact, research has shown that after one year on the shelf, in a sealed bottle at room temperature, on average only 32% of conventionally produced probiotics survive.

And get this, most of the probiotics products you find on store shelves are already well over a year old—some even as much as two years old. After all, big companies produce hundreds of thousands of bottles to cut cost and then store these bottles in their warehouses long before they ever end up in your hands.

But it gets worse.

Due to the extreme acidic environment of the stomach, another 80% of the remaining live probiotic cells will be killed off before reaching the intestine. In the end, traditional probiotic supplements, while claiming billions upon billions of active cells per dose, will only wind up delivering a measly 6.4% of what their label promises alive and well to your gut.

With that said, you can see how a probiotic product claiming 20 billion cells is reduced to a mere 1 billion count rather quickly.

When it all boils down, not only are these products a complete waste of your time and money, but much more importantly they are robbing you of the critically important health benefits that are the entire reason you would invest in a probiotic product in the first place.

Fortunately, there is a solution, and the answer lies in patented Microencapsulation Technology™.

Knowing the previously mentioned challenge, at BioTrust we’ve developed what we feel is the most advanced probiotic formula anywhere, Pro-X10™, using cutting-edge, patented Microencapsulation Technology™ developed by Italian researchers to solve this very problem.

Instead of leaving fragile probiotic cells to fend for themselves, this process encases each live cell in a lipid matrix to protect them from oxygen, light, acids, bile, and the like. The end result is dramatically enhanced survival of probiotic cells both on the shelf and through the stomach, and greatly improved delivery over traditional probiotic supplements.

Not only that, but with Pro-X10™ we recommend 2 doses daily for further enhanced absorption, effectively delivering TEN TIMES more live, healthy bacteria to your gut than traditional, non-microencapsulated probiotic products.

But we didn’t stop there. While most would be satisfied with the most cutting-edge delivery method and absorption rate of any probiotic product, we wanted to make Pro-X10™ even better for our customers… and that’s exactly what we did through the incorporation of one of the most powerful probiotic support nutrients of all time, Actazin™.

Actazin™, manufactured from New Zealand’s own superfruit, the Kiwifruit, has a four-way action on gut health:

1 . Prokinetic enzyme activity gently stimulates the movement of stool through your GI tract to help “keep you regular.”

2. Insoluble fiber further promotes regularity and softens stools without gas or bloating.

3. Prebiotics support the natural growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut to further improve your gut flora ratio.

4. Polyphenolics support beneficial bacteria, inhibit infectious pathogens, and further assist in maintaining long term digestive health

But perhaps most interesting is the fact that Actazin™ supports the regeneration of gut-lining cells, as well as enhanced gut lining protection. This means that even if the gut lining has been damaged by exposure to harmful compounds, including dangerous wheat fragments like gluten (which most people’s guts have), Actazin™ shows strong promise in being able to help heal the damage and return the gut to normal function.

Beyond that, Pro-X10™ is manufactured under a patented allergen-free manufacturing process that guarantees safe probiotic supplementation for all, even individuals with food allergies and/or food intolerances…use of this patented process is few and far between by other supplement companies.

And if all of that wasn’t enough, we even included 3 extremely unique probiotic strands not contained in 99% of other products, including:

1. Bifidobacterium lactis for constipation and inflammatory bowel relief

2. Lactobacillus salivarius for unprecedented oral health. In fact, this unique strain has been proven through research to dramatically decrease the level of plaque forming bacteria in the mouth while naturally freshening breath and reducing gum sensitivity

3. S. boulardii for unparalleled immune support, including a significant increase in mean blood cell count and a decrease in systemic inflammation, even during periods of high stress

Simply put, with research suggesting that probiotic supplementation is even more important to your health than taking a daily multi-vitamin, and the fact that inadequate probiotic levels have been linked through research to more than 170 different diseases and health issues, including obesity and weight gain, we truly believe that EVERYONE should be taking a probiotic daily.

But as we’ve clearly shown in this video, not just any probiotic product will do, and that’s why we developed Pro-X10™. Through patented microencapsulation technology, Pro-X10™ is able to deliver up to TEN TIMES more healthy bacteria to your gut–the equivalent of 50 BILLION cells daily–when compared to traditional probiotic products where 93% of the cells are rendered DEAD and useless before ever reaching their final destination.

And with the strategic addition of Actazin™ and 3 other unique probiotic strands, there really is no comparison. Pro-X10™ is easily the #1 probiotic on the market.

To begin experiencing just how easy managing your gut flora and bacteria balance can be, simply click on the special link below (only available via this VIP email) and select your money saving package right now:

Buy 2, Get 1 FREE + Free Shipping on Pro-X10 (very limited quantities available)

Again, this product is only currently available to VIP subscribers like you as we have very limited inventory...once this small lot runs out, we have no idea how quickly we'll be able to get more in as the exotic ingredients contained in Pro-X10™ ship from literally across the globe and many are in short supply.

Act now, and gain access to this super health-restoring supplement before we run out:

=> Buy 2, Get 1 FREE + Free Shipping on Pro-X10 (very limited quantities available)

To your ultimate health!

Joel & Josh
Founders, BioTrust Nutrition


Thanks Joel and Josh for that article, and for creating such an awesome product in this new Pro-X10!  I personally just started adding this to my daily plan a couple weeks ago to make sure I'm getting a great diversity of gut-healthy probiotics... so in addition to the fermented foods that I use, such as kimchi, kefir, yogurt, and kombucha, I'm also taking a daily Pro-X10 too in order to diversify the strains of probiotics that I'm getting.

I won't get into all the gory details, but my digestion has NEVER been as perfect as it's been in the last couple weeks!  Thanks for a great new product.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Whey Protein

Read more from the original article at:

The Miraculous Benefits of
Non Denatured Whey Protein Powder
from Grass Fed Cows

Unheated Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder: The Secret to Unlocking the
Door to Your Personal Health Freedom
Detoxification is at the heart of healing. Most all-chronic degenerative disease has at its
roots toxicity. Resurrecting the body’s production of glutathione is a dynamic key to
cellular and whole body detoxification. Using Unheated Whey Protein Powder delivers
high amounts of the key amino acids glutamyl-cysteine. Glutamyl-cysteine is converted
by glutathione synthetase into glutathione.
Once the cells receive this rate limiting amino
acid cysteine and it combines with the abundantly available glutamic acid and glycine,
intracellular glutathione is made. Glutathione then goes to work to eliminate mercury,
heavy metals and virtually all toxins. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals, thereby
stopping cell damage, thereby helping you to look and feel younger. Glutathione also
helps increase endurance for your mind and muscles. The optimal level of intracellular
glutathione is 10%. That is 10% of the intracellular protein contents of over 75 trillion
cells, when in an optimally healthy state is Glutathione, which is a very large amount.
With Unheated whey protein powder, you supply your body with the highest dietary
source of the building blocks for glutathione production. The results are simply amazing.
Of all the whey protein powder products on the market, all of them have been heated.
Heat is the very thing that unfolds proteins, and bends and twists amino acids into shapes
the body cannot use. This is called denaturing, or simply damaged amino acids. To
preserve liquid whey’s protein and amino acid integrity it must be dried without any heat.
Unheated whey protein powder is a true gift of nature.
The magical properties of Whey are not so much in the liquid but in the ability of the
amino acids to fuel repair and of the amino acid cysteine to fuel the production of
glutathione. It is the awesome detoxification power of glutathione that gives unheated
Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder its powers. Properly prepared whey is a superfood and
deserves front stage attention by all people wanting to create or maintain health in our
very toxic world.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Avoiding Poison

