Saturday, August 4, 2012

Most disease is NOT genetic!

Most health conditions human beings suffer from are human caused, brought on by poor dietary and healthstyle choices.
According to Dr. Peter Glidden:
Elimination of all FRIED FOODS will add approximately one decade to your lifespan. French fries, fried chicken, fried shrimp, tempura, stir fried veggies, stir fried rice, stir fried ANYTHING, etc. all have to go! Fried foods contain a chemical called "acrylamide" which is cancer causing.
The high rate of heart disease and high blood pressure is NOT GENETIC. This was proven and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, but is overlooked by MD's who are obsessed with the myth of the bad gene.  The states of the Deep South suffer a much higher rate of heart disease, not because they're genetically inferior, but quite plainly, they eat much more fried food than residents of the northern or western states do. This, in addition to chronic undetected nutrient deficiencies, lays the perfect groundwork for heart disease and high blood pressure - both of which can be eliminated with the proper diet and vitamin/mineral program.
Well, what about Type 2 Diabetes?  Surely THAT must be genetic, right?  I mean, if a mother and father and her children all develop Type 2 diabetes, it HAS to be, doesn't it?  Well, other than their genes, what else do these people share?  Answer:  DIET and LIFESTYLE.  Children eat what their parents buy for them and put before them on the table.  If a mother eats packaged, processed foods; white bread, white rice, pasta (all of which turn to sugar when metabolized by the human body), soda pop, potato chips, pizza, pop tarts and pastries...chances are, she is going to develop Type 2 diabetes, in addition to becoming overweight or obese, which tend to go hand in hand.  This is no coincidence.  The children follow suit, and then we have children developing Type 2 diabetes while still in gradeschool!  Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult onset diabetes, but unfortunately, this is no longer the case, not because of 'bad genes' but because of poor dietary and lifestyle choices.  Plain and simple. 
Quoting once again Dr. Glidden from
Type 2 diabetes is a nutrient deficiency disease. When your body runs out of the minerals and vitamins that it needs to open doors on the cell wall that let sugar enter into the cell, the sugar piles up in your blood stream, and you get Type 2 Diabetes. Once the nutrient deficiencies are eliminated with medical nutrition, your body metabolizes its sugar without any problem what-so-ever.  Helping your body to support and promote healthy blood sugar levels is easier than you may think.  And by the way, the average Type 2 Diabetic patient, over the course of 30 years of treatment, will profit the medical industry approximately $350,000. We can support and promote healthy blood sugar metabolism with medical nutrition for less than $2000. Which is better?  
An excellent book on this subject called "Hell's Kitchen" is available for only $19.95 through Dr. Glidden's On-Line Store at
And you can listen to Dr. Glidden's excellent radio show and call in with any of your own health concerns 5 days a week, M-F from 4:00~5:00 p.m. CST on the GCNlive radio network by going to  You can also listen to Dr. Joel Wallach's program entitled Dead Doctors Don't Lie (the only ones who don't) and (former-) pharmacist Ben Fuchs' radio show "The Bright Side" by going to that same site.  All shows are archived for free listening and I think you'll find them both entertaining and highly educational!  You can also listen to the archives of my own once weekly podcast entitled Nothing But Health by going to 

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