Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: Black Seed

This article is from  naturalnews.com

Ancient miracle seed tackles asthma, cancer, diabetes and more

(NaturalNews) Who would guess that a tiny black seed could help heal cancer, calm epilepsy and decrease insulin resistance? In fact, Nigella sativa is known as the "seed of blessing," providing natural relief to a wide variety of illness and chronic disease. Remarkable in its ability to rebalance health, this time honored plant is experiencing a modern resurgence in popularity - and for good reason.

Treasured by Egyptian pharaohs, respected by contemporary researchers

Black seed oil featured prominently in ancient cultures and was first recorded approximately 3,300 years ago. A bottle containing the oil was found in the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen since it was believed to be important in the afterlife. And Queen Nefertiti used the oil as a beauty treatment to promote lustrous hair and beautiful skin. Egyptian physicians would prescribe black seed oil for a variety of complaints such as indigestion, headaches, colds and infections. Today, researchers have rediscovered Nigella sativa and recognize its potent healing potential. A few of the maladies this seed helps to alleviate include:

Type 2 diabetes - In animal tests, glucose tolerance and body weight improved when aqueous extracts of the seed were administered orally. Researchers found the extract inhibited intestinal absorption of sugar which in turn reduced blood glucose.

Cancer - Rich in thymoquinone, beta-elemene and beta-sitosterol, the oil of black seed is a fierce anti-cancer agent. It protects against oxidative stress, induces cancer cell death and enhances immunity. Several studies have shown it to be effective against pancreatic, colon and breast cancer.

Epilepsy - A study of 23 children revealed the effectiveness of the seed in reducing the frequency of seizures. During the four week investigation, participants received either a placebo or black seed extract. Those who were given Nigella sativa experienced a significant reduction in refractory seizures.

But that's not all. According to GreenMed Info, black seed is also:

- Anti-inflammatory

- Antibacterial

- Analgesic

- Antifungal

- Antiviral

- Antispasmodic

- Antioxidant

Additionally, Nigella sativa soothes high blood pressure, asthma, ulcers, and acute sore throat and protects against MRSA infections. Moreover, it nourishes the body and assists in curbing fatigue; quiets skin conditions like eczema, acne and psoriasis; and treats dysentery, diarrhea, constipation and other digestive disorders.

If you think Nigella sativa is a miracle seed, you just might be right. With such a profusion of ailments that respond to the plant, it truly is an outstanding natural remedy.

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