Original article from:

The ten worst ways your children are being poisoned right now: vaccines, food, video games and more

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Modern children are being poisoned like never before in the history of human civilization. No wonder the rate of autism in America has skyrocketed to 1 in 88 children over the last few decades, putting autism squarely in the "epidemic" category.

But don't expect any CDC action on this epidemic. The CDC knows full well why autism rates are exploding across America, but instead of admitting the truth, the CDC is running a cover story to protect the corporate interests of the real culprits: the medical corporations poisoning children for profit (see below).

It's not just medical companies that are poisoning our children, by the way: They're also being poisoned in other insidious ways that suppress free thinking, assault good health and crush children's souls.

Here's my list of the ten worst ways in which our children are being poisoned right now.

#1) Multiple vaccinations that inject mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde into children

It is an admitted fact that today's vaccines given to children are intentionally formulated with mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde, all of which is insanely injected into the body of infants and children.

This is openly admitted by the CDC itself, which has emerged as a criminal front group for the vaccine industry. Rather than trying to determine why vaccines are causing so much autism, the CDC tries to hide the evidence, delay the hearings, and deploy smoke and mirrors to protect the criminally-operated vaccine industry where nearly every single vaccine manufacturer operating today has been found guilty of multiple felony crimes.

#2) Mercury fillings

Astonishingly, dentists in the USA continue to fill children's mouths with the most toxic heavy metal known to man: Mercury.

They don't call it mercury, of course, because that would raise too many questions. Instead, they call them "silver amalgam fillings." But the No. 1 ingredient in these fillings is, of course, the heavy metal mercury.

#3) School lunches that use toxic processed food ingredients, including sodium nitrite

School lunches continue to serve our children a toxic cocktail of chemical food additives, partially-hydrogenated oils, chemical preservatives and even cancer-causing color fixers like sodium nitrite.

Sodium nitrite causes pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and brain tumors in children. It is intentionally added to hot dogs, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, lunch meats and nearly all processed meats. A nation that eats sodium nitrite on a regular basis will have sky-high rates of cancer as a result.

In addition to sodium nitrite, school lunches are also filled with GMOs which we now know cause huge cancer tumors in animals. The USDA, which is already in bed with Monsanto on the regulatory side, also buys masses of genetically engineered food to be used in school lunch programs.

#4) Television programming that poisons children's brains with messages of materialism and inadequacy

Television was invented as a way to educate and uplift and population, but it has become dominated by commercial interests who brainwash children into worshipping materialism and being manipulated into feelings of inadequacy.

The point of this is to push sugary cereals, action figures, toys and junk foods into the minds of children so that they nag parents into buying it for them. Virtually all Saturday morning television, for example, has devolved into a "nag factor manipulation matrix" designed to brainwash children into begging their parents to purchase consumable items that generate profits for corporate advertisers.

Where is the education in television these days? It is now relegated to a few channels that focus on documentaries and non-fiction subjects, and even those channels are still funded by corporate interests.

#5) Public education that teaches revisionist history and toxic ideas about society

American children are being insidiously poisoned by public schools and all the atrociously damaging ideas those schools teach.

Many schools are now teaching what is essentially socialism or even communism. They attack and ridicule students who believe in the founding principles of America: patriotism, the Bill of Rights, individual liberty and the U.S. Constitution.

Students are also now being microchipped and taught that they are slaves of the state.

Just recently, in fact, several students were suspended from Kearney High School for painting the American flag on their chests for a lip-sync music video project sponsored by the school.

This is all a type of mental poisoning of our children, done under the banner of "education."

#6) Toxic personal care products made with cancer-causing poisons: Shampoo, skin care, toothpaste, air fresheners, laundry soap and more

Children everywhere are being bathed in toxic poisons from all their personal care products, including soaps and shampoos, laundry detergents, fabric softeners and even toothpaste.

Most personal care products are loaded with cancer-causing synthetic chemicals. Laundry detergents bathe children's clothing in cancer-causing chemicals which are then worn by the children and absorbed into their bodies. When children become teens, the toxic burden is increased even more through deodorants, makeup and cosmetics, perfumes and colognes. Nearly all conventional body care products contain cancer-causing chemicals, including the high-end, expensive brands.

#7) Toxic hydrofluosilicic acid dumped into the water supply after being mislabeled "fluoride"

Children are being wildly poisoned by the dumping of hydrofluosilicic acid into the water supply. This is incorrectly called "fluoride" but it's actually a toxic byproduct of the chemical fertilizer industry or aluminum smelting industry.

As Natural News has proven, fluoride is sold as an insecticide chemical and a metals smelting chemical. It is one of the most toxic substances yet discovered, which is why it kills insects so effectively.

Fluoride is so toxic that dumping it into a river or stream in the United States would be considered an act of ecological terrorism. Yet, somehow, it is legal to dump it into the water supply of human beings who then urinated it back into the rivers and streams where it poisons the environment.

#8) Toxic indoor air environments at homes and schools: Formaldehyde, molds, glues and synthetic pollutants

Indoor air pollution is a significant source of toxic chemical exposure for children. Carpets, paints, wood floor and even furniture all give off toxic fumes that can promote cancer and aggravate allergies.

Many homes, schools and commercial buildings are contaminated with toxic molds that are also ingested by infants and children. Even hospitals circulate potentially deadly superbugs that can kill children.

#9) Video games

Make no mistake that children -- especially boys -- are being mentally poisoned by video games. These games teach boys that violence is normal through the relentless assault of ultra-realistic first-person shooters that put players in the position of violently murdering other human beings.

These games desensitize children to the real world, and they train children to grow up and join the military. Some of the most popular games are actually engineered and published by the military as recruiting systems for teens.

Take a look at the ultra realism (and violence) of "Far Cry 3" in this teaser video. This is what your kids are playing when you buy them an Xbox:

#10) Mind-altering psychiatric drugs

One of the greatest crimes against children today is found in the realm of psychiatry. That dark art of anti-medicine pretends to "diagnose" children with "disorders" which are then claimed to be treated by mind-altering psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac.

