Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today's Natural Cure: Eggs

Read original article at  mercola.com

Eggs are the Better Breakfast Choice

A study shows that eating two eggs for breakfast as part of a reduced-calorie diet, helps overweight adults lose more weight and feel more energetic than those who eat a bagel breakfast of equal calories. This study supports previous research which showed that people who ate eggs for breakfast felt more satisfied and ate fewer calories at the following meal.

Compared to the subjects who ate a bagel breakfast, men and women who consumed two eggs for breakfast as part of a reduced-calorie diet:
  • Lost 65 percent more weight
  • Exhibited a 61 percent greater reduction in BMI
  • Reported higher energy levels
The egg and bagel breakfasts provided the same number of calories.

Folks, this is a perfect example of what my nutritional plan is all about; AVOIDING grains, such as bagels, cereal and pancakes, and replacing them with high quality proteins (such as eggs), healthy fats (INCLUDING saturated fat) and low glycemic complex carbs is the fastest way to reduce your weight and improve your health.
Was it Adding the Eggs or Removing the Bagels That Caused the Weight Loss?
Essentially, what happened here is that the American Egg Board declared the egg itself as the cause of these health benefits, when in fact it was far more likely the avoidance of the bagels that made the difference.
It’s really no wonder that people lost so much weight and felt more energetic eating eggs rather than bagels for breakfast. Those are some of the natural and expected effects of avoiding grains.
Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building, maintenance and repair of your body tissues such as your skin, internal organs and muscles. They are also the major components of your immune system and hormones. Most people don’t realize that it is possible to live without any carbohydrates, which is not true for protein or fat.
Therefore, avoiding grains frequently causes weight loss. One of the main reasons for this weight loss effect is due to the stabilizing of leptin – a hormone that sends signals to your body to reduce hunger, increase fat burning and reduce fat storage.
When your cells are communicating properly they can “hear” this message. If you eat a diet that is high in sugar and grains, however, the sugar gets metabolized to fat (and is stored in your fat cells), which in turn releases surges in leptin. Over time, if your body is exposed to too much leptin, it will become resistant to it (just as your body can become resistant to insulin).

And when you become leptin-resistant, your body can no longer hear the messages telling it to stop eating and burn fat -- so it remains hungry and stores more fat. Leptin-resistance also causes an increase in visceral fat, sending you on a vicious cycle of hunger, fat storage and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and more.
When you reduce your intake of grains, your body will become progressively better able to hear the leptin signals again, telling it to burn more fat and reduce your fat stores.
So is it any wonder that switching from bagels to eggs would cause you to lose weight and feel great?
Of course not!
This is part of why my Take Control of Your Health Program has such a high success rate, and why nutritional typing has become a rapidly emerging field for optimal health according to scientists, as it focuses on determining your optimal ratios of proteins, fats and complex carbs, and limits or in some cases eliminates sugars and grains.
Weight Loss is Not About Calories…
The fact that both the bagel and the eggs had the same amount of calories, yet evoked entirely different physiological changes should also tell you something.
It’s not just about the calories.
In fact, once you’re eating based on your nutritional type you won’t need to count them. It’s all about eating the proper ratios of the right types of food for your personal biochemistry.
As stated in the article above, calories and energy density are important control factors in scientific weight loss studies, which can help explain why so many diets don’t work, despite corroborating evidence from scientific studies – they’re simply focusing on the wrong factors. The ratios of your three main food categories are a far more important factor than just your total number of calories because your body needs specific nutrients that are appropriate for your biochemistry and genetics, not just energy.
It's true calorie restriction does lower your metabolic rate and oxidative stress. It’s also been shown to alter neuroendocrine and sympathetic nervous system function in animals. However, where calorie-counting/restriction comes into play is in relation to its effect on insulin. And because insulin affects so many bodily systems, it can also accelerate aging in a major way.
But counting your calories won't work if you aren't getting enough proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are essential to keep your body functioning properly. So if you do decide to control your calories, make sure that every calorie you eat comes from a nutrient-rich food source.
Want to Feel Satiated Longer? Eat Protein and Fat!
Again, it’s no wonder people felt more satiated eating eggs than bagels, as protein and fat are the most filling food types, and should ideally be included in every meal.
However, the amount and type of protein and fat that you need varies dramatically according to your gender, height, weight, exercise levels, and, most importantly, by your nutritional type
What Kind, and How Much Protein and Fat Do You Need?
Though everyone certainly needs proteins and fats, you have individualized requirements for it, and you can decipher your requirements when you determine whether you’re a protein, carb, or mixed nutritional type.

Protein types, as the name implies, do better on low-carbohydrate, high-protein and high-fat diets. A typical ratio might be 40 percent protein and 30 percent each of fats and carbohydrates, but the amounts could easily shift to 50 percent fats and as little as 10 percent carbohydrates depending on individual genetic requirements.

Carb types, meanwhile, normally feel best when the majority of their food is vegetable carbohydrate. Yet they, too, still need some protein and fat in their diets. (Mixed types fall somewhere in between.)

The type of protein that your body thrives on will also vary according to your nutritional type. Protein types, for instance, thrive on high-purine meats like dark-meat chicken or turkey, or high-quality steak, while carb types prefer white meats or even beans as their source of protein.

That said, according to my experience, most people generally don't eat enough protein, and organic free-range eggs are one of your best sources. Remember, you can easily eat one dozen eggs per week, as they will NOT cause your cholesterol to increase. Research has shown that even infants who eat the adult equivalent of 40 eggs per week don't suffer any ill effects. (However, you may want to avoid eating eggs every single day, as they could trigger food sensitivity.)
This study adds to the growing body of research which supports the importance of high-quality protein in your diet. Not getting enough high-quality protein can contribute to obesity, muscle wasting (loss) and increases your overall risk of chronic disease.

When choosing protein sources, it’s extremely important to find high-quality varieties. Some generally good sources of protein (though you need to find out your nutritional type to really tailor your foods for optimal health) include:
  • Eggs (ideally, raw and organic)
  • Grass-fed beef and bison
  • Free-range, organic, chicken and ostrich
  • Raw dairy products (raw milk, raw milk cheese, and so on)
  • Wild-caught, mercury-free fish (only eat this if you can confirm via lab testing that it’s not polluted)
While protein is extremely healthy, eating pesticide and hormone laden meat like most grain-fed beef (which is the most widely available in supermarkets), and factory farmed chicken or mercury-rich fish may cause some problems you would prefer to avoid. So please pay careful attention to the sources of your protein, and how they’re raised.


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