Thursday, December 5, 2013

Today's Natural Cure: CoQ10

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(NaturalHealth365) Nutritional science has proven, without a shadow of a doubt, that a healthy diet loaded with essential nutrients will reduce heart disease risk. With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States, at about 600,000 deaths per year, the concept of preventative medicine with emphasis on healthy diet and lifestyle habits has caught the attention of health researchers – worldwide.
Eating for a healthy heart
Many epidemiological studies clearly indicate that populations that consumed a healthy diet rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (from fruits and vegetables) had lower risk of chronic disease. Based on these findings, there is a growing interest for superfoods and supplements rich in heart-healthy nutrients and antioxidants. Coenzyme Q10 is one such nutrient which is considered a medical breakthrough in heart health.
Fact: CoQ10 decreases the risk of heart disease due to its biological significance and antioxidant effects.
How does Coenzyme Q10 help the human body?
Coenzyme Q10 is naturally produced in our body and is an essential component of every cell. It is present in large percentage in heart, kidney and liver where the energy demands are high. The primary function of this nutrient is to participate in biochemical chain reactions and generate energy inside the cells.
Being a powerful antioxidant it also aids heart health by:
• Preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
• Protecting DNA and protein from oxidative stress.

• Enhancing blood supply to heart muscles.
• Improving efficiency of the heart muscle.
Clinical evidence proves CoQ10 is good for you
Coenzyme Q10 is responsible for the energy spark in every cell, hence a crucial component of heart muscle. Scores of clinical studies have shown the beneficial effect of coenzyme Q10 in decreasing the risk of heart disease. CoQ10 have been shown to prevent free radical damage and lower episodes of ischemia.
Note: Research has suggested that a CoQ10 deficiency puts you at greater risk for heart failure. Therefore, patients with congestive heart failure have experienced the greatest benefit from CoQ10 supplementation.
Who is at a risk of Coenzyme Q10 deficiency?
Coenzyme Q10 deficiency rises when there is a rapid depletion of body reserves or the synthesis of this powerful antioxidant is stalled under the following conditions:
• Aging
• Smoking
• Exposure to environmental pollutants
• Patients on statin (cholesterol-lowering) drugs
• Certain health conditions such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and cancer
• Unhealthy eating habits or severe malnutrition
How can I naturally boost my Coenzyme Q10 levels?
Consume dietary sources: Increasing foods that contain coenzyme Q10 such as broccoli, Chinese cabbage, spinach, nuts and animal foods like sea fish, shellfish, meat, and chicken help to boost the coenzyme Q10 levels.
Supply Coenzyme Q10 building blocks: In order to produce enough coenzyme Q10 our body needs important raw materials such as aminoacid tyrosine, vitamins – C, B12, B6, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and several trace elements. In fact, a deficiency of these raw materials will impair the body’s capacity to naturally produce coenzyme Q10.
Consider supplements: Patients with heart disease, diabetes and other specific health conditions may benefit from consuming dietary supplements of coenzyme Q10.
Avoid inhibiting agents: Avoiding polluted environments, refraining from smoking etc helps to save body reserves.
Should I supplement or not?
Our body naturally produces enough coenzyme Q10 as long as our food supplies the necessary nutrient building blocks. The demand for this crucial nutrient goes up only under specific health conditions – which may call for dietary supplementation.
Coenzyme Q10 supplements may help to reduce heart disease risk, however the best strategy is to improve dietary sources that are abundant in this nutrient. It is also important to note that the best protection from heart disease comes via wholesome foods and healthy lifestyle habits like exercise and non-smoking.
Dietary supplements are only a part of the protection and can never act as a “magic pill” for any health condition. You and your doctor (as a team) will ultimately be the best way to prevent, even reverse chronic heart disease conditions.
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Kochanek KD, Xu JQ, Murphy SL, MiniƱo AM, Kung HC. Deaths: final data for 2009. National vital statistics reports. 2011;60(3).
Hsin-Chia Hung, Kaumudi J. Joshipura,; Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Risk of Major Chronic Disease, JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst (2004) 96(21): 1577-1584.
Tiano L, Belardinelli R, Carnevali P, Principi F, Seddaiu G, Littarru GP. Effect of coenzyme Q10 administration on endothelial function and extracellular superoxide dismutase in patients with ischaemic heart disease: a double-blind, randomized controlled study. Eur Heart J. Sep 2007;28(18):2249-2255
Fotino AD, Thompson-Paul AM, Bazzano LA. Effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on heart failure: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Feb;97(2):268-75.
Sinatra, Stephen T, The Sinatra solution- Metabolic Cardiology 2005 , Basic Health Publications Inc.

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