The entire industry of modern psychiatry is a criminal drug ring conducted for the sole purpose of generating profits by treating children as pharmaceutical disposal objects. Most of the psychiatric disorders found in the DSM-V manual are completely fabricated works of fiction. The drug industry and modern psychiatry run their fraud as a tag-team of criminals who prey on children.

The most effective group fighting this today is the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), found at

I have also recorded and produced a music video on the psychiatric drugging of children which you can see on YouTube.

Yes, in addition to being the editor of Natural News, I'm also an established activist rapper. See more of my songs and music videos at

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Herbs

Original article from:

Live longer and better with these five immortality herbs

Sunday, December 09, 2012 by: Angela Doss

(NaturalNews) Answers to the mystery of immortality may already be growing in your home garden. The very same herbs that help in the healing of innumerable diseases, infections and chronic illnesses can also help us to live longer, healthier lives.

A great number of the most effective herbs are known as adaptogens, which assist the body in its natural task of maintaining homeostasis - the delicate state of balance necessary to survival and healing. A body out of balance is considered to be in "negative homeostasis," a condition in which the restorative (anabolic) and degenerative (catabolic) systems of the body may not function properly,eventually leading to experience symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight fluctuation and impaired libido. But adaptogens help the body adapt to and compensate for change. In a person with high blood sugar, for example, an adaptogenic herb might help to lower glucose levels in the body; whereas, in a person with low blood sugar, the herb would help to raise them.

Because of this ability to improve the body's stress response, adaptogenic herbs can literally add years to a person's life. Here are a few you should know:

Holy basil

Believed to be a sacred incarnation of divinity by many Hindus, the holy basil plant (a cousin of sweet basil) is also called tulsi, or "the incomparable one." This name refers to its seemingly unparalleled abilities to reduce stress, increase energy and encourage longevity. It is most often recommended for cardiovascular conditions, hypertension and diabetes. Doubling too as an insect repellent, this incredible plant is easy to grow and may be served either fresh or dried.


Known in Taoist tradition as the "mushroom of immortality" and considered by traditional Chinese medicine to be a "superior herb," red reishi is the most common variety used medicinally. It helps to increase energy while also improving conditions of coronary heart disease, immune disorders, cancers as well as high cholesterol and arthritis. It is ideally served cooked in soups but may also be taken either in extract or powdered form.


Similar to ginseng in its chemical composition, this miracle herb is literally called "the immortality herb" by the Chinese. One of its primary features is that it increases the fat-burning rate by assisting the liver to move carbohydrates and other sugars into the muscles, rather than storing them. In addition, its effects on cardiovascular health have earned it the nickname of "herbal heart defender." Not only does it help to regulate blood pressure and raise good cholesterol while lowering the bad; it also protects against heart attacks and stroke by helping to reduce arterial blockages. Jiaogulan is commonly served in the form of a tea.


Another of Chinese medicine's healing marvels, astragalus has earned a reputation for its deep healing effects on the immune system. Working wonders on countless health conditions including seasonal allergies, cold and flu, fatigue, inflammation, blood pressure and circulation, heart disease, liver toxicity, diabetes, and cancer, the potent influence of this herb has grown in popularity to such a degree that even pharmaceutical companies are using parts of the plant as base ingredients for new prescription drugs. Particularly interesting is astragalus' ability to slow the aging process by promoting the health of telomeres, which help hold chromosomes together. It is available in the form of an extract, powder or tablet supplement.


Sage stands alone on this list as the only herb not considered an adaptogen, but that doesn't appear to diminish its ability to promote longevity. Of the nearly 900 varieties of sage known today, garden sage and Spanish sage are the two most commonly used for healing. Revered by the ancient Aztecs, this "herb of immortality" has an immediate calming and clarifying effect on congestion, making breathing easier, and even banishing headaches as it contributes to clearer thinking and enhanced memory. You may also find the quality of your sleep improves. In some cultures, those who drank sage tea were thought never to grow old. Sage oil has even demonstrated cancer-fighting, immune-boosting and heart-protecting properties.

Remember that medicinal herbs can have reactions with some medications and certain health conditions. Those who are pregnant, nursing or who have autoimmune conditions may be especially vulnerable to complications. Be sure to seek counsel from a health professional before you begin any new herbal protocol.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Magnesium

Original article from:

The Calcium Wars: Magnesium deficiency causes heart disease

Sunday, December 09, 2012 by: Dr. Carolyn Dean

(NaturalNews) Many people think that calcium is the only nutrient necessary for strong bones. This is a dangerous myth that needs to be addressed.(1)

In fact, it takes 18 different nutrients to make durable bones. However, the most important bone mineral is magnesium because it activates alkaline phosphatase, the enzyme required to ensure optimal bone cell activity, as well as a strong bone matrix.(2)

It is vitally important to understand that calcium and magnesium are in an endless and dynamic dance within our cells.(3) These two key metabolic minerals are actually biological antagonists, and through their opposing actions, activate many of the vital functions we take for granted. But when these minerals get out of balance, due to stress-induced magnesium loss, a whole series of problems and chronic diseases unfold - most notably Heart Disease, our Number 1 killer.

Allopathic medicine is slowly recognizing the following facts about calcium and magnesium:(4)

a. There are dozens of conditions, such as heart disease, arthritis, IBD, IBS, asthma, Alzheimer's triggered by unchecked inflammation. Even cancer is now considered an inflammatory disease.(5)

b. All inflammation is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the "fight or flight" response.(6)

c. The sympathetic nervous system is triggered by excess, unregulated calcium.(7) Calcium is pro-inflammatory.

d. Calcium is regulated and controlled by magnesium.(8) Magnesium is anti-inflammatory.

Let's say that again. Calcium is regulated and controlled by magnesium. You've probably never heard that before. Most doctors don't even know this foundational aspect of how our bodies actually work. I learned these critical mineral relationships in my 200 hours of biochemistry in medical school. But unfortunately our professors never translated that information into clinical application.

Here's how magnesium carries out its crucial role in calcium metabolism. All three hormones that control the level and location of calcium in our body (PTH, Calcitonin and Hormone-D (which is Vitamin D) are activated by magnesium. Which means, if you don't have enough magnesium, these hormones can't do a proper job.(9)

Medicine is also beginning to see a common basis of magnesium deficiency in heart disease.(10) When all the dust settles on research for high cholesterol, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP), Post Ventricular Contractions (PVCs), any kind of ischemia, myocardial infarct and sudden cardiac death, what they All have in common is that magnesium deficiency is the precursor to All of these cardiac conditions.(11) EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

Think of it this way. The heart is NOT an "organ," but is actually a "muscle." In fact, it's the hardest working muscle in our body.

FACT: Every 24 hours our hearts beat 103,000+ times and pushes 20,000 pounds of blood around our body.

FACT: The highest concentration of magnesium in our body is in the heart ventricles, which are the muscles that "pump" all that blood.(12)

FACT: Muscles need lots of energy to create sustained movement, and expend more energy relaxing and filling up the ventricles - prior to the "pump!"(13)

FACT: Muscle energy in our body is solely in the form of Mg2-ATP (Magnesium-adenosine triphosphate).(14)

Our heart cells (and every cell in our body) must have magnesium present in plentiful amounts to create and metabolize the ATP necessary to run all of the cell's activities. Any cell unable to create proper levels of energy becomes diseased and dies, and this is especially true of heart muscles cells. The litany of heart diseases noted above is what follows.

So, how does our heart run out of energy?

"Stress!" Pure and simple.(15) "Stress," in all its many forms leads to magnesium use, and if not curtailed, magnesium loss. An accelerated MBR (Magnesium Burn Rate) leads to electrolyte dysfunction, which results in imbalances of our key minerals. The chronic loss of magnesium leads to a relentless increase of sodium and calcium which ultimately becomes the greatest form of cellular "Stress." And how do we know this? Hans Selye, MD, PhD, ScD, who is regarded as the Father of Stress, taught the world about the devastating impact of stress on our cellular metabolism, as well as steps we can take to manage it.

In 1958 Selye published a 235-page book called The Chemical Prevention of Cardiac Necrosis(16) in which he proved that when electrolyte imbalance becomes great enough, the cell no longer has the ability to produce ATP. We now know ATP is primarily dependent on magnesium. So, cell death - cardiac necrosis is the result of a systemic shortage of magnesium. Selye showed that heart muscle cell death is followed by inflammation in order to clean up the debris from dying cells followed by fibrosis/calcification as the whole area contracts and scars down in order to isolate, repair and minimize the damage.

What Selye found in his research hasn't changed in the intervening 50 years. Cardiac disease still follows these three key steps in cellular breakdown and repair. And these very same three cellular events precede all types of chronic disease, regardless of what organ, what gland or what tissue might be involved.

Chronic stress causes magnesium loss, which then leads to cell death. And what factor accelerates this process? The cellular influx of excess, unregulated calcium(17) Period. If magnesium isn't available, the mineral ion channels in cells are left wide open and calcium floods in.

The preceding overview gives you a new and biologically correct context for the emerging research that excess, unregulated calcium is bad for you.(18)

And how do we create a condition of calcium excess? Human biochemistry strongly favors holding onto as much calcium as possible. However, magnesium is flushed out through the urine or bowels when the body is under stress or in at times when you have saturated yourself with magnesium.(19) The likely reason is that early mankind lived near oceans with access to fish, seaweeds and thus plenty of magnesium, but with few calcium sources, like dairy and green leafy vegetables. Therefore enhancing calcium absorption and preventing magnesium excess were survival mechanisms that were encoded in our wiring millennia ago.

Research shows that the ratio of calcium to magnesium in the Paleolithic diet was 1:1, compared with a 5:1 to 15:1 ratio in present-day diets.(20) With an average of ten times more calcium than magnesium in our current diet, there is no doubt this will cause an imbalance in the minerals and electrolytes in the body.

A recent Framingham study in the Am J Clin Nutr (Dec, 2012) asked the question. Does increased calcium intake cause coronary artery calcification?(21)The study included only 1,278 people. They found that people in the study who took calcium did not develop coronary artery calcification. Thus they concluded: "Our study does not support the hypothesis that high calcium intake increases coronary artery calcification, which is an important measure of atherosclerosis burden. The evidence is not sufficient to modify current recommendations for calcium intake to protect skeletal health with respect to vascular calcification risk."

We don't agree with this conclusion and would like you to consider the following study flaws:
1. The researchers are assuming that coronary artery calcification is the only cause of heart disease.

2. People with high calcium and low levels of magnesium can suffer sudden death heart attacks due to electrical imbalance without having significant coronary artery calcification.

3. Some might consider the study chose a relatively young population with a mean age of 60 and the range from a low age of 36.

4. This is a very small sample size

5. But most importantly, the study completely ignores the metabolic impact of excess calcium on the mitochondria. Calcium inhibits the production of ATP. How? Calcium bumps out magnesium thus preventing the production of ATP within these critical metabolic factories inside the muscle cells.

A whole line up of studies found the opposite - that calcium supplements increase heart disease. A 2012 study in the journal Heart including almost 24,000 participants concluded that "...risk increased further among those who used only calcium supplements - with this group more than twice as likely to have a heart attack as those who didn't take any supplements."(22)

Progressive studies begun in 2008 out of the University of Auckland first showed "Calcium supplementation in healthy postmenopausal women is associated with upward trends in cardiovascular event rates. This potentially detrimental effect should be balanced against the likely benefits of calcium on bone."(23)

The second study was a 2010 BMJ Meta Analysis on 15 clinical trials where subjects were given calcium supplements showed an increased risk of myocardial infarction of about 30%. The conclusion was "Given the modest benefits of calcium supplements on bone density and fracture prevention, a reassessment of the role of calcium supplements in the management of osteoporosis is warranted.(24)

The third study analyzed data from 16,718 women who were not taking calcium supplements at the start of the trial and found that those who later took combined calcium and vitamin D supplements were at an increased risk of cardiovascular events, especially heart attack.(25)

When the end point of these studies is so extreme - heart attack or death, we forget the daily problems of too much calcium, such as kidney stones, gall stones, heel spurs, breast calcifications and calcifications in fibromyalgic muscles. We also forget about the magnesium deficiency created by high calcium and the dozens of diseases that inevitably occur.

It is time for the "debate" over calcium to shift. For too long, medicine and especially cardiology has been steeped in Newtonian physics with everyone worrying about blockages in the plumbing - the body as a bag of chemicals with deteriorating parts. But in fact, all other branches of science are steeped in Quantum physics with a keen focus on energy creation and transformation.

It is no longer a question of whether calcium causes "calcification" - it does but it's not just the blockage that matters, it's the fact that excess calcium reduces magnesium. What we do know, and what is well established in the literature is that all forms of cardiac disease are a direct reflection of the heart muscle's fundamental inability to satisfy its relentless need for energy. Here's how Cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Sinatra states the problem:

"We in the medical profession have not been trained to look at heart disease in terms of individual cardiac cells lacking the energy to sustain them." - 2008.

My personal recommendations for calcium and magnesium intake have shifted since the second edition of The Magnesium Miracle. First, I found out that the 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium is a myth. It originated with the works of a French magnesium researcher, Dr. Jean Durlac who was concerned about too much calcium and said Never take more than two parts calcium to one part magnesium from food, water and supplements. Something very important got lost in the translation to English and everyone, especially supplement manufacturers, thought they were being directed to use two parts calcium to one part magnesium.

With the current RDA for calcium at 1500 mg and the RDS for magnesium at 350, we're being advised to maintain a 4:1 ratio. People look at the RDA and take that amount in supplement form. And they don't even add up the nutrients they get in their food. Did you know that one ounce of cheese has about 300mg of calcium? And, nobody stops at one ounce! Add supplements to all the calcium in dairy, fortified foods and drinks and in drinking water and many people, women especially, can be taking 3,000 mg of calcium a day.

One hundred years ago we were able to get about 500mg of magnesium in our diet; today we're lucky if we get 250mg. The ratio of 3,000mg of calcium to 250mg of magnesium is 12:1. Yet, few doctors stop to ask what that incredible imbalance is going to do to our metabolism.

I find that people thrive on a 1:1 balance of calcium to magnesium. I support the calcium RDA from the UK (700mg) and the WHO (500-600mg). I personally try to get 700 mg of calcium in my diet, which includes yogurt, green leafy vegetables, and bone broth. To treat my heart palpitations and charley horse muscle cramps, I need at least 700mg a day, which I can't get in my diet. I also get the laxative effect from most magnesium products, so I created a Pico-Ionic Magnesium, called ReMag. But many people can take powdered magnesium citrate or dimagnesium malate or transdermal magnesium oil to meet their need. You can read more about these forms of magnesium under Resources on my website.

The debate about the overuse of calcium in supplements and fortified foods has just begun but you are well ahead of the curve by understanding our argument here. There are many references below and articles on my website, Dr Carolyn Dean and on the Nutritional Magnesium Association website about magnesium and calcium so you can do your own research. You can also follow magnesium expert, Morley Robbins in the following venues: The Magnesium Advocacy Group, Magnesium Man and Nexus Whole Health.

Authors: Dr Carolyn Dean and Morley Robbins


1. C Malpuech-Btugere, E Rock, C Astier, W Nowacki, A Mazur, Y Rayssiguier Exacerbated Immune Stress Response During Experimental Magnesium Deficiency Results from Abnormal Cell Calcium Homeostasis Life Sciences 1998; 63(20):1815-1822.
2. Dalderup LM: The role of magnesium in osteoporosis and idiopathic hypercalcaemia. Voeding 21:424, 1960.
3. Seelig MS The Requirement of Magnesium by the Normal Adult American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1964; 14: 342-390.
4. Watchorn, E and McCance, R A, Journal of Biochemistry 1932; 26:54-64;
Stutzman FL and Amatuzio DS Study of Serum and Cerebrospinal fluid Calcium and Magnesium in Normal Humans Archives of Biochem. Biophys 1952 Vol 39;
Karppanen H, et al Minerals, Coronary Heart Disease and Sudden Coronary Death Advanced Cardiology 1978; 25:9-24.
6. Khafif, RA Calciphylaxis & Systemic Calcinosis Archives of Internal Medicine 1990, 150:956-959.
7. Corti R, et al The Beauty and the Beast: Aspects of the Autonomic Nervous System News in Physiological Sciences 2000, June; 15(3): 125-129.
8. Abraham GE The Calcium Controversy J of Applied Nutrition 1982; 34(2): 69-73.
9. Ibid.
10. Maier JAM Endothelial Cells and Magnesium: Implications in Atherosclerosis Clinical Science 2012; 122(9):397-407;
Altura, BM et al Short term Mg Deficiency Results in Decreased Levels of Serum Sphingomyelin, Lipid Peroxidation and Apoptosis in Cardiovascular Tissues Am J Phys Heart Circ Physiol 2009; 297: H86-H92;
Wolf, FI et al Magnesium Deficiency & Endothelial Dysfunction: Is Oxidative Stress Involved? Magnesium Research 2008; 21(1): 58-64;
Resnick LM Magnesium in the Pathophysiology & Treatment of Hypertension & Diabetes Mellitus: Where Are We in 1997? Am J of Hypertension 1997; 10:368-370;
Seelig, MS Early Roots of Cardiovascular, Skeletal and Renal Abnormalities in Magnesium Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Disease, Plenum Medical Book Publishing, New York, NY, 1980.
11. Weglicki WB et al The Role of Magnesium Deficiency in Cardiovascular & Intestinal Inflammation Magnesium Research 2010; 23(4):S199-S206;
Altura, BM Altura BT Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Magnesium: Relationships to Artherosclerosis, Ischemic Heart Disease and Hypertension Magnesium and Trace Elements 1991-92; 10:182-192;
Seelig, MS Early Roots of Cardiovascular, Skeletal and Renal Abnormalities in Magnesium Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Disease, Plenum Medical Book Publishing, New York, NY, 1980.
12. Speich M Bousquet B and Nicola G Concentrations of Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, and Sodium in Human Heart Muscle after Myocardial Infarction Clinical Chemistry Journal 1980; 26(12);1662-1665.
13. Sinatra ST The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology. Basic Health Publications, 2008.
14. Ingwall JS ATP and the Heart. Springer, 2002; and Abraham GE, Flechas JD. Management of Fibromyalgia: Rationale for the Use of Magnesium and Malic Acid. Journal of Nutritional Medicine. 1992; 3:49-59.
15. Seelig, MS Early Roots of Cardiovascular, Skeletal and Renal Abnormalities in Magnesium Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Disease, Plenum Medical Book Publishing, New York, NY, 1980.
16. Selye H Chemical Prevention of Cardiac Necrosis. 1958.
17. Haga H. Effects of dietary magnesium supplementation on diurnal variation of BP and plasma sodium-potassium ATPase activity in essential hypertension. Japan Heart Journal 1992;33:785-800;
Selye H Calciphylaxis, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1962.
18. Rosanoff A Rising Ca:Mg Ratio intake ratio from food in USA Adults: A Concern? Magnesium Research 2010; 23(4): S181-S193.
19. Rude RK Singer FR and Gruber HE Skeletal and Hormonal Effects of Magnesium Deficiency: Review Journal American College of Nutrition 2009; 28(2):131-141; and Seelig MS Magnesium Deficiency: Pathogenesis of Disease. Plenum Publishing, 1980.
20. Dean CFA. The Magnesium Miracle. Random House, 2006.
21. Samelson EJ, et al. Calcium intake is not associated with increased coronary artery calcification: the Framingham Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012, Dec;96(6):1473.
22. Kuanrong Li, et al. Associations of dietary calcium intake and calcium supplementation with myocardial infarction and stroke risk and overall cardiovascular mortality in the Heidelberg cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study (EPIC-Heidelberg) Heart 2012,May;98:920-925.
23. Bolland, MJ, et al. Vascular events in healthy older women receiving calcium supplementation: randomized controlled trial. BMJ 2008, Jan; 336.
24. Bolland, MJ, et al. Effect of calcium supplements on risk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular events: meta-analysis. BMJ 2010, July; 341.
25. Bolland, MJ, et al. Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D and risk of cardiovascular events: reanalysis of the Women's Health Initiative limited access dataset and meta-analysis. BMJ, 2011, Apr; 342.

About the author:
About the author:
Dr. Carolyn Dean is The Doctor of the Future. She is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor in the forefront of the natural medicine revolution since 1979.

She has two published patents on novel health products and more in the pipeline.

Dr. Dean is the author/coauthor of 30 health books (print and eBooks) including The Magnesium Miracle, IBS for Dummies, IBS Cookbook for Dummies, The Yeast Connection and Women's Health, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, Death by Modern Medicine, Everything Alzheimers, and Hormone Balance.

She is the Medical Director of the non-profit educational site - Nutritional Magnesium Association ( Dr. Dean has a free online newsletter and a valuable online 2-year wellness program called Completement Now! and runs a busy telephone consulting practice. Find out more at

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Foods To Avoid

Original article from:

These 4 Foods Accelerate AGING (beware!)
 Do you eat these harmful foods that AGE you faster?  Some are even deceptively marketed to you as "healthy" by giant food corporations.  Avoid or minimize these and look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
& Catherine Ebeling - RN, BSN

Due to biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily basis, some foods age you FASTER than your real age, while other foods help to FIGHT aging.
Eat the wrong foods regularly, and you can look and feel 10 or more years OLDER than your real age (not fun!) ... but eat the right foods, and over time, you can start to look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.
Three of the processes that go on inside your body that have a MAJOR impact on your rate of aging are called "glycation", "inflammation", and "oxidation".  When we talk about aging, we're not just talking about wrinkles on your skin or how thick your hair is... we're also talking about factors that you can't see, such as how well your organs function, and whether your joints are degrading.
Yes, I'm sure you'll agree this is much more important than just how you look superficially (although we'll show you how to improve BOTH!)
So let's dig right in and I'll show you how your rate of aging can be directly related to the foods you might eat every day, and how to protect yourself...
Food #1 that ages you faster: Wheat (yes, even "whole wheat")
Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let's clarify some simple biochemistry in your body...

This deals with "glycation" in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.
So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body?  This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.  This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age.  But this age-increasing effect is not just limited to diabetics.
So, let's get back to how "whole wheat" relates to this...

Here is a little-known fact that's often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that "whole wheat" is healthy for you... but the fact is that wheat contains a very unique type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar higher than even pure table sugar.
In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar more than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing.
This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause much higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.  As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.
You've probably heard about the potential health-damaging effects of gluten (also found in wheat) in the news recently, but this blood sugar aspect we just covered is not talked about that often, and is yet another reason to reduce or eliminate wheat-based foods in your diet.  Your body will thank you by aging slower and looking YOUNGER!
Another problem with wheat-based foods and aging...
As it turns out, baked wheat products contain carcinogenic chemicals called acrylamides that form in the browned portion of breads, cereals, muffins, etc.  These carcinogenic acrylamides have been linked in studies to possible increased risk of cancer and accelerated aging.  Note that acrylamides are also found in high levels in other browned carbohydrate sources such as french fries or any other browned starchy foods.

Don't worry though... There's a trick that you can use to protect yourself from these carcinogenic acrylamides, and it has to do with eating the RIGHT foods that COUNTERACT damage from these nasty chemicals.  I'll show you how to find the EXACT foods that protect your body on the next page!

Food #2 that ages you faster:  Corn-based foods -- corn syrup, corn cereal, corn chips, corn oil
This is quite a variety of stuff that you might eat every day... we're talking corn chips, corn cereals, corn oil, and also the biggest health-damaging villain that gets most of the media attention, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
We already talked in detail in the last section about wheat regarding the blood sugar process and it's relation to age-accelerating formation of nasty "AGEs" in your body.
Well, corn-based starchy foods such as corn cereals, corn chips, etc also have a big impact on blood sugar levels and therefore can increase AGEs in your body and accelerate aging.
But here's another nail in the coffin for corn... it turns out that scientists have found out that the fructose in HFCS causes 10x more formation of AGEs in your body than glucose!  Yes, that's right... that means the HFCS you consume daily in sweetened drinks, and most other processed foods (yes, even salad dressings and ketchup) contribute to faster aging in your body... as if you needed yet another reason to avoid or minimize HFCS!
We're not done yet with corn... it gets even worse...
Another major issue with corn-based foods and corn oils is that these foods contribute excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids to your diet, which causes an imbalance in your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and leads to inflammation and oxidation within your body.
Once again... another example of corn-based foods aging you FASTER.
My advice:  Avoid or reduce corn-based foods like corn chips and corn cereal as much as possible. These aren't as bad as wheat in relation to blood sugar, and they don't contain gut-damaging gluten like wheat does, but they are still bad for you.  When it comes to corn syrup or corn oil, avoid as much as you can if you want to stay lean and young looking.   

Food #3 that ages you faster:  Sugar, sugary foods, certain starchy foods

Again, we get back to the relationship between your average blood sugar levels and blood sugar spikes over time, and how that can increase those age-accelerating compounds called AGEs in your body.
Sugar is an obvious one to avoid.  You've heard how bad it is for you 1000 times before for many other reasons, including your waistline and developing type 2 diabetes.  But now you also understand the aging effect of sugar.
Instead of sugar, consider using a natural non-caloric sweetener like Stevia in your daily coffee, tea, in baking, or other sweetening needs.  This dramatically helps you control your blood sugar response and thereby help slow aging.
So this also means to think twice about sugary desserts, sugary cereals, candy, and other sweets that are contributing to aging you faster. 
My personal trick to satisfy my sweet tooth is to only have 1-2 squares of dark chocolate after dinner instead of a normal full dessert that most people choose.  You only get about 2 grams of sugar in 1-2 squares of dark chocolate as opposed to 40-80 grams of age-accelerating sugar in a typical cake, ice cream, or brownie type of dessert.
Keep in mind that some starchy foods like white rice, oatmeal, and white potatoes can also have significant impacts on your blood sugar and thereby can increase formation of AGEs in your body.  These foods are best kept in small portions if you decide to eat them, and balanced with healthy fats and protein to slow the blood sugar response.

Food #4 that ages you faster:  Soybean oil, canola oil, or other "vegetable oils"

I know these have been marketed to you over the years by giant food companies as "healthy", but if you understand a little biochemistry about how these highly-processed oils react inside your body, you would quickly see how false that is.
First, anything labeled soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, or cottonseed oil (these are in a LOT of processed foods you probably eat) most times have undergone a refining process under extremely high heat and use of chemical solvents such as hexane.
This leaves you with an oil where the polyunsaturated fats have undergone a lot of oxidation and are therefore VERY inflammatory inside your body, producing free radicals, damaging your cell membranes, contributing to faster aging, heart disease, and other possible health problems.
If you want to avoid the health-damaging effects of soybean, canola, corn and other "vegetable oils", make sure to avoid them as much as you can, and instead opt for truly healthy oils and fats such as extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, virgin coconut oil (a healthy source of MCT fats), and grass-fed butter (a great source of healthy CLA fats).
We'll show you how to find plenty of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and nutrients that PROTECT your body from aging on the next page!
You will also discover over a dozen surprising tricks you can use daily to FIGHT aging, helping you to look 5-10 years YOUNGER... click the button below to go to the next page to discover unique and delicious anti-aging foods, spices, herbs, teas, and other potent youth-enhancing nutrients:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Avoiding Bad Dentistry

Original article from:

Why Amalgams, Root Canals, and Cavitations are Dangerous

 One hundred and three years ago Weston Price, DDS and the Mayo Clinic completed studies showing that all root canals are infected and were capable of causing disease. They implanted root canal fragments from people with a recent heart attack into thousands of rabbits and showed that 100% of the rabbits would have a heart attack within a few weeks. It is not possible to sterilize root canals and up to 53 species of bacteria have been identified! In the case of cavitations, up to 82 species of bacteria have been identified.

Both mercury and copper are in amalgams in an attempt to seal the tooth and keep the mercury from coming out and poisoning the body. However, both mercury and copper outgas at 50 times the rate as when copper was not included in amalgam fillings! It was also discovered that the presence of extremely small doses of copper caused the bacteria present to produce toxins!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Chocolate

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Boost And Improve Brain Function With Dark Chocolate

 Chocolate may well be the world’s most craved food for a very good reason. For the most part, we eat chocolate because we love the rich, creamy texture and for the delicious taste. However, chocolate is more that just a “feel good” food; it also offers numerous benefits like boosting heart health and paving way for healthy looking skin . Research shows that chocolate may even boost and improve brain function. Consuming, very dark, high quality chocolate flavonols could be just the advantage you need to win your next chess match or scrabble game.

Improve Brain Function - Give Your Brain a Healthy Snack

Italian researchers conducted a study that has given good reason to believe that cocoa flavonols consumed as part of a healthy diet may improve brain function. For the study, participants were divided into three groups; the first group consumed a very small amount of cocoa flavonol beverage while the second group consumed a moderate amount of the same beverage. The third group consumed the highest amount.
Results demonstrated that those participants who consumed a moderate and larger amount of the beverage had enhanced hand-eye coordination, verbal memory, and task-switching. Scientists argue that the link between the flavonols and improved cognitive ability is related to improved insulin sensitivity. Dark chocolate, it seems, helps the body to lower blood sugar naturally. Science Daily reports on a similar study done in the United Kingdom where cocoa flavonols appeared to improve blood flow to the brain which in turn boosted cognitive alertness.
The impacts of these and other similar studies could be very far reaching and hint at the prospect that cocoa flavonols may improve brain function in people battling sleep deprivation and fatigue. Consuming moderate amounts of chocolate has already been shown to reduce the risk of stroke, lower blood pressure,  and improve good cholesterol. Is chocolate good for you? Absolutely.
Dark chocolate contains magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, D, and E  and is rich in antioxidants making its free radical fighting power worthy of consideration. Research has indicated that chocolate helps people live a long and disease free life. Interestingly enough, the worlds oldest living woman, aged 122 consumed 2.5 pounds of dark chocolate each week.

Choose Organic

To benefit most from consuming chocolate, try to choose organic, high-quality dark chocolate that contains at least 70%  cocoa. Similarly, avoid mainstream candies provided by companies like Hershey’s. Eating unprocessed cocoa is best, as the body can more easily process the chocolate due to lower sugar levels. A small square of this dark wonder is all that’s needed daily to improve overall health, improve brain function, and keep your thinking clear.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Fighting Dementia

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5 Herbs and Spices for Dementia

Two of the leading causes of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease and stroke, but the natural world has supplied us with a multitude of resources to combat all three. You can help reduce your risk of dementia through changes in your diet, regular body cleansing, and paying attention to a number of the herbs and spices for dementia that I outline below. 



Natural Attitude Turmeric
You may have already heard about the many benefits of turmeric and its key component, curcumin; helping to ward off dementia and even help current dementia patients. Alzheimer’s and dementia occur significantly less in the elderly of India than of America, and over 1,000 published human and animal studies have examined turmeric and curcumin’s link as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
According to Duke University, turmeric extracts block the formation of beta-amyloid, which is responsible for the plaques that hinder brain function in Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, authors Shrikant Mishra and Kalpana Palanivelu say in an issue of the journal Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology that, based on their findings, “curcumin will lead to a promising aid for Alzheimer’s disease,” thereby potentially aiding in the reduction of dementia.


The world’s oldest living tree species has something useful for us besides some shade. In over 50 double-blind trials, the ginkgo leaf has demonstrated its usefulness in patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency, including symptoms like short term memory loss. Because ginkgo increases circulation and is full of antioxidants, many alternative medicine specialists advocate its use in helping early stages of Alzheimer’s, thereby even helping prevent the onset of dementia.


Modern Chinese medicine relies on salvia for its ability to improve microcirculation, dilate blood vessels, and slow blood clotting. Many allopathic medications for this come with side effects like depression and agitation; salvia, on the other hand, actually has calming effects.


Ginseng has been used in China to help prevent disease and aging for centuries. Almost 10 years ago, a group of Chinese researchers reported a ginseng study involving 40 patients to the American Stroke Association. Twenty-five of 40 patients with mild to moderate vascular dementia (resulting from a series of small strokes) received ginseng extract and, after 12 weeks, showed significant memory improvement over the remaining 15-member control group. A more recent study by Korean researchers at the Kyung Hee University showed that black ginseng protects against ischemia-induced neuronal and cognitive impairment and might be used to help vascular dementia.

Chinese club moss

This herb is found in Chinese research facilities, usually for the compound huperzine A within it. In a 1995 study published in the Beijing-based journal Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao, researchers gave 50 patients 200 mcg of huperzine A for 8 weeks. Over half showed improved memory and cognition based on the Wechseler memory scale and Hasegawa dementia scale.
Extra Tip: Certified organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil is also very effective in aiding the symptoms of dementia. People are getting good results with 1 tablespoon 2-3x daily.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM

Friday, December 21, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Flu Remedies

Original article from:

10 Natural Remedies for the Flu

  As we enter into the flu season, chances are that many people will experience the effects of a cold or flu. Highly contagious, colds are the name we give for over 100 mild viral influenza forms.


There are many natural ways to both prevent and reduce the symptoms of the common cold and raise your immunity during this vulnerable season. If you follow these recommendations, chances are your flu catching ability will be lessened.

1. Vitamin D

Boosting up on Vitamin D helps to prevent colds and flu. This may be related to the necessary role this vitamin plays in the protection and lubrication of many of the body’s principle organ systems. It also boosts cellular growth and immune cell activity, and lowers the inflammatory response. I recommend 15 minutes daily of natural sunlight, consuming more foods with vitamin d and possibly taking a vitamin D3 supplement.

2. Vitamin C and Citrus Fruits

Flu Remedy - Vitamin C
If you have had a lingering cold that just wont go away, chances are you are not getting enough vitamin C. A powerful support for the common cold, you can take up to 2000mg four times daily. Fresh squeezed lemon is also a good way to naturally supplement vitamin C levels. The benefits of drinking lemon juice mixed in water go beyond the naturally occurring vitamin C. Lemons aid the body in purifying the lymphatic system, which is a crucial component of fighting off colds. Squeeze ½ lemon in one cup of purified warm water and drink 3 or more times daily. For particularly mucous-ridden colds, you can add black pepper and fresh or powdered ginger.

3. Zinc Orotate

Double blind studies have shown that zinc reduces both the intensity and the duration of the common cold by up to 50%. I take a zinc supplement when I want a strong anti-viral response. Zinc Orotates increase lysosome activity, which attacks viruses and has been an effective immune booster for the flu by lowering the viral load. Try taking a zinc supplement.

4. Organic Oregano Oil

An extremely potent anti-bacterial and anti-microbial agent that relieves congestion and inflammation. I recommend about 9 drops of organic oregano oil taken internally in a capsule after meals on a full stomach.

5. Organic Turmeric

An amazing herbal remedy, turmeric is a strong antimicrobial that helps push out out bacterial and viral infections. You can purchase in capsule forms, or you can buy the herb fresh or dried. For a cold-fighting tea, place a ¼ tsp. in hot purified water and drink often. This herbal jewel also helps ease sore throats. For a throat-coat for comfort, place 1/2 tsp. of turmeric in 2 tablespoons of raw honey and let seep down the throat.

6. Organic Germanium-132

I recommend taking about 600mg daily. The best source is available at: JARROW Formulas Germanium Ge-132 100 mg. – 60 Capsules. I would recommend reading this article about Germanium-132 for attacking viruses.

7. Organic Echinecea

An immune booster, this herb is a strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent. It is also a potent blood purifier, and overly-toxic blood may lead to flu and cold responses. Echinecea has also been shown to increase immune-boosting white blood cell counts in the body. If you have a cold, take 3 droppers full of tincture in warm water or drink as a tea.

8. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

A well-known natural healing agent, Apple Cider Vinegar is a good herb to take with a cold. Drink a mixture of 1/2 cup of purified water with 2 teaspoons of organic raw apple cider vinegar 3 times daily until symptoms disappear. After consuming, drink some more water to rinse the acid of the teeth. You can also sprinkle a little on your pillow before going to bed to breathe in the fumes while you sleep. I recommend Braggs apple cider vinegar, but any brand that still has “the mother” will work well.
Flu Remedy - Iodine

9. Detoxified Iodine

“In 1945, J.D. Stone and Sir McFarland Burnet (who later went on to win a Nobel Prize for his Clonal Selection Theory) exposed mice to lethal amounts of influenza viral mists. The lethal disease was prevented by putting iodine solution on mice snouts just prior to placing them in chambers containing influenza viruses.” I recommend 3 drops 2x daily of Detoxadine until symptoms diminish. Learn more about the different types of iodine supplements.

10. Ultra Pure Colloidal Silver

Many types of Silver are available. I recommend Silver Fuzion.

Other Ways to Fight the Flu

Avoid Milk and dairy, alcohol, coffee, animal meat or products, microwaved food or beverages, sugar, artificial sweeteners, white flour
I avoid flu vaccines. It is scientifically impossible to create a flu vaccine as influenza has a different genetic pattern each time it replicates and is different every year. Each years flu vaccine is created from the previous year. Basically, the flu vaccine is nothing more than a money generating toxic injection.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Olive Oil

Original article from:

Olive Oil Compound Boosts Bone Health

 Most people know that getting sufficient calcium and can help maintain healthy bones and prevent or delay the onset of osteoporosis, but few may realize that a compound found in extra-virgin plays an essential role in preventing the bone-softening disease.

In 1997, researchers in Greece discovered that a diet high in extra-virgin olive oil appeared to promote greater bone mineral density in healthy men and women, 25-69 years of age. Those who consumed the most olive oil tended to have the highest bone mineral density and presumably enjoyed a reduced risk of osteoporosis.
Since that time, scientists have identified oleuropein, a disease-fighting polyphenol abundant in olive tree products, as the compound that promotes healthy bone mineral density. Research has shown that oleuropein is the compound responsible for most of the health benefits of olive oil, including its effect as a potent anti-inflammatory molecule that is also active against , , aging, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Osteoporosis linked to fatty bones
Bone loss has been linked to insufficient osteoblast (bone building cell) function associated with the accumulation of fat in bone cells (adipogenesis). As humans age, the progressive fatty infiltration of bone marrow can lead to bone weakening and osteoporosis.
Paleo Cookbooks - Recipes for the Paleo Diet
Researchers in Spain recently discovered that adding oleuropein to growing bone marrow cells in the laboratory decreased the expression of genes that promote adipogenesis and consequently promote healthy osteoblast formation. The researchers concluded, “Our data suggest that oleuropein, highly abundant in olive tree products included in the traditional Mediterranean diet, could prevent age-related bone loss and osteoporosis.”
A newly published study found that elderly men who consumed a Mediterranean diet enriched with virgin olive oil for two years had higher blood levels of a protein (osteocalcin) that promotes bone mineralization.
In addition to oleuropein, sufficient intakes of , calcium, , green tea, magnesium, , , and have all been shown to promote healthy bone mineral density.
What you need to know
Achieving and maintaining healthy bone mineral density for life requires consuming a natural foods-based diet that contains sufficient protein, bone-boosting polyphenols and minerals from vegetables and fruits, and following a supplement plan that ensures optimal intakes of nutrients that promote bone health. Scientists now believe that the olive-based polyphenol, oleuropein, should be added to the list of nutrients that promote optimal bone health and help stave off osteoporosis as we age.
For those calorie-conscious dieters who would like to reap the benefits of olive oil without consuming excessive calories, there’s a zero-calorie alternative: an oleuropein-rich olive leaf extract is now available in capsule form.